I was very keep to see Egyptian Plover and the Gambia seemed the
easiest place to do so, at least during what seemed to be a narrow
window towards the end of the year when they appeared on the Gambia
River in the far east of the country. I wasn’t able to find others
interested, my usual travel companion Nick not being able to have
days off in term time, so I ended up going on a Naturetrek Bargain
Birding trip. It was affordable, although not quite my idea of a
bargain, but joining instructions indicated I’d be in a group of 16
plus guides. This blog is my take on the trip dredging up unreliable
memories and illustrated with most of a film of digitised instamatic photos.
26 October. A morning departure from Gatwick saw us
arriving at Banjul Airport early afternoon. Once through and were
taken to the Senegambia Beach Hotel. I dumped my bag and spent the
remaining daylight hours birding in the fairly extensive hotel
grounds seeing seven new birds, the best being Bearded Barbet,
White-crowned Robin Chat, Yellow-crowned Gonolek and
Lavender Waxbills. Also excellent views of a Blue-spotted
Wood Dove and Red-billed Hornbill. A decent start made
even better by my ‘room share’ Paul being the best I could ask
for, although our UK leader Ted wasn’t. He appeared in the hotel
grounds after an hour and immediately called me over for a robinchat
that was actually a gonolek feeding on the ground. Oh dear. It
transpired that he’d only been to coastal Gambia before, hadn’t a
telescope, torch or, perhaps harshly, much of a clue. Hopefully our
local guides would be better.
27 October. I birded in the grounds for an hour before
breakfast which didn’t start until 07:00. We left the hotel at
08:00, by which time it was already quite hot, and with a keen young
Gambian guide Sering visited Kotu Creek, Bund Road and Old Cape Road
stopping somewhere unmemorable for lunch. We saw lots of birds, I
recorded 120 species in total, including 14 that were new for me, the
best being Senegal Thick-knee, Senegal Parrot,
Blue-breasted Kingfisher, the much anticipated Blue-bellied
Roller, Moho, Yellow-billed Shrike and Piapiac.
28 October. Today we were going to Abuko Forest Reserved,
the jewel in the coastal Gambian birding crown, but were again
leaving at 08:00, sadly no early or packed breakfasts on this trip.
We picked up seasoned guide Soloman for the day and arrived at Abuko
soon after 09:00, an hour after the reserve had opened. The entrance
sign said serious birdwatching groups could enter at 06:00 by prior
arrangement but sadly this wasn’t close to being a serious
birdwatching trip as given the heat we’d missed the best three
hours of the day. We set off along the main trail, leaders at the
front and a crocodile of 12 following. This might be OK in open
country but was far from ideal in thick forest. News of what the
leaders were seeing was very slow to filter back by which time the
bird had usually long gone and the leaders moved on. When I did work
my way to the front and stopped to look for something (usually
unsuccessfully) I was soon at the back again while everyone else
piled past. Very frustrating. Late morning we came out of the forest
at the other end of the reserve. Our bus was there and were told we
were going to lunch. I’d seen a juvenile White-backed Night
Heron and 6 Violet and a Green Turaco but not
Yellow-bellied Hyliota or Western Bluebill which was one of my top
target birds and only possible at Abuko. Solomon had glimpsed one on
our march through Abuko but I’m not sure anyone else had. I
enquired of him what the plan was for the rest of the day. After
lunch we were going to look for coursers in dried up rice fields at
Lamin and would not be returning to Abuko (our itinerary mentioned
having a full day there. As lunch was to be a prolonged affair, no
point rushing in the heat of the day, and we were returning past
Abuko I asked to be picked up back by the entrance to at least give
me a couple more hours there. Three others decided to do likewise and
we slowly walked back having excellent views of 4 male Western
Bluebills on the way, a much more enjoyable experience. Lamin
rice fields were flooded, something Solomon should have been aware
of, and so completely unsuitable for anything other than egrets
although maybe seeing coursers would have been rather hopeful anyway?
We saw a Black Heron but little else of real interest there
and would have done better returning to Abuko fo rthe afternoon,
although perhaps not as a group of 16. We were back at the Senegambia
before dark where another circuit of the grounds, enjoyable as it
was, produced much the same as before. I’d seen some nice birds
including Pygmy Kingfisher, Red-necked Falcon,
Levaillant’s Cuckoo and Snowy and White-crowned
Robin Chats but we could have done so much better with a more
motivated local guide. The next day I was to learn that we’d twice
driven past a pair of roosting Northern White-faced Scops Owls
in Lamin without bothering to stop to look for them. Shocking.
Fortunately we would not see Solomon again.
29 October. I had my bag packed before dawn, spent 90
minutes in the hotel grounds and immediate vicinity seeing the usual
birds and grabbed a few rolls for breakfast before leaving. I was
stopped for taking food out of the breakfast area and embarrassed the
guy on the door by handing him my half eaten roll. We were leaving
the coast for six days with Sering as our guide, today driving inland
to Tendaba. Our first stop was Pirang where we found 2 Black
Crowned Cranes, a main target, they and an African Pied
Hornbill were new. Continuing to Tendaba Camp a superb pair of
Abyssinian Ground Hornbills by the road was another important
target which showed well. Birding the acacia scrub at Tendaba in the
afternoon produced Grey-headed Bush Shrike, White-shouldered
Black Tit and Bush Petronia, the last two being new. Other
smart birds seen during the day included 3 Bataleurs, 4
Swallow-tailed and 3 Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, 3
Rufous-crowned, 4 Blue-bellied, 12 Abyssinian
and 2 Broad-billed Rollers and 3 Mohos.
driving inland |

30 October. We spent all day at Tendaba with a morning boat ride
along the river’s creeks and an afternoon jeep safari in the nearby
acacia scrub and woodland of Kiang West National Park. In addition I
birded around the camp in my free time and skipped lunch. The creeks
produced 3 Goliath and 2 White-backed Night Herons,
African Hawk Eagle, 2 White-throated Bee-eaters and far
less impressive, but new, 8 Mouse-brown Sunbirds. The acacia
was more productive and I ended the day with 13 new birds, the best
being Grasshopper Buzzard, Stone Partridge, 5
Double-spurred Francolins, 2 Black-billed Wood Doves, 3
White-fronted Black Chats, male Exclamatory Paradise Whydah
and 2 Brown-rumped Buntings. We saw a small barbet I couldn’t
readily place which Sering identified it as Gambia’s first
Hairy-crested Barbet. It made sense. I’d seen them in Kenya
some years previously. Oher nice birds seen included Grey Kestrel,
flight views of 2 Abyssinian Ground Hornbills and male Painted
Snipe and African Golden Oriole. We were out until the
light started to fade. I was in the first of two 4WDs and we drove
back slightly ahead of the other but didn’t realize it had stopped
until we were back at camp. They returned 10 minutes later, by which
time it was completely dark, having seen Four-banded Sandgrouse by
the track, probably the bird I most wanted to see in Gambia after
Egyptian Plover. Paul had been in the second vehicle and told me the
area was about a mile or two from the lodge but we were leaving
promptly at 09:00 the following morning. I packed my bag ready for
departure and told Paul I’d skip breakfast and be at the bus just
before it left.
Tendaba |
Tendaba boat trip |
31 October. I was up and heading for the sandgrouse area just
before dawn. It seemed like a long shot and so it proved. It took
about 45 minutes of fairly brisk walking to get there and I wandered
around for half an hour before heading back, arriving at 08:55 just
in time to collect my bag. I wasn’t even last onto the bus. No
sandgrouse but 5 Double-spurred Francolin, 5 Black Crowned Cranes and
a Fine-spotted Woodpecker were some compensation. We stopped on the
banks of the River Gambia at Soma where we saw our first Egyptian
Plover. It was superb, even better than I was expecting, and I
could have watched it for hours but was called back onto the bus
after little more than 10 minutes. We had a way to go and would
certainly see more although I suspected not being late for lunch was
the main consideration. We continued on to Bird Safari Camp, by the
river at Janjangbureh. We birded around the camp seeing 3 Stone
Partridges, 2 Violet Turacos, 8 Bruce’s Green
Pigeons, Moho, Grey-headed Bush Shrike and 2
Pied-winged Swallows. Just before dusk I had brilliant views
of a male and two female Four-banded Sandgrouse near the camp.
Superb and most welcome after the morning’s failure. They even
knocked Egyptian Plover off top spot, if only temporarily. An
intermittently calling African Scops Owl refused to show after
01 November. The
African Scops Owl
calling before dawn but had stopped before I was ready to go out and
look for it. Around
Bird Safari Camp I saw 2 pairs of Four-banded
and Yellow-throated
After breakfast we continued on towards Basse stopping at Bansang
Quarry and its breeding Red-throated
We saw over 100! Also there were 2 Mottled
Red-winged Ptylia,
6 Yellow-fronted
and 3 Cinnamon-breasted
We arrived at Basse in heavy rain and was disappointed to find just
one Egyptian Plover
it did give superb views on the town jetty.
enjoyable sightings during the day were 3 Violet
2 Levaillant’s
12 Abyssinian Rollers
and 2 male Exclamatory
Paradise Whydahs.
Bee-eater nest holes at Bansang Quarry |
instamatic-scoping at Red-throated Bee-eaters at Bansang Quarry |
a much smarter bird than these images suggest |
our accommodation at Basse, torrential rain turning the entrance path into a river |
people and livestock ferry across the Gambia River at Basse |
the main jetty Basse |
good for washing and Egyptian Plover |
02 November. We
birded around Basse in the morning before driving back to Janjanbureh
Bird Safari Camp. Seven brilliant Egyptian Plovers were seen on the riverbank
in and around Basse. In the paddyfields nearby we saw 2 Four-banded
Sandgrouse, 2 Giant
Kingfishers and 15
Red-throated, 20
European and 12
Northern Carmine Bee-eaters
and 15 Quailfinch.
Two Black Coucals
near the Janjanbureh ferry were new for me as were 2 Western
Banded Snake Eagles at Bird
Camp. Other good birds seen were 3 Stone Partridges,
3 Painted Snipe, 6
Senegal Thick-knees,
7 Black-headed
Plovers, another
9 Four-banded Sandgrouse
(groups of 2, 2 & 5) and
20 Abyssinian
Rollers. After our evening meal
and armed with torch and tapes I tracked down and had good views of 2
African Scops Owls, a
couple of the others tagging along.
Egyptian Plover at Basse |
while the above images taken through the telescope came out quite well, this and the next were at a strange angle, hence not being rectangular |

03 November. An
African Scops Owl was
calling before dawn but having had good views the previous evening I
was happy to ignore it. A
quick look around Bird Camp
before breakfast produced 4
Stone Partridges,
excellent views of a pair Four-banded Sandgrouse
and a Moho.
The sandgrouse were in the
area I had first seen them on our earlier visit, my
concern over missing them
at Tendaba was becoming a distant memory as I had now seen them four
days running. After breakfast we
saw the 2 Western Banded Snake Eagles
before boarding a smallish boat and
about 15km to Sapo by river. It
was disappointing with nothing
of particular interest seen.
Our bus was waiting for us and we drove a short distance to Jahally
marsh and rice fields where
2 White-headed Vultures
and a very impressive juvenile Martial Eagle
were the highlights. It
as then a long drive back to Banjul and the Senegambia Beach Hotel
where we arrived after dark. The
door of Paul and my room wouldn’t lock and with all our gear there
we didn’t want to leave it unlocked. I stayed in while Paul went to
dinner and by the someone came and fixed it I was too tired to bother
about food. My first, and as it turned out only, day without a new
bird but at least we’d seen a few nice things on what was basically
a travel day. I’d happily have skipped the boat trip though.
sandgrouse spot at Bird Safari Camp |
weaver nests from the Gambia River trip were about as good as it got |
Jahally Marsh or somewhere similar |
returning to Banjul |
local bus, I'm glad it wasn't ours |
04 November. My
usual pre-breakfast wander wasn’t very productive despite wandering
a bit further afield than just the Senegambia grounds. With
Sering still guiding us we
drove into Banjul where we took a ferry across the mouth of the
Gambia River to Barra on
the northern side.
Seawatching from the ferry produced 2 Grey Phalaropes
and a juvenile Pomarine
and 3 Arctic Skuas.
On the other side we travelled a short distance inland to Berending
where we saw 2 Black Wood Hoopoes,
a new bird for me that I’d previously missed up river. Two
Four-banded Sandgrouse
flew over while we also saw Sacred Ibis,
2 Tawny Eagles, Great
Spotted and 5 Diederic
Cuckoos, Striped
Kingfisher, Plain-backed
Pipit, 6 Northern
Anteater Chats and 4 Pin-tailed
Whydahs, all of which were new
for the trip. Since we headed up river I’d been asking Sering about
Northern White-faced Owl and had
been shocked to learn that when with Solomon we had twice driven past
a roosting pair in Lamin
without stopping to look.
Sering offered to take us to look for them if an opportunity arose
when we were back on the coast and returning from Barra with an hour
of daylight provided it. Sering arranged for three of us to hire a
taxi and jumped in with us. It was 12km to Lamin which took about
half an hour. We stopped on the main street and immediately two small
boys came up and asked if we’d come to look at the owls! The 2
Northern White-faced Owls
were roosting in a tree on the main street and
couldn’t have been easier to see.
A brilliant end to the day
thanks to Sering.
on the quay at Banjul |
boarding the ferry to Barra |
speedboat heading for Banjul |
the open sea and a smaller, crowded ferry |
although our ferry was a bit of a squash too |
05 November. Our
final full day. After a look
around the hotel (grounds,
offshore and nearby rice fields) and
breakfast we headed for Tanji and Brufut Woods. I was hoping to see
Senegal Batis and we, or rather Sering, heard one but it was distant
and we couldn’t track it down. Definitely something we should have
seen if we’d been on site before it became too hot. The
savanna woodland was nice but birding was slow despite clocking up
100 species by the end of the day. I saw 2 new birds when we returned
to Tanji after dinner, 4 Long-tailed
and a female Standard-winged Nightjars.
Other highlights during the day were 2 Stone Partridges,
4 Painted Snipe, 7
Senegal Thick-knees,
another Pomarine Skua,
2 Yellow-legged Gulls,
Mottled Spinetail, 4
Swallow-tailed Bee-eaters,
African Pied Hornbill,
Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher,
4 Black-crowned Tchagras
and 6 Yellow-crowned Gonoleks.
06 November. After
a look around the hotel and
breakfast we birded near
Yundum before
catching our afternoon flight home. Two new birds on our last day
took my total for the trip to 65 (and 275 species seen) although both
were Cisticolas,
Siffling and 3
Rufous. Other
nice birds were Black-shouldered Kite,
3 Black-headed Plovers,
Pygmy Kingfisher, 4
Bearded Barbets, a
male Fine-spotted and
2 Brown-backed Woodpeckers
and a Moho. To get me
in the mood to return home we also saw single Chiffchaff,
Willow Warbler and
House Sparrow. I’d
seen most of the birds I’d hoped to, in no small part due to the
expert guiding
of Sering, but was
disappointed by how the tour fitted around meal times rather than the
reverse. It certainly cost us some birds although most of the
participants probably weren’t overly concerned by this. It was my
first experience of a bird tour and
had been
moderately successful,
although it was to be 15 years before I’d go on another one.
December 2019]