Introduction. Looking
for somewhere to take Nessa and Josh, who were now 15 and 11, had a bit of
history for Megan and some new birds for me I persuaded the family to visit
Texas at Easter. Easter was early but that was fine as Whooping Crane was my
main target although it meant I’d be too early for falls of warblers but I had been to Point Peele previously and seen most of them there. Most lost photos now found, not that they are any good.
Saturday 26
March. We flew BA from Gatwick to Houston arriving at 14:20,
cleared immigration, picked up our hire car and drove to our motel, the
friendly Comfort Suites in The Woodlands, about 30km N of the airport. Few
birds were seen on the way but included Red-shouldered Hawk and two
adult and a juvenile Bald Eagle.
Sunday 27 March.
After breakfast we drove to Jones State Forest and walked along a couple of
trails for an hour or two. No one was about, despite it being Easter Sunday,
and I saw four new birds – 2 Red-cockaded and 2 Red-bellied
Woodpeckers, 4 Carolina Chickadees and 3 superb Brown-headed
Nuthatches. Also seen were Loggerhead Shrike, 2 Blue Jays, 3 Eastern
Bluebirds, American Robin, 3 Yellow-throated and 2 Pine
Warblers and a Field Sparrow. We drove to Seabrook where we stayed
in the rather snooty Comfort Inn on NASA Parkway and spent the afternoon on an
interesting tour of the Lyndon B Johnson Space Centre.
Monday 28 March. We
drove to Galveston and caught the ferry to Port Bolivar. We drove NE along the
coast, stopping to look out over Bolivar Flats. Commonest birds were 200 American
White Pelicans, 1000 distant American Avocets and 500 Laughing
Gulls, the first two were new as were 2 Marbled Godwits. I also saw
15 Roseate Spoonbills, a selection of herons and waders and 4 Northern
Harriers, Common Yellowthroat and 12 Savannah Sparrows. It
was very early in the season and there seemed to be no migrants in evidence reducing
the temptation to go as far as High Island. We still had a 200 mile journey to
make so it wouldn’t have bene practical anyway. Crossing back on the ferry what
looked like a good candidate for a first-winter Thayer’s Gull was amongst 30+ American
Herring Gulls. We had a quick look along the seafront at Galveston then
headed first west then south, picking up Route 35. We stopped briefly near
Palacios, where I saw a smart Marsh Wren by the road, and drove past
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge (no obvious viewpoints) before arriving at the
pleasant Best Western Ocean Villa in Port Aransas. Best birds seen on the
journey were a male Vermillion and 8 Scissor-tailed Flycatchers
and 4 Boat-tailed Grackles, the last two being new.
USS Seawolf, Galveston |
Brown Pelicans Galveston |
American White Pelicans Bolivar Flats |
oops |
Brown Pelicans overhead |
Tuesday 29 March. I
visited the Port Aransas Birding Centre before breakfast. After we all went on
the Wharfcat up the Intercoastal Waterway to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
and back. I was very happy seeing 26 Whooping Cranes (10 pairs, 6 with a
single juvenile), more so as it was my last crane species. The rest of the
family found the boat trip rather long and boring and were more
impressed by the odd alligator along the bank and particularly 3 Bottle-nosed
Dolphins which bow-rode for a while as we were returning. I saw 2 Reddish
Egrets (new), 8 Great Northern Divers, 7 Black-necked Grebes,
8 Redheads, 400 American White and 100 Brown Pelicans, 3 White-tailed
Hawks, 15 species of wader including 6 American Oystercatchers, 50 American
Avocets, single Marbled Godwit and Long-billed Curlew (also
new), 2500 Laughing Gulls and 40 Black Skinners. In the afternoon
I visited Port Aransas Birding Centre again and Paradise Pond. Birds seen there
included 8 species of duck including a male Cinnamon Teal and 3 Mottled
Duck, 12 White-faced Ibis, a Sora, 7 Stilt Sandpipers,
Grey Catbird, 4 Myrtle, 2 Black & White and an Orange-crowned
Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, 2 Lark and 4 Swamp
Sparrows. The 80 species seen today was to be my highest day total of the
Whooping Cranes at Aransas |
Wednesday 30
March. I birded around Port Aransas (Birding Centre and
Paradise Pool) at the start and end of the day and in between we drove down
Mustang Island and across to Corpus Christi. There we visited the Texas State
Aquarium with its impressive views out to USS Lexington (the massive WW2
Aircraft Carrier and Naval Museum) and the almost birdless Botanical Gardens. Highlights
of the day were 3 White-rumped Sandpipers, a Gull-billed Tern, 2 Ruby-throated
Hummingbirds, my first (of many) Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Eastern
Wood Pewee, 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Orange-crowned, 2 Nashville,
3 Myrtle and 4 Black & White Warblers, 2 brilliant Louisiana
Waterthrushes, 4 male Common Yellowthroats and 6 Song and 2 Lincoln’s
Josh at Corpus Christi Aquarium |
USS Lexington listing badly to stern |
Corpus Christi Botanical Garden |
Great Blue Heron on the Port Aransas Nature Centre boardwalk |
Tricoloured Heron on the Port Aransas Nature Centre boardwalk |
Thursday 31
March. I visited Port Aransas Birding Centre and Paradise
Pool before breakfast seeing White-eyed Vireo, male Black-throated
Green, 2 Black & White, Myrtle, 2 Nashvile and 2 Orange-crowned
Warblers. We had a 300 mile drive west through dry country to the Mexican
border ahead of us but roads were generally good and fairly quiet. We had a
prolonged lunch stop at Choke Canyon where I saw 11 Wild Turkeys (and
later another from the car), and a superb Greater Roadrunner with
another giving an amazing bill rattle while remaining unseen. Other new birds
seen during the day were a Ferruginous Hawk, Couch’s Kingbird, 3 Ash-throated
Flycatchers, 15 Chihuahuan Ravens, Black-crested Titmouse, Verdin
(much better than I was expecting), 4 Bewick’s Wrens, Long-billed Thrasher
and a pair of Pyrrhuhuxia. Also seen were Anhinga, 10 Harris’s
Hawks, Belted Kingfisher, 12 Golden-fronted Woodpeckers, 165 Scissor-tailed
Flycatchers, 25 Loggerhead Shrikes, a pair of Eastern Bluebirds
and an Olive and 6 Lark Sparrows. We arrived at the Comfort Inn
in Del Rio, our base for the next three nights. It was a pleasant motel but its
situation along the main road out of town wasn’t ideal. Most Texans rarely walk
anywhere and there were no pavements or sidewalks making leaving on foot, for
whatever reason, rather hazardous.
Friday 01 April. We
drove west for 45 miles to Seminole Canyon State Historical Park. There we
joined a tour of the pictographs (Rock Art) thought to be 4000 years old. The
pictographs were impressive as was the desert setting making it my favourite of
the places we visited. During our morning at Seminole, on the pictograph tour
and walking half-way along the river trail, I saw 3 Swainson’s Hawks, 8 White-throated
Swifts, 4 Black-chinned Hummingbirds, 3 Rock and 2 Canyon
Wrens, Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, 2 Hooded Orioles, 3 Cassin’s
and 2 Black-throated Sparrows and a Green-tailed Towee, all were
new. We returned via Lake Amistad, having crossed the lake on an impressive
bridge on the way. Further news birds were a superb Scaled Quail sat on
a fencepost, Bell’s Vireo, 2 Cactus Wrens, Curve-billed Thrasher
and 2 Canyon Towees. Other good birds were 3 Wild Turkeys running
across the road ahead of us, 2 Couch’s Kingbirds and 2 Cedar Waxwings
at our motel, 6 Audubon’s Warblers, 2 Buff-bellied Pipits and 2 White-crowned,
6 Chipping and 3 Clay-coloured Sparrows.
Seminole Canyon State Historical Park |
Josh at Seminole |
pictographs at Seminole Canyon State Historic Park |
pictograph of the spaceship they arrived in |
Seminole River Trail |
Saturday 02
April. Being on the border with Mexico we decided to visit
Cuidad Acuna for the morning. We walked across the International Bridge seeing 2
American Wigeon and 2 Blue-winged Teal on the Rio Grande which
was about 100m wide here. Crossing into Mexico was easy, we had to pass through
a turnstile leaving USA and show our passports to enter. We spent a couple of
hours walking around Cuidad Acuna looking in a few shops and seeing 15 Cedar
Waxwings in the main square. Predictably crossing back wasn’t so straight
forward, presumably few Europeans do so on foot. Eventually a border official
saw us and let us in. A Red-shouldered Hawk heading our way had no such problem
although I imagine many are shot. Texas had no shortage of taxidermists, or gun
shops. After lunch I returned to Lake Amistad and Seminole and while Megan, Nessa
and Josh walked to a Walmart superstore less than a mile away. They were
probably the only customers arriving on foot that day/week/month/year? Birds at
Seminole and Amistad were similar to yesterday but included three that were new
– 7 Bobwhites, Say’s Phoebe and 3 Lark Buntings – all along
the River Trail at Seminole which I walked to the end. Also seen were 4 Scaled
Quail (Seminole), displaying Wild Turkey (at Amistad), 2 Carolina
Wood Duck, another Swainson’s Hawk, Sora, 6 Killdeers,
a Ring-billed Gull, Lesser Nighthawk (flushed at Amistad), Great
Kiskadee, 6 Cactus Wrens, 3 House Finches, 2 male Myrtle and
3 male Audubon’s Warblers (and 5 undifferentiated females), 8 Lincoln’s,
20 White-crowned, Grasshopper, Field, 10 Vesper, 7 Cassin’s,
9 Black-throated and 6 Lark Sparrows, 3 Canyon Towees and
7 Pyrrhuloxia.
Cuidad Acuna, welcome to Mexico |
there were 15 Cedar Waxwings in this plaza |
Josh in Mexico |
Sunday 03 April. We
left Del Rio and drove to Lost Maples State Natural Area, about 120 miles to NE.
We spent the morning walking a couple of woodland trails before continuing to La
Quinta Market Square in San Antonio. The day produced 7 Yellow-crowned Night Herons
(San Antonio), Swainson’s and 2 Harris’s Hawks, 3 Ladder-backed
Woodpeckers (new), 2 Eastern and a Black Phoebe, 3 White-eyed
and a Yellow-throated Vireo, 2 Western Scrub Jays (new), a male Bushtit
(new), Carolina Wren, 3 Lesser Goldfinches and 3 Golden-cheeked
Warbler. The warbler was also new and my main target at Lost Maples along
with Black-capped Vireo which I was probably too early for. We joined many other tourists for a late afternoon on the San Antonio Riverwalk.
San Antonio Riverwalk |
Nessa on the Riverwalk |
Monday 04 April. A
day in San Antonio visiting the Alamo and the Zoo. Few birds seen, the
best being single Carolina Wren, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, male Lesser
Goldfinch and Orange-crowned Warbler.
The Alamo |
Emily Morgan Hotel and a bit of the Alamo's wall |
King of San Antonio Zoo |
Nessa at San Antonio Zoo |
Tuesday 05 April. Megan’s
birthday and we visited San Antonio Botanical Gardens and the Mission Trail. More
birds seen although nothing special with the best 3 Chimney Swifts, a Scissor-tailed
Flycatcher, 20 Purple Martins, 8 Cave Swallows, 3 Ruby-crowned
Kinglets, 6 Lincoln’s Sparrows and 12 Northern Cardinals.
Josh in San Antonio Botanical Gardens |
birthday girl and me |
me in the Botanical Gardens, they looked nice but I saw very few birds |
San Antonio Mission trail: San Juan Capistrano |
Mission San Jose |

Mission San Francisco de la Espada |
Wednesday 06
April. We left San Antonio and to Austin via Enchanted Rock
State Natural Area and Pedernales Falls State Park, a distance of about 200
miles. We walked up onto the Enchanted Rock, steep in places, seeing Verdin,
2 Canyon Wrens, 2 Myrtle Warblers, 3 Rufous-crowned Sparrows
(new), 4 Canyon Towees and some lovely views. At feeders at Pedernales Falls
were 2 Pine Siskins (new), 2 American Goldfinches, 10 House
Finches, 4 White-throated Sparrows and 2 Spotted Towees while
6 Black-throated Hummingbirds, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, 3 Bewick’s
Wrens and another male Golden-cheeked Warbler were also seen in the
park. We saw 2 Black-crested Titmice at both sites and 2 Red-tailed
and a Cooper’s Hawk (new) somewhere along the way. In Austin we stayed in
the Town Lake Holiday Inn with a view of the Lady Bird Lake section of the Colorado
River. We walked to the nearby Congress Avenue Bridge to join the crowd waiting
for see thousands of Mexican Free-tailed Bats which roosted under it. Seeing them leaving was very
Enchanted Rock |
nice views |
Pedernales Falls |
Thursday 07
April. A day in Austin visiting the Lady Bird Johnson
Wildflower Centre and wandering around the city. Few birds were seen with single
Black-chinned Hummingbird, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Bewick’s
Wren and Myrtle Warbler best.
Texas State Capital, Austin |
Frost Bank Tower, Austin |
Friday 08 April. Our
last day, we left Austin and drove 150 miles to Jones State Forest, we’d come
full circle. This visit was similar but as successful as our first despite
having longer there. We saw Green Heron, Sharp-shined Hawk, 3 Red-headed
and a Red-bellied Woodpecker, Carolina Chickadee, 3 Tufted
Titmice, 100 Cliff Swallows, Carolina Wren, 2 Eastern
Bluebirds, American Robin and 2 Pine Warblers. We drove to
Houston Airport, dropped of the car and caught our overnight flight back to
[blogged during lockdown in March 2020, more photos added]