Revisiting the distant
past with unreliable memories and a few dodgy/borrowed photos backed up (or
not) by notes pretty much restricted to species lists. Embarrassingly I can’t remember
who some of the day or weekend trips were with. I was still some years away
from learning to drive so most trips out of Sussex started with me catching a
train up to London where Andrew Moon was usually driver and I was often with Pete
Naylor and Rupert Hastings. Richard Kelly and Martyn Kenefick on more local
ones. I was still some years away from learning to drive.
On 1 January 1980 my very enjoyable
trip to Nepal was coming to an end but I still had a week in Northern India,
primarily to visit Bharatpur, before returning home. Being out of touch with
news I was unaware that Russia had invaded Afghanistan on Christmas Day until I
was in Delhi on 3rd. This caused me some anxiety as I was flying
home with Arian Afghan with a night in Kabul (see I arrived home just before midnight,
phoned Richard Kelly, who I knew usually stayed up that late, and was asked if
I wanted to go twitching in two hours time. Silly question. On 12th
he and Brian Short took me to Cannock Chase to see a
male Two-barred Crossbill. We saw it well with 15 Common Crossbills
although I wasn’t really with it for much of the day. At least I noted that it
often crept around tree trunks like a Nuthatch. On 14th I caught the
overnight train from Paddington to Bodmin Road Station, arriving just before
first light on 15 January. I’d borrowed my sister’s bike with the
intention of cycling to Wadebridge. I’d not ridden for years and leaving the
station made very hard work of the first hill, nearly being taken out by a
passing lorry. I returned to the station, chained up the bike and waited an
hour for the first bus. At Wadebridge it took me three hours of walking along
the river before I finally found the Belted Kingfisher. A stunning bird despite
only seeing it for 5 minutes, at 75-100 years range before it flew off
downriver and out of sight. I had not really believed it would hang on for my
return which made it all the better, it was also the 1500th bird I’d
seen worldwide. Also along the river were Goldeneye, Green and Common
Sandpiper and 2 Common Kingfishers. There was a Little Auk wintering
in Portland Harbour, another new bird for me, so I returned to Bodmin Road
Station and caught a train to Yeovil Junction where I realised the Weymouth
train left from Yeovil Pen Mill, arriving early evening. At least having the
bike enabled me to make the last train to Weymouth. In Portland Harbour on 16th
I saw the Little Auk very well (for 30 minutes at a range of 30-50 feet),
Great Northern Diver and 2 Red-necked Grebes. On 26th
I was back in Weymouth looking unsuccessfully for a Pied-billed Grebe at
Radipole when news broke of an Ivory Gull on the rocks at Portland. Those I’d
come with had gone to find some breakfast and I was left on my own as everyone else
piled off. Fortunately my wait was a short one and we were soon watching the
juvenile Ivory Gull sitting on distant rocks. I returned to Weymouth with
Andrew Moon on 30th and saw the Pied-billed Grebe and then had
much better views of the Ivory Gull at Portland. Most of the time it was
sitting on rocks from which it had considerable difficulty in taking off due to
what appeared to be a deformed or damaged leg. It took rapid flaps to regain
its feet, then a bit of hovering and it was off. Once airborne it was superb
but it continually moved it head this way and that as if it was nervous. Five
new birds in January was a blinding start to the year.
leaving Kabul - 11 January 1980
A Slavonian Grebe off
Church Norton was my only notable sighting on 3 February while on a trip to
Kent on 9th we saw male Ferruginous Duck, 8 Goosanders,
4 Smew and a Glaucous Gull at Dungeness and 2 Glossy Ibis
and 2 Hen Harriers at Stodmarsh. Back to Kent on 16th produced
2 Bean Geese, Long-tailed, male Ring-necked and the Ferruginous
Duck, 8 Goldeneye and 5 Smew at Dungeness and 7 Hawfinches
and 25 Bramblings at Bedgebury. My only other recorded birding during
the month was seeing 50 Stock Doves, 50 Redwings and a Marsh
Tit on 21st around Falmer, where I had embarked on a research
degree at the University of Sussex.
Lunchtime walks around
the University produced Marsh Tit and Treecreeper on 3 March and
5 Stock Doves and 2 Goldcrests on 4th. News of
Britain’s first Forster’s Tern in Cornwall had me being driving down to
Falmouth overnight on 14th seeing 2 Barn Owls on the journey.
On 15th we, with hundreds of others, saw the Forster’s Tern
at Swanpool, moving on to see the Belted Kingfisher again. It was found
quickly at Polbrock, about 2km upstream of where I’d eventually seen it in
mid-January. That evening we saw a Barn Owl near Kingsbridge with a Long-eared
Owl and 2 Long-tailed Ducks at Slapton, 3 Cirl Buntings and 4
Slavonian Grebes at Dawlish Warren and a Wood Lark at Beaulieu
Road the following day. The last week of March I seawatched from Hove beach for
about an hour each morning before going into the University. Winds were mostly
from SW and I didn’t see much. Highlights were a Slavonian Grebe flying
west like a rocket, a Sandwich Tern and 60 Common Scoter on 25th,
a Sandwich Tern on 27th, 5 Eider, a Whimbrel
and 2 male Wheatears on 28th. Also a superb Firecest
in our Hove garden on 30th.
Firecrest in our garden - 30 March 1980 |
I saw another male Wheatear
on Hove beach on 1 April, 2 Treecreepers at Falmer on 2nd and
9 Brent Geese past Hove on 3rd. A trip to Selsey and Pagham
on 4th produced a female Scaup, 5 Eider, Short-eared
Owl, male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Black Redstarts, 20 Wheatears
and 2 Willow Warblers. A Grey Heron was best off Hove on 5th
with 20 Common Scoter and 9 Red-breasted Mergansers on 6th
while a quiet Pagham on 7th produced the female Scaup and 5 Wheatears.
Seawatching at Hove finally produced some reward on 11th with 2 Velvets
amongst 35 Common Scoter with a Treecreeper in Falmer Woods later
that day. The wind turned to ESE on 12th when 6 hours of seawatching
off Hove produced 1330 Common Scoter, 30 Red-breasted Mergansers,
3 Goosanders, 430 Sandwich, 5 Commic and a Little Tern.
I saw 6 Eider (5 males), 290 Common Scoter, 335 Sandwich,
a Common and a very early Black Tern on 13th, 60 Common
Scoter and 133 Sandwich Terns on 14th and 30 Common
Scoter and 105 Sandwich, 5 Common and an Arctic Tern
on 15th. At and around Falmer I saw a Marsh Tit on 14th,
Grey Partridge on 16th and on an extended walk on 21st
Turtle Dove, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Marsh Tits and a
Treecreeper. Seaford and the Cuckmere on 26th produced 330 Bar-tailed
Godwits, Whimbrel, Greenshank and 3 Spotted Redshank,
2 Common Sandpipers, Little Owl, 2 Yellow Wagtails and 6 Wheatears
while highlights of a visit to Pagham on 27th were Avocet, Ruff,
male Redstart and male Pied Flycatcher. Despite a lot of
seawatching, or at least some seawatching on a lot of days, I’d seen no skuas
off Hove.
I saw a Wood Warbler and
male Pied Flycatcher in Stanmer Park on 1 May and off Hove in E/NE winds
a pale morph Pomarine Skua and 2 Little Terns on 2nd
and 16 Black-tailed and 1300 Bar-tailed Godwits, 3 Whimbrel,
a Little Gull, 1050 Commic, 27 Little and 9 Black Tern,
12 Yellow Wagtails and 3 Willow Warblers on 3rd. A
trip to Dungeness on 4th produced 5 Pomarine Skuas, Little
Gull, 6 Little and 2 Black Terns, Cuckoo, Redstart,
Whinchat and 50 Wheatears with 100 Bar-tailed Godwits, 8 Little
Terns, 3 Yellow Wagtails and 10 Wheatears at Rye. On the way
to Fleet Ponds with Brian Short on 5th I saw a Hawfinch from
the car by the A284 just north of Arundel but whatever it was we went for we didn’t
see. We saw a Marsh Harrier there, Hobby and Dartford Warbler
at Thursley and Temminck’s Stint at Arundel on the way home. A male Lesser
Spotted Woodpecker was watched drumming in Falmer Woods on 7th
with a Redstart in our Hove garden later that day. Seawatching off Hove
was quiet with 4 Little Terns on 8th, 2 on 9th and
6 Bar-tailed Godwits and a Garden Warbler on the way there on 10th.
Later on 10th I flew to Canada with 7 friends (see Back home, after a great time in
Canada, I went to Worthing on 25 May to look for a dark petrel seen offshore a
couple of times by Brian Short and others. No luck although I did see my first Arctic
Skua of the year. While we’d been in Canada a Scops Owl had been
found in Hampshire, on the edge of the village of Dummer. I heard it on a
pre-dawn visit on 26th, having a poor flight view that evening. I
was back in Hampshire on 31st where I heard and had a flight view of
a Great Reed Warbler at Fleet Pond then heard and had two flight views
of the Scops Owl at Dummer. All very unsatisfactory.
me at Niagra Falls - 24 May 1980
went to the Denny Wood/Bishops Dyke area of the New Forest with Richard Kelly
on 7 June seeing 2 Honey Buzzards, 3 Hobbies, 2 Cuckoos, 4
Tree Pipits and a Dartford Warbler and hearing a Golden Oriole.
I saw Turtle Dove, Spotted Flycatcher and 5 Corn Buntings
on the Downs behind the University on 12th while a Hobby and
3 Cuckoos were the highlights of a visit to Pagham on 21st.
An evening seawatch off Hove in a strong SW wind on 23rd produced
just 4 Sandwich Terns while I saw another Spotted Flycatcher at
Flamer on 26th. On 29th I saw an escaped Cattle Egret
and 2 Cuckoos near Slimbridge (not sure what the attraction of that
was!) with a Little Owl near Marlborough and 2 Spotted Flycatchers
back at Dummer where I finally managed to see the Scops Owl through my
binoculars, just getting onto it on one of three flight views. Still not great
but I’d had it with that bird.
A successful trip to Titchwell for
a Gull-billed Tern on 12 July was made even better with my first ever Sabine’s
Gull, an adult in partial summer-plumage at Sherringham. We also saw Bittern,
2 Velvet Scoter, 3 Marsh Harriers and a Grasshopper Warbler
at the former. We returned via Cley (14 Avocets, 2 Little Ringed
Plover and 3 Ruff), Weeting (2 adult Stone Curlews with a
chick), Lakenheath (2 Cuckoos) and Wandlebury SE of Cambridge (singing Icterine
Warbler). The following morning Brian Short phoned to tell me he’d seen a
Black Kite that had overnighted on the Downs near Washington. I was less
understanding than I should have been as Brian had been told to keep it quiet
although there seemed to be no reason why, which was about par for the course
in Sussex. A nine-hour vigil failed to find it (I later learned that it was
seen in the New Forest that afternoon). I walked to Chanctonbury and back from
Shoreham on 16th seeing 70 Swifts, 10 Sand Martins, a
juvenile Wheatear and 6 Spotted Flycatchers. The following day a Lesser
Whitethroat was in our Hove garden remaining for four days. The 26th
produced a selection of commoner waders and 9 Black Terns at Farlington
and a Pectoral Sandpiper at Pagham while delivery of a new Optolyth
telescope had me seawatching at Hove on 28-30th, paying off with a moderately
close Sooty Shearwater on 30th.
I saw Spotted Flycatcher and
Treecreeper at Falmer on 4 August with Great Spotted Woodpecker
the best there on 8th. A selection of commoner waders at Pagham on 9th
included 5 Avocets, 2 Little Ringed Plovers, 8 Ruff and 12
Common Sandpipers with Kingfisher and Spotted Flycatcher
also seen. A trip to North Kent on 10th produced a male Montagu’s
Harrier, Little Stint and 3 Curlew and 7 Wood Sandpipers
at Cliffe and a different male Montagu’s Harrier, Black-winged Stilt,
25 Spotted Flycatchers and 5 Wood Sandpipers at Elmley. At Pagham
on 17th 25 summer-plumaged Grey Plover outshone single Curlew,
Green and Wood Sandpipers while 2 Spotted Flycatchers were
seen at Falmer on 18th.A trip to Kent on 25th produced 2 Arctic
Skuas, 20 Black Terns and 30 Lesser Whitethroats at Dungeness
and 5 Ruddy Shelduck and 8 Whinchats at Sandwich Bay. Fifty Commic
Terns past Hove in an hour on 26th when a Spotted Flycatcher
was seen at Falmer with another in Hove on 30th where an Arctic
Skua flew east during a seawatch.
Five Spotted and a Pied
Flycatcher were seen in the woods at Falmer on 3 September. I went up to
Castle Hill in an extended lunch-hour to successfully see a juvenile Montagu’s
Harrier on 4th returning that evening with Martyn Kenefick. We
failed to see the Montagu’s but I found a £5 I’d lost earlier. There was a Redstart
in our garden on 5th and one at Castle Hill with 14 Whinchats,
5 Wheaters and Sedge and Garden Warblers on 8th,
another garden Redstart on 12th. On the 14th a juvenile
Pectoral Sandpiper was found at Littlehampton West Beach by Richard
Grimmett and gave superb views feeding around a puddle in the edge of a pig
field. Also there were a Little Ringed Plover and 15 Wheatears. A
Wheatear was my best sighting on the Downs near Falmer on 16th
while news of a Semipalmated Sandpiper at Stithians Reservoir had me heading
down to Cornwall with Tony Pym from Reading. On 17th we saw Semipalmated
and Pectoral Sandpipers at Stithians, another Pectoral Sandpiper
at Marazion and a distant Wilson’s Phalarope at Chew Valley Lake and a Sabine’s
and 5 Little Gulls in Weymouth Bay on 18th. On 21st
Beachy Head was the place to be with one of its best days ever – I saw male Marsh
Harrier, Hobby, 4 Turtle Doves, Little Owl, 9 Swifts,
50 Sand Martins, 2000 Swallows, 500 House Martins, 6 Tawny
Pipits (5 in the field opposite Belle Tout and the other behind Hodcombe),
10 flava Wagtails (one a male Blue-headed), 7 Redstarts, 250 Whinchats,
200 Wheatears, 6 Ring Ouzels, commoner warblers, 2 Firecrests and
16 Spotted and 3 Pied Flycatchers. On the Adur on 23rd
I saw a Kentish amongst 150 Ringed Plover, 2 Knot, Bar-tailed
Godwit, Whimbrel, Black Tern and 3 Wheatears. There
was a Pied Flycatcher in our Hove garden on 24th and I had
another good day at Beachy with Martyn Kenefick on 25th seeing a Tawny
Owl on the way over then Turtle Dove, Hoopoe, 500 House Martins,
2 Redstarts, 19 Whinchats, 7 Ring Ouzels, 60 Whitethroats,
120 Blackcaps and 5 Spotted Flycatchers. We went on to see
Little Stint and Curlew Sandpiper in the Cuckmere. I went down to
Penzance on the overnight train and crossed to St Marys on 26th seeing
a Great Skua but little else from the Scillonian. I put up my tent (expecting
to move into a flat at a later date) and headed for the Golf Course to see 3 Buff-breasted
Sandpipers and a Tawny Pipit. Also 45 Wheatears, 2 Spotted
and 3 Pied Flycatchers and a Snow Bunting. I saw the 3 Buff-breasted
Sandpipers again the next morning before visiting Tresco to see another on
Castle Down (but not a Sardinian Warbler) and a Lesser Yellowlegs and 2 Pectoral
Sandpipers on the Great Pool. Also on Tresco was the long staying female Black
Duck, 2 Ravens, a Continental Coal Tit and a Lapland
Bunting. There seemed a lot of birds on St Marys on 28th and although
nothing of particular note I saw 4 Turtle Doves, 32 Whinchats,
130 Wheatears, 5 each of Pied and 4 Spotted Flycatchers
and 2 Snow Buntings. Quality improved on 29th with 2 Yellow-browed
Warblers at Lower Moors and a juvenile Rose-coloured Starling on the
Golf Course while Tresco was much the same before with a Curlew Sandpiper
replacing one of the Pectorals and still no Sardinian Warbler for me. I stumbled
across a Red-backed Shrike on Peninnis on 30th and saw Richard’s
Pipit and Lapland Bunting on the Airfield before visiting St Agnes
for a Red-headed Bunting, also seeing a Red-breasted Flycatcher
and 4 Lapland Buntings.
from Cotteridge & Vinicombe's Rare Birds of Britain & Ireland: A Photographic Record (1996)
The best on St Marys on 1 October was
a Yellow-browed Warbler still on Lower Moors although late in the day a
Yellow-billed Cuckoo was found in the Parsonage on St Agnes. While I’d been on
Scillies the previous autumn most of my friends had seen one at Portland. The
possibility of a quick grip-back only added to my anxiety and I was on the
early boat the next morning but the cuckoo hadn’t been seen. Most crowded into
the Parsonage but I stayed outside and after an anxious half an hour picked it
out in moving rather sluggishly the canopy. As well as good views of the Yellow-billed
Cuckoo I saw a Lapland and the Red-headed Bunting on
Wingletang and returning to St Marys the Yellow-browed Warbler and a Red-backed
Shrike on Lower Moors. The Red-backed Shrike was my best sighting on
3rd and 4th with Ring Ouzel on St Marys and Ring-necked
Duck, the Lesser Yellowlegs and a Lapland Bunting on Tresco
on 5th. I returned to St Agnes on 6th seeing the Yellow-billed
Cuckoo again (looking rather wet), Red-breasted Flycatcher and 4 Firecrests
with another 6 on St Marys. A different Lesser Yellowlegs was on St
Marys on 7th when gale force winds and heavy showers made small
birds hard to find, I managed single Redstart and Pied Flycatcher.
The gales lessened a bit on 8th and as well as the Lesser
Yellowlegs I saw Wryneck, Barred Warbler and Yellow-browed
Warbler on St Marys. A Bluethroat was on Lower Moors on 9th
and I saw the Lesser Yellowlegs again and another Yellow-browed Warbler
there on 10th - nice but not really what I was hoping for. The 11th
was heading the same way with a Melodious Warbler and flight views of a Scarlet
Rosefinch until news of a Red-eyed Vireo had me dashing to Porth
Hellick House where it showed well off and on in a pittosporum hedge. A very
welcome new bird for me. On 12th the Lesser Yellowlegs had
moved to Porth Hellick where it was joined by a Wood Sandpiper. I
improved marginally on my Scarlet Rosefinch views and visited St Agnes
for an Isabelline Shrike on Gugh seeing again the long staying Yellow-billed
Cuckoo and a Yellow-browed Warbler. A day on St Marys on 13th
produced a Red-eyed Vireo on Lower Moors, Richards and Red-throated
Pipits on the airfield, Rose-coloured Starling at Porthloo and the Scarlet
Rosefinch again at Salakee. The vireo was considered the same as the Porth
Hellick House bird despite being present at both sites on several days, just
never at the same time, and nowhere in between. It wasn’t a good American year
but surely two vireos were involved? I returned to St Agnes on 14th
for a Booted Warbler seeing the Isabelline Shrike again on Gugh. Best
on St Marys were a Jack Snipe and 4 Snow Buntings. Scillies was relatively
quiet while a Yellow-browed Bunting (found it turned out by Alan Kitson) was present
on Fair Isle for its third day.
I was asleep when Andrew Moon and
Rupert Hastings returned from the pub telling me there was a Pine Bunting on
Fair Isle as well as the Yellow-browed and they were planning on leaving for it
in the morning with Steve Webb, depending on finding one or two others to share
costs. I was interested and with Dick Filby making five we left on the
Scillonian at noon on 15th. Not knowing if either birds were still
present we waited anxiously in a café outside Redruth for news, learning at
19:00 that they were. Steve drove overnight to Aberdeen airport, five in a VW
Golf wasn’t the most comfortable way to travel but it was effective. Morning phone
calls from the airport to Fair Isle Bird Observatory failed to ascertain
whether either of the buntings were still around, all birders were out looking
but none had returned. With the only flight that would enable us to connect
with a charter to Fair Isle departing at 11:45 Steve made a final call to the
observatory at 11:40 to say we’d not risk coming with no news and hope for
better tomorrow, wondering to ourselves if we’d made a big mistake coming. Steve’s
money ran out before finishing the call and redialing the phone was picked up
by warden Iain Robertson who announced ‘Brunnich’s Guillemot in the North
Harbour’. We panicked, rushed around to the check-in desk and almost elbowed
someone approaching it out of the way. They had half an hour before their flight,
us less than five minutes and we were quickly processed by the disapproving
check-in staff and just made it. We bussed from Sumburgh to Lerwick and on to
Tingwall where it was touch and go if the weather would allow a landing on Fair
Isle. Fortunately it did and Steve arranged a taxi to meet us off the plane and
take us north to the Bird Observatory. No one was about so we dumped our stuff
and headed for the North Harbour to find no guillemot and no birders. Steve ran
back to the Observatory, learned it had moved to the next bay and quickly rejoined
us. We had excellent views of the Brunnich’s Guillemot but daylight was
running out and we dragged ourselves away, still not knowing if either bunting
was still around. The taxi took us to the centre of the island and we headed to
the potato field favoured by the Yellow-browed Bunting. We walked along the top
of the field and virtually all the way down the other side with an increasing
sinking feeling that it wasn’t there when I saw a sparrow like bird with a
yellow brow hop across a furrow. My immediate reaction was ‘White-throated
Sparrow’ until the penny dropped that I’d seen the Yellow-browed Bunting.
It showed very well but with the light starting to go we headed for the south
of the island seeing a lone birder walking around an isolated croft half a mile
away. We headed over there to find it was Franko and he’d just seen the Pine
Bunting. We soon racked it down and had reasonable views. Three new birds
in a day, at the time Britain’s first Yellow-browed Bunting (although a bird in
Norfolk in 1975 was subsequently accepted), second live Brunnich’s Guillemot
and sixth Pine Bunting. What a complete turn-around of emotions from earlier in
the day. Also on Fair Isle I saw 10 Eider, 2 Long-tailed Duck, 2 Merlin,
15 Fieldfares, 5 Hooded Crows, 15 Twite and 8 Snow
and a Reed Bunting. We stayed overnight in the Bird Observatory and spent
the following morning birding on Fair Isle. The Pine Bunting had gone but we
had more leisurely views of the Brunnich’s Guillemot (although it was
looking weaker dragging one wing in the water and later died) and Yellow-browed
Bunting. Also 500 Fulmars, 3 Greylag Geese, 190 Eider,
2 Merlins, a first-winter Glaucous Gull, Rock Dove, Fair
Isle Wren, Whinchat, 30 Fieldfares, 20 Redwings, 7 Chiffchaffs,
6 Hooded Crows, 5 Ravens, Tree Sparrow, 3 Bramblings,
40 Twite and 3 Lapland, 30 Snow and a Reed Bunting.
Dick was staying on Fair Isle but the rest of us left that afternoon, Chris
Heard arriving on Fair Isle as we left. He had hitched up from Scilly, the only
other birder to twitch from Scilly. Chris stayed on Fair Isle for at least a
week and while there found another Pine Bunting. Arriving in Shetland the
police were waiting for us, having apparently been tipped off that we might be
carrying drugs, we weren’t. It was a long drive back south to Penzance,
regularly stopping for news. At the last stop Steve, who was hoping to break
the UK year list record, was keen to divert to Spurn (which we were now well
south of) for a Pallas’s Leaf Warbler. I shared Andrew and Rupert’s view that
it might not stay (it did) and there was more chance of seeing something better
on Scilly (there wasn’t). We continued down to Cornwall and the following
morning saw American Golden Plover at Drift and Lesser Yellowlegs
at Marazion before catching the helicopter back to St Marys. Steve wrote the trip
up as a chapter in Best Days with British Birds (Ogilvie & Winter 1989)
and was clearly still annoyed we’d not gone to Spurn! Whether we’d been to
Spurn or not was put in context learning when back on Scilly that there was a
Tengmalm’s Owl on Orkney while we were away. Had we known about that when back
in Aberdeen …
Brunnich's Guillemot on Fair Isle (photo: Iain Robertson) |
Pine Bunting on Fair Isle (photo: Iain Robertson) |
Yellow-browed Bunting on Fair Isle (photo: Iain Robertson) Add caption
Lesser Yellowlegs at Marazion (photo: John Johns, from Cotteridge & Vinicombe's Rare Birds of Britain & Ireland: A Photographic Record (1996)) |
We were back on Scillies soon after
midday on 18 October seeing the airfield Richards Pipit and an Ortolan
Bunting on St Marys. On 19th the Richard’s Pipit was
still around and I also saw Icterine Warbler and Red-breasted
Flycatcher in Holy Vale. Both were seen in Holy Vale on 20th too
as well as Red Kite and Yellow-browed Warbler while the Lesser
Yellowlegs was still at Porth Hellick, a second Scarlet Rosefinch at
Salakee and about 1000 Chaffinches on the island. A visit to Tresco for
an Olive-backed Pipit on 21st was successful and I also saw
the male Ring-necked Duck but failed again with the long-staying
Sardinian Warbler. A disappointing seawatch in strong winds on 22nd
produced 410 Gannets and an Arctic and 3 Great Skuas with
the Yellow-browed Warbler in Holy Vale the best in the bushes. The Icterine
and a different Yellow-browed Warbler was in Holy Vale on 23rd
with a Red-rumped Swallow seen at Porth Cressa at dusk. I had better
views of the Red-rumped Swallow the next morning and saw a small sylvia
warbler on Peninnis that was subsequently trapped and found to be a Subalpine
(no real surprise there although we’d hoped it might be Spectacled). After
several misses I also saw the male Sardinian Warbler on Castle Down
during an afternoon trip to Tresco. Little change on St Marys on 25th
with Red-rumped Swallow, and Subalpine and Yellow-browed
Warblers while best from a trip to St Martins were Short-eared Owl
and 210 Sanderling. Eighteen Black Redstarts on St Marys on 26th
was a noticeable arrival, otherwise I saw the Red-rumped Swallow, Subalpine
Warbler, Scarlet Rosefinch and 2 Yellow-browed Warblers. The
27th was very similar with Lesser Yellowlegs, Red-rumped
Swallow, Subalpine Warbler, Scarlet Rosefinch and 2 Yellow-browed
Warblers while on 28th a brighter Olive-backed Pipit was
at Bar Point and I also saw the Lesser Yellowlegs and Scarlet
Rosefinch. On 29th I saw 2 Turtle Doves and a Yellow-browed
Warbler before leaving Scillies on the Scillonian which produced Manx
Shearwater, Storm Petrel and two late Puffins. Walking around
Falmer Woods at lunchtime on 31st I saw Sparrowhawk, Marsh
and Coal Tits and Treecreeper.
I saw a Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
at Sandwich Bay on 1 November, hopefully Steve Webb had added it to his year
list by then. Calling in at Beachy Head on the way back there were 2 Firecrests
with about 20 Goldcrests in Belle Tout Wood and 8 Tree Sparrows
flew over. I was back at Beachy on 9th seeing a roosting Little
Owl, 2 Firecrests, Great Grey Shrike and 270 Linnets,
7 Redpolls and 230 Goldfinches flying east. A stop at Newhaven at
high tide on the way back produced 2 Eider, 14 Purple Sandpipers
and 2 Kingfishers. I saw an adult Mediterranean Gull at Widewater and 58
Ringed Plover and 78 Dunlin on the Adur on 16th, 2 Fieldfares,
2 Coal Tits, Treecreeper, 6 Tree Sparrows and a male Brambling
during an extended lunchtime walk from Falmer to Blackcap and Ditchling on 18th.
A morning around Shoreham on 23rd produced 3 Eider, 10 Common
Scoter, 300 Lapwings, 100 Ringed Plover, 300 Dunlin,
66 Redshank, the same adult Mediterranean Gull and a Kingfisher
before an afternoon dash to Newhaven Tidemills for a Grey Phalarope.
During a lunchtime visit to Falmer Woods on 25th I saw 15 Redwings,
Marsh and Coal Tits, Treecreeper and 5 Tree Sparrows.
A slightly different circuit on 28th, the last half in the snow,
produced Little Owl and Willow Tit.
In Stanmer Park on 3 December I saw
a Firecrest, 8 Goldcrests, 6 Coal Tits, Nuthatch, 2
Treecreepers and a/the male Brambling. On 4th I went
up to London to collect airline tickets from Big Sam’s Travel. I didn’t want to
risk a promised motorcycle delivery the next day as several
reassurances that our tickets were on their way had proved false. Our tickets
were found, eventually, in the bottom of a half empty desk draw. I also saw 3 Mandarins
on St James Park. A walk round Stanmer Woods on 5th produced Goldcrest,
50 Blue Tits including a flock of 30 feeding on the ground, and a Treecreeper.
On 8th Dick Filby, Richard Grimmett, Frank Lambert, Colin Winyard
and I flew to Thailand via Dacca with Bangladesh Biman (see
Richard Grimmett, Dick Filby, Frank Lambert, me and Colin Winyard in Thailand |
August 2020]