The New Year didn’t
start well. I was in Southern Thailand with Dick
Filby, Richard Grimmett, Frank Lambert and Colin Winyard (see We had all been sleeping
near the car and woke to find it had been broken into and various items stolen.
None of us had heard a thing! It was the only real glitch on an otherwise
excellent trip.
Richard Grimmet, Dick Filby, Frank Lambert, me and Colin Winyard in Southern Thailand, January 2021 (photo: Frank Lambert) |
been back home less than two weeks when Steve Webb offered me a lift for a
Cattle Egret in Pembrokeshire. I’d just seen several hundreds in Thailand but
there had been fewer than 30 seen in Britain and I was a bit twitchy. We dipped
although 5 Chough nearby were some compensation. Two days later it was
Steve Webb again, there was a Cattle Egret in North Wales, did I fancy
it. Not really but I went. On the drive up Steve told me there had been another
seen near Glasgow so if we missed this one … (madness). Fortunately we saw it,
my 370th species in Britain.
mid-February Andy Clements drove a car load up to Hartlepool for a White-billed
Diver. He’d hired a Skoda, the only car available at short notice, and it
broke down about half way there. One of us had breakdown cover (not me I wasn’t
a driver at this time) and as it couldn’t be started we had the option of going
on or back. White-billed Diver, easy choice. An address was required - 1 Fish
Quay, Hartlepool. The White-billed Diver gave superb views in the harbour and while
we were there local taxi driver Martin Blick was able to fix the car, at least
well enough to get it back to Sussex. A Black-throated Diver was seen at
Arlington Reservoir on 21st and on a couple of subsequent visits
while a trip to East Kent on 22nd produced 4 Shore Lark, a Twite
and 4 Lapland Buntings on Deal Golf Course with Bittern, Hen
Harrier, Water Rail and Bearded Tit at Stodmarsh. Closer to
home 4 Jack Snipe were seen in the Cuckmere on 25th and Black
Redstarts at Widewater and Southwick Power Station on 27th.
from Cotteridge & Vinicombe's Rare Birds of Britain & Ireland: A Photographic Record (1996) |
March seawatches from Hove and Birling were unproductive with 2 Wheatears
and a Firecrest at Beachy on 14th my first signs of Spring. Firecrests
dominated the rest of the month with 20 further sightings at Beachy or in the
Cuckmere. Six Slavoinan Grebes were seen on the sea off Church Norton on
20th and 2 swam east at Birling on 29th.
flock of 8 Avocets east past Birling on 4 April was notable as was an
adult Mediterranean Gull while a Black Redstart and 23 Wheatears
were seen along Hove seafront in misty weather on 7th and a Lesser
Spotted Woodpecker in Falmer Woods on 8th. Visits to Beachy produced
Grasshopper and Wood Warblers on 11th and Redstart
and Pied Flycatcher on 12th while at Lullington on 17th
I saw 3 Nightingales, a Grasshopper Warbler and an Osprey
flying north. The month finished with the Glossy Ibis, a Water Rail
and 16 Bearded Tits at Stodmarsh on 22nd, 6 Velvet Scoter
E off Hove on 24th and Long-tailed Duck and summer-plumaged Grey
Phalarope at Staines Reservoir on 29th.
from Hove in early May produced 2 Pomarine Skuas east on 6th.
On 7th the wind had gone around to SE, moderate to strong, and highlights
between 07:15-11:45 were 51 Pomarine and 9 Arctic Skuas, 19 Little
Gulls, 2 Roseate, 9 Little and 8 Black Terns. At the
University I called in on Andy Clements who was doing a PhD in the Biology
Department and we decided to return that afternoon. Between 16:30-19:30 we saw
2 Long-tailed Duck, Marsh Harrier, 31 Pomarine and an Arctic
Skua, 8 Little Gulls and 2 Black Terns. My 82 Poms had been
topped by John Cooper at Birling who had seen 102. I wished I’d been watching
all day although I did see what was then the largest flock recorded in Sussex,
44. Having seen a flock of 7 Poms fly east my attention was drawn to a fishing
boat approaching from the west with a cloud of what appeared to be gulls behind
it. They were Pom and landed on the sea. They departed in small groups over the
course of the next hour enabling me to be sure how many were involved. The
afternoon’s Pom were flocks of 16, 13 and 2. In light southerlies 8 Velvet
Scoter, an Eider, 2 Pomarine and 2 Arctic Skuas and 15
Black Terns flew east past Hove between 07:00-11:00 on 8th. A
trip to Cornwall on 10th added Squacco Heron to my British
List, it was at St Germans which I passed through twice a day going to/from
school in the mid-1960s. We saw a singing male Serin at Budleigh
Salterton on the way back. Highlights for the rest of May were 2 Roseate
Terns east at Hove on 16th, Sussex’s first Greenish Warbler,
a singing male, found by Colin Winyard in Belle Tout Wood on 19th, a
male Red-backed Shrike at Rye Harbour (I stumbled upon it chasing a
rumour of a suppressed Roller) and a female Woodchat Shrike at Beachy on
31st (another great find for Colin).
June a Firecrest was singing in Stanmer Woods but rarities called with a
River Warbler singing on Roydon Common in Norfolk. I caught trains to
King’s Lynn and walked arriving soon after 1pm on 4th only had a
flight view up to dusk and slept in a nearby hedge. It gave excellent views
between 03:15-07:00, a nice birthday tick. I saw a Common Crane at
Horsey on a forgotten but rather roundabout return. On 17th I
travelled to South Ferriby on the Humber for a Caspian Tern which had
moved on but four days later saw another on the Blackwater Estuary in Essex. On
25th I caught trains to Darsham in Suffolk and saw what was thought
to be a Collared Pratincole at Dunwich. It was later identified as Britain’s first
Oriental Pratincole. On the way home the Caspian Tern was seen at
trip to the New Forest on 1 July produced 2 Hobbys, 3 Wood Larks,
3 Dartford and a Wood Warbler with a male Red-backed Shrike
at Deadman Hill. I became an honorary member and joined the University of East
Anglia bird Club trip to Austria from 5-15th (see and immediately on my return had a couple of days in
East Anglia seeing Marsh Sandpiper at Minsmere on 16th and Common
Crane and 3 Marsh Harriers at Horsey Mere, a pair of Red-backed
Shrikes at Santo Downham, 4 Stone Curlews at Weeting Heath and at
least 8 Golden Orioles at Lakenheath on 17th when I also
noted seeing 30+ Turtle Doves on East Anglian roads. I then managed two
weeks with no notebook entries so it must have been very quiet.
highlights were White-rumped Sandpiper and a selection of autumn waders
on Sidlesham Ferry on 4th, Pied Flycatcher in our Hove garden
on 13th, Baird’s Sandpiper found by Alan Kitson at Widewater
on 19th followed by a Black-winged Pratincole dip at Hilton in
Cambridgeshire that evening, Spotted Crake at Beddington on 23rd,
4 Little Stints and 23 Curlew Sandpipers at Pett Pools and 3 Little
Gulls, 9 Black and a White-winged Black Tern at Dungeness on
29th. Highlights of 5 August visits to Beachy Head were 2 Pied
Flycatchers and flight views of 2 Grasshopper Warblers.
September I saw 6 Spotted Flycatchers in woods around the University on
4th, 2 Grasshopper Warblers, up to 60 Lesser Whitethroats
and 5 Pied Flycatchers at Beachy on 5-6th, a juvenile Bittern
at Marazion on 11th on an ill-fated trip for a reported American
Bittern that ended up with Tim Toohig’s car being written off on a narrow road
on the way to Porthgwarra. Another Pied Flycatcher was best at Beachy on
13th A weekend in London staying with Andrew Moon coincided with Pectoral
and Buff-breasted Sandpipers at Perry Oaks as well as 20 Little
Stints and 7 Curlew Sandpipers, 32 Black-necked Grebes, Scaup
and Goldeneye on Staines Reservoir and 11 Black Terns on Queen
Mary Reservoir. I caught the Scillonain from Penzance on 26th seeing
9 Sooty Shearwaters, Leach’s Petrel and Grey Phalarope on
the crossing. Nick Preston and Dave Mills (who had found a Yellow-billed Cuckoo
a few days before) were already on Scillies and I put my tent up near theirs. A
quick afternoon tour of St. Marys produced Honey Buzzard, Dotterel,
Wilson’s Phalarope, Tawny Pipit, Citrine Wagtail, Rose-coloured
Starling and a Monarch butterfly. I saw another Monarch on 27th and
was watching a Red-eyed Vireo on the Garrison when Ray O’Reilly told us
there was a Magnolia Warbler on St. Agnes. We went straight over and headed to
Barnaby Lane where the bird hadn’t been seen for some time. Frustrated we tried
to sneak around the back but soon gave up. Viewing was no better – too many
small fields - and while we were away David Hunt pished it in for everyone else
who had stayed. A sleepless night ensued and we ware back on an early boat the
following morning. Thankfully the Magnolia Warbler had stayed and we had
decent views from Barnaby Lane. Also on Agnes we saw Icterine and Booted
Warblers, being involved in the identification of the latter, with Melodious
and Wood Warblers on St. Marys. Seawatching from Peninnis on 29th
produced single Sooty Shearwater, Pomarine Skua, Puffin
and 250 Gannets with Lapland and Snow Buntings the best
passerines seen. Another breezy day on 30 September with 300 Gannets and
2 Great Skuas seen in a two hour seawatch and 5 Pied Flycatchers,
the Rose-coloured Starling and an Ortolan Bunting the best
on land.
on St Marys started with a day of almost continual rain during which a new Red-eyed
Vireo in Holy Vale was the only notable bird I saw. A better day on 2nd
produced a Wryneck, 2 Tawny Pipits (one found by Nick), 2 Melodious
Warblers, the Rose-coloured Starling and 2 Lapland and another
Ortolan Bunting but another quiet/windy day on 3rd produced
just a Spotted Crake, Grey Phalarope and Wryneck. Most of
the best birds seen on 4th, another calmer day, were those I’d seen
before - Spotted Crake, Tawny Pipit, Melodious Warbler, Rose-coloured
Starling, Lapland and Ortolan Bunting. Although some of the 8 Spotted and 5 Pied
Flycatchers were probably new, at least for me, as was a Marsh Warbler
I stumbled upon at Carn Warval. Continuing birding pretty much dawn to dusk,
particularly in the less visited corners, I saw Honey Buzzard, Arctic
and Yellow-browed Warbler and Rustic Bunting on 5th, Grasshopper
and Yellow-browed Warblers, Red-breasted Flycatcher and Scarlet
Rosefinch on 6th, Short-toed Lark, 2 Ring Ouzels, Melodious
Warbler and Red-breasted Flycatcher on 7th, Golden
Oriole, Barred Warbler, 2 Red-breasted Flycatchers and the Scarlet
Rosefinch on 8th and a White-fronted Goose and one of the
Red-breasted Flycatchers on 9th. St Marys was beginning to
feel quite stale with the Rose-coloured Starling, Ortolan Bunting
and Scarlet Rosefinch my highlights on 10th. More birds
seemed to be around on 11th with a Cuckoo, 2 Icterine,
2 Melodious and a new Arctic Warbler (found by Rupert Hastings
and Andrew Moon in Holy Vale), 2 Red-breasted Flycatchers and the Ortolan
Bunting but another front on 12th made it hard going with Icterine,
Melodious and the Arctic Warbler my highlights. On the morning of
13th news spread that a Common Nighthawk had been seen in flight at
Rocky Hills but had disappeared. Realistically it wasn’t likely to be seen again
before dusk but it was hard to think of anything else and I wandered around in
a daze periodically passing Rocky Hills just in case. I saw new Melodious
and Yellow-browed Warblers and the Rose-coloured Starling before
joining the majority of birders in gathering around the NW edge of the airport
before dusk. As the light started to go a Short-eared Owl created a
minor panic and soon after the Common Nighthawk appeared to a huge cheer
(of elation and relief). I saw the Common Nighthawk again at dusk on 14th
but only poorly, with Yellow-browed Warbler and Red-breasted
Flycatcher the only other birds of note. A Roseate Tern of Porth
Cressa was the highlight of 15th when I also saw Barred, Melodious,
Yellow-browed and Wood Warblers. On 16th I saw a Booted
Warbler that Dave Bishop and Andy Hamby found at Four Lanes. I then headed
to Holy Vale and was approaching the bottom of it when I saw Rupert Hastings
hurrying towards me. He shouted ‘start running’ and I turned round to do and
was told ’not that way, Orphean Warbler at Kittydown’. In my haste I tripped
over the stile at the bottom of Holy Vale and landed in a ditch where I was
apparently motionless for a minute before getting up and running on, much to
Rupert’s amusement. The Orphean Warbler showed surprisingly well, as I
was to see it several times in the coming week. Mick Turton found at the bottom
of Kittydown. The weather was bad on 17th when my only notable
sighting was a Wryneck while on 18th I saw an immature male Golden
Oriole and the Booted and Orphean Warblers and Rose-coloured
Starling again. The 19th was another grim day with a toss-up
between Curlew Sandpiper and Pied Flycatcher for best bird while
the weather improved on 20th when a Richard’s Pipit was the
only decent new arrival although the Booted, Orphean, Yellow-browed
and Wood Warblers were seen again. I had amazing views of the Orphean
Warbler and briefly saw an Olive-backed Pipit on 21st, a Richard’s
Pipit on 22nd before leaving St Marys for Tresco where a Radde’s
Warbler showed brilliantly by the Abbey. It ended a run of 23 consecutive
days just birding on St Marys. The 23rd was almost goose day with
single Bean, Pink-footed and White-fronted Geese seen on St Marys
as well as Yellow-browed Warbler, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Olive-backed
and Richard’s Pipits and an unidentified wagtail at Porth Hellick that
sounded like a Citrine as it flew over but appeared grey and white when it
briefly landed at the back of the pool. A Pallas’s Warbler on St Martins
had me leaving St Marys two days running. I saw it briefly and 1-2 Yellow-browed
Warblers. Highlights on 24th were Olive-backed Pipit, Booted
Warbler and the Rose-coloured Starling, Richard’s Pipit and 2
Yellow-browed Warblers on 25th with 3 of the latter on 26th
before another visit to St Martins where 2 Pallas’s Warblers were seen.
As October came to a close and the days drew in birding became harder with 5 Great
Northern Divers and a Woodcock new for the year on 27th
when I also saw Barred, Melodious and Yellow-browed Warblers,
2 Yellow-browed Warblers on 28th and Richard’s Pipit,
the Booted and 4 Yellow-browed Warblers on 29th. On 30th
after seeing Ring Ouzel and Yellow-browed Warbler around Peninnis
I decided to take advantage of a very low afternoon tide and caught a boat to
Tresco seeing a Yellow-browed Warbler and my latest ever Lesser
Whitethroat before walking across to Bryher where 2 Snow Buntings
were the highlight before returning to St Marys. October ended with Olive-backed
Pipit, Barred and Yellow-browed Warblers and a tail-less Firecrest.
from Cotteridge & Vinicombe's Rare Birds of Britain & Ireland: A Photographic Record (1996) |
visit to Scilly finished with the Olive-backed Pipit on 1st
November and 2 Turtle Doves and 2 Yellow-browed Warblers on 1-3rd.
I came off on the Scillonian seeing Sooty Shearwater and Great Skua
and was given a lift to Hayle where I saw 4 male and 3 probable female American
Wigeon and Stithians Reservoir where we just beat the fading light to a Long-billed
Dowitcher before continuing on to South Wales. We were in the hide at Magor
before dawn and during the morning had good views of most of the American
Bittern. Back in Sussex I saw a Grey Phalarope fly west off
Widewater and a Kentish Plover and Mediterranean Gull on the
River Adur on 15 November and was twitching again with Andrew Moon, Rupert
Hastings and Pete Naylor on 28th when we saw Hudsonian Godwit
at Countess Wier on the River Exe. The next day we were on the Humber at
Blacktoft seeing 2 Penduline Tits.
from Cotteridge & Vinicombe's Rare Birds of Britain & Ireland: A Photographic Record (1996) |
only went out birding three times in December seeing a Waxwing in Harlow
town Centre and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker at Cheshunt on 19th,
Velvet Scoter, Great Skua and Little Gull at Selsey and 2 Scaup
and 3 Smew on Pagham Lagoon on 20th and 2 White-fronted
Geese, 3 Hen Harriers and Little and Short-eared Owls
at Pevensey Levels on 25th, the first Christmas I’d been home since
1976 although I was in the final stages of planning a big trip in 1982.
[blogged June 2021]