I've never been that interested in day lists, less so now I'm slowing down, but it is nice to see the year's first 100 species (for me those heard only don't make the grade). Three times I've made 100 in two days but usually it takes much longer. This year it took almost two weeks ...
Monday 01 January 2024. Started the year as I expect to continue - locally. 30 species seen around Shoreham. Highlights being Ring-necked & Lord Derby's Parakeets (Middle Road), 4 Brent Geese (3 Widewater, 1 Harbour Way) and 2 Great Northern Divers and male Stonechat (Southwick Canal).
Tuesday 02 January 2024. Adur/Downslink with Cookie: 43 Lapwings, Grey Plover, 2 adult-winter Mediterranean and a first-winter Yellow-legged Gull, Jay, Goldcrest and 20 Redwings. Year list 44.
first-winter Yellow-legged Gull on the Adur |

Wednesday 03 January 2024. Adur with Megan and Cookie: 88 Lapwings, 2 Grey Plover, Curlew, Little Grebe and 5 Skylarks. Southwick Canal and Harbour (on return from dentist): Red-breasted Merganser, Great Northern Diver, Shag and female Stonechat. Year list 48.
Curlew on the Adur by the Amsterdam |
Thursday 04 January 2024. Lancing Hill Downland farm bird survey: Buzzard, 8 Skylarks, Firecrest (quite unexpected), Redwing, 40 Fieldfares, Stonechat, 2 Chaffinches, 7 Linnets, 15 Goldfinches, 19 Corn Buntings, male Yellowhammer and 5 Reed Buntings. Year list 60.
Stonechat at Lancing Hill |
Friday 05 January 2024. Mill Hill with Cookie: 2 Buzzards and 8 Redwing. Year list 63.
Saturday 06 January 2024. Black Rabbit and Swanbourne Lake: Pochard, 45 Tufted Duck, Water Rail heard, Woodcock (poor flight view), Marsh Harrier, Tawny Owl heard, 42 Cattle Egrets, Peregrine, Mistle Thrush and Marsh Tit heard. Burpham: 7 Chiffchaffs and a Fieldfare. Farmland Bird survey at TQ0310 (immediately west of the Burgh): 5 Buzzards, 2 Red Kites, Raven, 4 Skylarks, 45 Fieldfares, 20 Redwings, 9 Chaffinches, 3 Greenfinches, 5 Linnets, 22 Goldfinches and 6 Reed Buntings. The Burgh (after the survey): 7 Grey Partridges and Red Kite. Year list 79.
Farmland Bird Survey site |
Monday 08 January 2024. Shoreham Fort with Megan and Cookie: Brent Goose and Rock Pipit while snowing. Sullington Way: Ring-necked & Lord Derby's Parakeets. Year list 80.
front garden |
back garden |
first bird photos with new camera (Sony RX10 as replacement, at least for now, for Panasonic kit damaged in New Zealand) |
female Lord Derby's Parakeet above Sullington Way bus stop |
male Ring-necked Parakeet |
into their fourth year together |
Tuesday 09 January 2024. Shoreham Fort: Purple Sandpiper distantly on East Arm. Adur Saltings: Brent Goose, Grey Plover, 6 Ringed Plover, Curlew and 4 Dunlin. Woods Mill to Downslink: Bewick's Swan, 2 Shoveler, 30 Wigeon, male Pintail, Green Sandpiper, Woodcock, Jay, 20 Fieldfares, 10 Redwing, Water Pipit and Bullfinch. Afternoon at Dome Cinema with Megan watching very moving One Life. Year list 91.
Fieldfare at West Mill |
Wednesday 10 January 2024. Shoreham Fort: Eider, Purple Sandpiper (much better views on wooden jetty) and Rock Pipit. Adur Saltings: 15 Common Snipe and Greenshank. Brooklands (on return from Specsavers): Goldeneye and 2 Little Grebes. Year list 95.
Goldeneye at Brooklands |
the first record there since November 2004 |
great eye reflections |

Thursday 11 January. Mill Hill with Megan and Cookie: 25 Lapwings, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, 8 Redwings, 6 Song Thrushes, 4 Chaffinches, Greenfinch and 3 Goldfinches. Tottington Woods: 2 Buzzards, Tawny Owl heard, Great Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Goldcrests, 25 Redwings, 6 Fieldfares and 2 Nuthatches. Year list 98.
Friday 12 January. Widewater with Cookie including seawatching from 10:00-11:30: Mute Swan 6 juveniles E, Common Scoter 3E, Red-breasted Merganser 1W, Razorbill 330E, Guillemot 1E, unidentified auk 810E, Red-throated Diver 52E:5W, Black-throated Diver 1 probable E, unidentified diver 29E, Gannet 110 distantly off-shore. Adur Saltings just after high tide: Lapwing 20+, Curlew 1, Common Snipe 1, Little Egret 1. Year list 103 species seen.