went to Vietnam at Easter 1997 with Nick Preston, Tom Francis, Doug Page, Alan
Whealdon and Norman Williams. Nick and I had been keen to go for several years and it was now possible to do so. Tom and
Doug were thinking along the same lines and we decided to team up, four being the ideal number. However
Alan and Norman got wind of our trip and the first I knew of their interest was after
they had booked flights. Vietnam was opening up to tourists and a visa from
their London embassy was needed. I applied for mine in good time but it wasn’t
clear that I needed to include a return envelope. This became apparent when I
chased mine up a couple of weeks after it was due. After some searching the
person in the Visa Department found my passport with issued visa under some
papers. It would probably still be there now if I’d not phoned. This blog is
based on unreliable memories, scant notebook entries and illustrated with a few
digitised prints of views.
29 March. After an overnight flight we arrived in Bangkok
seeing 3 Little Cormorants, Javan Pond Heron, Asian
Open-billed Stork and 4 Black Drongos from the terminal. We then
flew to Hanoi where a vehicle was waiting to take us to Cuc Phuong National
Park. We arrived at dusk having seen White-throated Kingfisher, Ashy
Wood Swallow and more Black Drongos on the way. Accommodation at the
Bong Substation, about 20km into the park, was basic but perfectly adequate and
one of the locals brought us meals from HQ by motorbike. Tony Palliser was also
staying at Bong, having arrived before we did.
Bangkok Airport |
Hanoi |
motor scooter looked to be the commonest form of transport |
30 March. After looking around the Bong clearing Nick and I decided
to spend most of the day on the loop trail, first birding the grids then climbing
up on the ridge. It was very cloudy and a bit damp. We started really well
seeing a male Fukien Niltava and the first of three vocal male Bar-bellied
Pittas encountered during the day. Bar-bellied was my most wanted bird and
it is always nice to see the main target early on. We continued birding along
the trail and bumped into Tony. The three of us continued along the trail which
eventually started dropping and continued to do so for some time. By now we
were a little concerned that we might have taken a wrong turning, or missed the
right one, but we were on a well-used trail, not that anyone else was on it,
and had seen no alternatives. Time was getting on but we felt we’d past the
point of no return so continued as it must lead somewhere. We continued
dropping, left primary forest and descended into more open scrub, then we could
see paddyfields and a small village - we’d managed to walk out of the park. We
arrived in the village just before dusk and, with some difficulty, managed to
make our predicament understood and negotiated for three guys with motorbikes
to take us back to Bong. It wasn’t far off a 50km trip as we had to travel the
length of the park to enter at the HQ and then once inside back to the Bong
substation. I’d only once been on the back of a motorbike in the 25 years since since leaving School and was
probably like a dead-weight for my poor driver. Back in the park about 5kms
short of Bong I was probably too rigid going around a corner and we skidded
over in the rain. I’d had enough and walked the rest although the others
eventually sent the van back for me. By then I was almost home, and very wet
despite an umbrella. I had also managed to melt the sole of one shoe
unknowingly resting it on the motorbike’s exhaust pipe although I didn’t
realise that until later. An eventful first day that rapidly went downhill, in
many respects, since our early success with Bar-bellied Pittas. Other notable
birds seen were the disappearing back of a male Silver Pheasant, 2 Long-tailed
Broadbills, 2 Puff-throated Babblers, 2 Streaked Wren-Babblers,
Rufous-throated Fulvetta and a male Hanian Blue Flycatcher. It
rained all night.
outside Cuc Phuong |
31 March. It rained for most of the day. Nick and I
concentrated on the Bong clearing, grid trails and the road. We’d be out early,
return mid-morning for a late breakfast and be out again until dusk. The
highlight was a male Pied Falconet seen from the clearing. We also saw
18 low-flying White-vented Needletails, 3 Red-vented Barbets, 2 Grey-capped
Pygmy Woodpeckers, 3 Lesser Yellownapes, a Greater Goldenback,
2 Mountain Fulvettas, a male Mugimaki Flycatcher, female Maroon
Oriole, 3 White-winged Magpies and 2 Ratchet-tailed Treepies.
A Bar-bellied Pitta was heard but didn’t show.
Bong clearing on a damp, murky morning |
01 April. It was dull but at least it didn’t rain all day. We’d
established a routine of being out early, returning mid-morning for a late
breakfast and then be out again until dusk. Nick and I concentrated on the grid
trails hoping for Blue-rumped Pitta but with no success although another male Bar-bellied
Pitta was reasonable compensation. We also birded along the road. Birds
seen included the male Pied Falconet, 25 Chinese Bulbuls, 3 Rufous-throated
Fulvettas, 2 Hanian Blue Flycatchers, an immature male Crested
Bunting and a White-winged Magpie. Silver-breasted Broadbill had
been seen by the others, a new bird for Nick who wasn’t best pleased and didn’t
mind who knew. I was starting to worry about Blue-rumped Pitta which no one had
seen or heard but we had another day and a half at Cuc Phuong.
Cuc Phuong |
02 April. Nick and I concentrated on the Bong clearing and
ridge part of the loop trail. We saw some nice birds, the best day so far, with
another male Bar-bellied Pitta, 9 Thick-billed Green Pigeons,
male Red-headed Trogon, a Red-vented and 3 Green-eared Barbets,
a superb male and 2 female Silver-breasted Broadbills, 11 Olive-backed
Pipits, Great Iora, 2 Fairy Bluebirds, Chestnut-backed
Shrike, female Purple Cochoa, Orange-headed Ground Thrush, 2 Eye-browed
Wren-Babblers, a Hwamei, 3 Rufous-throated Fulvettas, Manchurian
Bush Warbler, Eastern Crowned, Dusky and 4 Arctic Warblers,
Fukien and White-tailed Niltavas, 2 Hainan Blue Flycatchers,
the same Crested and a Chestnut Bunting, 9 Hill Mynas, 3
male Maroon Orioles, 3 White-winged Magpies and 2 Ratchet-tailed
Treepies. I should have been pleased with some decent sightings but I went
back to the ridge later and by the big tree heard what I was sure was Blue-rumped
Pitta call just once. I froze and scanned around but I wasn’t sure which in
direction it had come from and it didn’t call again. Very frustrating and it
was my turn to have a strop and miss the meal. I was asleep when Nick came back
which was to prove unfortunate.
the big tree at Cuc Phuong |
03 April. I went out half an hour or so before dawn to get up
to the big tree early in the hope the Blue-rumped Pitta, if that was what I’d
heard, would be more obliging. I didn’t wake Nick assuming the plan to leave to
drive to the coast after breakfast held good. My early start paid off with a Malay
Night Heron flushed from beside the trail near the big tree. I also saw 4 Red-headed
Trogons and a Bay Woodpecker and heard Bar-bellied Pitta. Previously
breakfast had been between 10-11 and although I was happy to skip it I didn’t
want to be late and reluctantly dragged myself away. Once back on the road I decided
to have a final walk through the grid trails parallel to it. While on the grid
I heard a vehicle door slam and what was presumably our minibus drive off. I
legged it to the road but too late, it had gone. I was back at Bong at 10:30 to
find the caretaker with a note from Nick. They had apparently waited three
hours for me and left. Just as well I’d not fallen down a gully on the ridge
trail and broken a leg. Pity I wasn’t aware that breakfast was going to be at
least three hours earlier than usual. The note said they would arrange
transport to Tam Dao for me at the HQ and send the van back the next day if
they couldn’t. The caretaker told me Nick had been attacked by a tame peafowl while
tying his shoe laces and had a nasty head wound so they were going to the HQ
and would wait for me there. This didn’t seem likely as if so why not send the
van back for me when they’d seen to Nick but I was too uptight about being left
to think clearly. What I should have done was shrug my shoulders and go back to
looking for Blue-rumped Pitta. I should have stayed at Bong another night but I
was running short of food and we’d not ordered any for that evening. There
might not be any transport from Bong the following day either. On the
off-chance they were waiting at HQ I stuffed my sleeping bag in my otherwise
already packed rucksack and started walking as quickly as I could. It took a
little over three hours, the last part being quite painful as some grit had
found its way into my shoes and not done the soles of my feet much good. At HQ
it came as no surprise that the others had left. I was given a room in the guest house and birded around the
HQ for the rest of the day but my heart wasn’t really in it and a White-rumped
Shama was the best I managed. Before dark a couple of Westerners arrived
with a jeep. They were staying at Bong but then heading back to Hanoi the following morning and kindly offered me a lift back with them if I still needed it.
04 April. I birded around the HQ but walking was still painful and I
soon sat outside the HQ waiting for my lift. I later found out that Nick had
phoned the HQ while I was waiting outside and was told that I had left. I
eventually did, arriving at Hanoi mid-afternoon. I negotiated for the jeep to
take me on to Tam Dao where I arrived after dark and found a guest house. At 930m it was appreciably
cooler than Cuc Phuong which was nice. It had effectively been a feeling pissed off cum travel day
so I didn’t see much. My highlights were 12 Grey-faced Buzzards, 2 Crested
Serpent Eagles, male Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrike, 2 Yellow-browed
Warblers and a male Black-naped Monarch. The others went out by boat
to some mudflats where they successfully saw Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Saunder’s
Gull and Chinese Egret although I wasn’t sure why they needed to leave so early
the previous morning to do so s it was only three hours away. All would have been nice although I would have
preferred Blue-rumped Pitta.
leaving Cuc Phuong |
driving back to Hanoi |
05 April. The day started off dull and thick mist rolled in
mid-morning making birding difficult. My lacerated feet didn’t help either. I
bought what I thought were two hard boiled eggs from a stall and was surprised
to find they were raw – I’d been so used to eggs in the Himalayas being sold hard
boiled. My feeble attempts with a Vietnamese Phrasebook were no help at all. Nick
had a small scar on his head from his Bong peacock attack but fortunately the
bleeding soon stopped, the rest I did my best to ignore (no change in habits there
then). I saw White-browed Piculet, 4 Golden and a Spot-necked
Babbler, 3 Black-throated Laughingthrushes, 5 Silver-eared Mesias,
6 Grey-cheeked Fulvettas, 7 Black-chinned Yuhinas, 3 Yellow-browed,
2 Arctic and an Eastern Crowned Warbler and 2 Green Magpies.
typical weather at Tam Dao |
06 April. Thick mist all day made birding almost impossible
and I only saw 17 birds of 8 species and one of those, Eastern Crowned Warbler,
was only a probable. Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler, 4 Golden
Babblers, 3 Silver-eared Mesias, 3 Grey-cheeked Fulvettas, 1 Black-chinned
Yuhinas, Slaty-bellied Tesia and 3 Oriental White-eyes. The Slaty-bellied
Tesia was about 0.5m above the ground on a branch that was sloping at a
gradient of about 1:3. It was singing as it jumped along the branch one step up
or down and was absolutely brilliant. A definite mood improver.
07 April. Our last morning at Tam Dao. Visibility was good and
my feet were on the mend but birds remained thin on the ground. Nick and I
concentrated on the steps up to the transmitter which turned out to be a good
move as we saw 5 Grey Laughtingthrushes and even better 5 superb Short-tailed
Parrotbills, both of which were new. Crested Honey Buzzard and Golden-throated
Barbet were the only other species new for the trip and my Tam Dao total
moved up to 28. We returned to Hanoi and caught a flight to Ho Chi Min City. We’d
arranged a vehicle to take us to Cat Tien National Park, about 160 km to the
North. The journey seemed to take ages and we were very pleased to cross the
river and be shown three chalets near the park headquarters. It was hot and
humid, although not unexpectedly so.
a clear day |
Tam Dao |
Hanoi Airport |
leaving Hanoi |
over the Mekong River |
approaching Ho Chi Min City |
08 April. All day on forest trails at Cat Tien, mostly with
Nick. One of the trip’s highlights was a male Bar-bellied Pitta watched feeding
then preening for 20 minutes. Also seen were male Red Junglefowl, 2 Emerald
Doves, 2 each of Great Eared and Large-tailed Nightjars, 10 Brown
Needletails, a pair of Orange-breasted Trogons, Great Hornbill,
Red-vented Barbet, Heart-spotted Woodpecker (a real heart-stopper),
Black & Red Broadbill, 3 White-rumped Shamas, male Chestnut-bellied
Rock Thrush, 7 White-crested Laughingthrushes (in three groups), Radde’s
Warbler and 7 Vinous-breasted Starlings.
big tree at Cat Tien |
09 April. We left early and were taken for an hour or so by
jeep to Dac Lua, an area of the National Park near where there was a slim chance
of Orange-cheeked Partridge. We didn’t even hear one but not being there at
dawn probably didn’t help. We birded the dirt road on the way back and forest trails
around the HQ. We heard Germain’s Peacock-Pheasant and amongst others
saw a pair of Red Junglefowl dust-bathing, 2 Black Bazas, 5 Green-billed
Malkohas, 10 Brown Needletails, Stork-billed Kingfisher, 2 Blue-bearded
Bee-eaters, Green-eared, 2 Blue-eared and a Coppersmith
Barbet, White-bellied, Laced and Black & Buff Woodpeckers,
28 Red-breasted Parakeets, Black & Red Broadbill, 3 Blue-winged
and 4 Golden-fronted Leafbirds, 4 White-rumped Shamas, 3 Velvet-fronted
Nuthatches, Asian Golden Weaver, 2 Golden-crested Mynas, 4 Black-hooded
Orioles, 2 Racket-tailed Treepies and a mouse deer. Before going for
an evening meal Nick and I had to quickly evacuate our chalet due to cloud-like
insect infestation. We left a couple of windows open and fortunately most had
gone (for good) when we returned as we didn't fancy sharing with them despite having brought our own mosquito nets..
open area at Cat Tien |
the main track in Cat Tien |
10 April. Much of the day was spent on the forest trails,
mostly on my own. They day’s highlights for me were a Germain’s Peacock-Pheasant
preening on a log for five minutes and another on the road nearby for a couple
of minutes. A third was later seen on rock where it was calling in full view for
several minutes before slowly walking off. Superb, as was a male Bar-bellied
Pitta watched on a log for two minutes. I also saw 4 Red Junglefowl including
a male on the road, Black Bittern, Lesser Adjutant, 2 Emerald Doves,
Banded Bay and male Violet Cuckoos, a day-roosting Barred
Owlet, Brown Hawk Owl, 4 Great Eared Nightjars, 15 Brown
Needletails, female Banded and Stork-billed Kingfishers, 3 Blue-bearded
Bee-eaters, Great Hornbill, 5 Black & Buff and 4 Great
Slaty Woodpeckers, flight views of a vocal Blue-winged Pitta (heard
towards dusk in an area we’d been to most days so we assumed it was new in), good
views of a female Siberian Blue Robin, 3 Grey-faced Tit-Babblers,
2 White-crested and 6 Black-throated Laughingthrushes, Two-barred
Greenish and Pale-legged Leaf Warbler, a Brown and 2 Taiga
Flycatchers, male Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher and 7 Racket-tailed
Treepies. Back at HQ we saw Jon Eames had arrived at Cat Tien and we spent some time catching
up with him in the evening as we’d all known from autumn visits to Scilly in
the early 1980s. Blue-rumped Pitta was often hard to find and would probably
have to wait for a return visit one day.
butterflies on the edge of the main track |
11 April. Our morning at Cat Tien, birding along the main track with
Jon Eames. Two Blue-winged Pittas were calling and we had good views of one and
flight views of the other. Even better for me were the two broadbills I’d failed
to find on previous trips to South-East Asia. Thanks to Jon’s amazing hearing
(and knowledge of calls) we tracked down parties of both seeing 5 Dusky
and 4 Banded Broadbills. Other birds encountered were 2 Black Bazas,
female Red Junglefowl, heard only Germain’s Peacock-Pheasant, 4 Brown
Needletails, male Banded Kingfisher, 2 Blue-bearded Bee-eaters,
2 Wreathed and an Indian Pied Hornbill, 3 Great Slaty Woodpeckers,
2 Grey-faced Tit-Babblers, 6 White-crested Laughingthrushes, 6 Brown
and a Taiga Flycatcher and a male Crimson Sunbird. We left Cat Tien
National Park early afternoon, crossing the river and piling onto the van that
was waiting for us. We drove to Ho Chi Min City where we checked into a
reasonable hotel quite near the airport.
12 April. I saw a Tree Sparrow in Ho Chi Min City and
nothing at Bangkok Airport. Our return home was uneventful, as it should be. not my most enjoyable trip but it had some great moments, Bar-bellied Pitta particularly was as good as I'd hoped.
leaving Vietnam |
Postscript. Nick
and I returned to Vietnam in 2009 where I saw Blue-rumped Pitta twice at
Cat Tien, on our first full day after Nick had gone back for lunch (!!), and again with Nick when
it hopped out onto the trail soon after dawn on our last morning. It was well
worth going back for. I’ve since seen the three birds I missed by not going to
the coast so I’m no longer bitter about being left behind at Cuc Phuong (well not so much)! I saw Saunders’s
Gull in Japan in 2003 and China in 2010, Chinese Egret in Philippines
in 2008, China in 2010 and Taiwan in 2011 and Spoon-billed Sandpiper in
China in 2010. Nice as they were, well maybe not the egret, for me Blue-rumped Pitta wins hands down.
[blogged April 2020]