This blog finishes recounting a two week trip
to Ontario in May 1980 with Graham Armstrong, Richard Bosanquet, Maurice Chown,
Rupert Hastings, Graham Hearl, Andrew Moon and Pete Naylor. All were really great companions. Rupert, Graham H and Pete are very sadly no
longer with us but are rarely far from my thoughts. It is based on old, fairly
uninformative notebook entries, memories of varying reliability and digitised
May. A quick look around Point Pelee convinced us
it was time to move on. Down to 18
species of warbler including a stunning male Prothonotary, 2 Parulas (including
the one seen the previous day), Cerulean, 13 Blackburnian and 6
Bay-breasted. We crossed into USA at
Detroit with little delay and drove to the Haehnle Sanctuary west of Ann Arbour
in Michigan. There we saw a female
Hooded Merganser and 4 Sandhill Cranes (2 of them were dancing). We then drove
north to Marion where we camped after dark.
May. After a look around Marion where we saw 10 Prairie
Chickens, American Bittern and 2 Henslow’s Sparrows before driving on to Grayling
where we had an appointment with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. This was the most accessible site for
Kirtland’s Warbler but before we were taken to see them we had to sit through a
30 minute film about what was being done to protect them. Fair enough but we would have enjoyed the
film a lot more if we had seen the birds first, especially as it stressed that
they were hard to see when not signing and only sang early morning. At about 10:00, although it felt more like
noon(!), we were taken to a stand of conifers of appropriate height and there
without too much trouble we had good views of a singing Kirtland’s
Warbler. I was worrying unnecessarily! At Grayling we also saw 2 Sharp-tailed Grouse
and 3 Upland Sandpipers. We continued
north to Wilderness State Park where we saw Piping Plover, Black-capped Chickadee
and 2 Red-breasted Nuthatches.
May. We drove from Sault St. Marie (back in
Canada) east to Algonquin seeing a Sandhill Crane (S of Sudbury), Ruffed
Grouse, 2 American Woodcock, Hermit Thrush, 2 Veerys and Red-breasted Nuthatch.
May. All day around Algonquin where I saw 4 Great Northern
Divers, 2 Hooded Mergansers, 4 male Spruce Grouse, Ruffed Grouse, Killdeer, 2
American Woodcock, 5 Belted Kingfishers, Golden-crowned Kinglet, 2 Red-breasted
Nuthatches, 2 Blue and 7 Grey Jays, distant small bright yellow bird (Evening
Grosbeak) and 10 species of warbler including Chestnut-sided, 2 Magnolia,
Canada, Wilson’s and 2 Overbirds.
Mosquitoes were starting to become a problem. It seemed strange seeing locals out in their
gardens in full bee-keeping headgear but as I’d not thought to bring any insect
repellent I started to look at them quite enviously.
Spruce Grouse at Algonquin |
American Red Squirrel |
Brown-headed Cowbird |
Common Grackle |
American Swallowtail |
May. A morning at Algonquin before heading back
towards Toronto. We saw American
Bittern, 3 male Spruce Grouse, 3 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Boreal Chickadee,
3 Blue and 4 Grey Jays, another distant small bright yellow bird and 9 species
of warbler including Pine and Blackburnian.
Richard Bosanquet had been in contact with a friend from his old school
who lived in Guelph and he had very kindly offered to take us out for a day.
Beaver Lodge |
Great Northern Diver |
Tree Swallow |
Grey Jay |
Yellowthroat |
May. An enjoyable day being guided by David Brewer
around various sites near Guelph, just west of Toronto. We’d not seen Loggerhead Shrike which was
soon put right when we visited a territory where a pair were in residence. During the day we also saw 2 Hooded
Mergansers, Nighthawk, Eastern Phoebe, 100 Cliff Swallows at a colony, 18 Cedar
Waxwings, a pair of Eastern Bluebirds at a nest box, Chestnut-sided and 2
Bay-breasted Warblers, 3 Ovenbirds and a Northern Waterthrush and 10 Bobolinks.
Both Rupert and I had not seen Pileated
Woodpecker during the trip and felt that our best chances had gone although we
were still on the lookout for one. One
of the more open sites we visited had a very wide ride going down one side of a
valley and up the other. Rupert and I
had lagged behind the others a bit, Rupert more so than me. As I started the climb I saw something flying
across in front of me. I lifted my
binoculars and don’t now recall what it was, other than not being at all
notable. Rupert, who was behind but
higher than me, saw me looking and something and lifted his bins to see what it
was. He quickly caught me up. ‘That was a bit of luck’ he said to me. I looked at him rather blankly. ‘The Pileated Woodpecker you were looking
at?’ Rupert had got onto a different
bird that either I hadn’t been sharp enough to spot or was just over the brow
of the hill for me. Rupert was one of
the very best birders it has been my privilege to have been birding with but my
reply on that occasion was probably unprintable! Although if I had seen the bird I very much
doubt I would have thought much more of it.
Now it still feels like an open sore but is one of many great reminders
of Rupert.
May. On our final morning we visited Niagara on
the Lake and St. Catherine’s. David
Brewer took us 4 at a time to see a Red-shouldered Hawk at a nest, quite tense
as if it flew those going into the wood to look at it were likely to miss it
whereas those waiting outside should not.
Fortunately it performed. After
David made some enquiries we then twitched 2 House Finches on a feeder. Niagra was quite impressive but rather too
urban an environment and a bit commercialized for a natural wonder. A quick look around one of the car parks
suggested it might be the best place outside the USA to collect a full set of
State number plates. To be thinking such
things it was clear the trip was over and we headed back to Toronto Airport. It had been a very enjoyable time, made so by
having such excellent companions, many thanks to all. The locals at Point Peele felt it had been a
far from classic spring but for us it had been very successful. Numbers and variety might have been down but
seeing over 100 American warblers in a day was amazing. In our two weeks I had seen just over 210
species of which 146 were new, excellent value at a cost of about £260 all in.
Niagra Falls |
me at the falls. We wouldn't have fancied the pleasure boat below even if it had been free |
[blogged February 2014]