20 January. We met Guy outside the Desert Inn Motel in Brawley at 06:15. He had driven over from San Diego which he had left at 04:00. Guy had been very helpful to my good friend Frank Lambert and Nigel Voaden when they had visited the area the previous summer. At Frank's suggestion we had contacted Guy to see if he would be birding around Salton Sea while we were around. He very kindly agreed to take us around but we hadn't appreciated that he lived nearly 130 miles away, perhaps no great distance in California! Guy suggested the best course of action would be to look for some land birds which would be most active early in the day leaving the waterbirds until later when the timing would make little difference. This seemed a good plan and we transferred to his vehicle. He was able to go into a few areas that were generally off-limits and his car was well known and wouldn't create any concern. We started a few miles outside of Brawley as it began to get light and were soon clocking up species we would have been unlikely to find ourselves (Vermilion Flycatcher and some doves). We headed back into Brawley, checking out a residential hummingbird feeder where there were several Anna's and two Costa's, before visiting Cattlecall Park. It was a good site for Gila Woodpecker (we saw two) and with a bit of perseverance we found a roosting Great Horned Owl.
Costa's Hummingbird |
at a feeder in downtown Brawley |
Annas's and Costa's (middle bird) Hummingbirds |
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Great Horned Owl in Cattlecall Park |
another male Vermilion Flycatcher, we saw three before heading for the wetlands |
Burrowing Owl inn its tyre |
its mate was nearby |
Cedar Waxwings near Brawley |
before spending the rest of the morning at Rocky Hill, Obsidian Butte and nearby pools and marshes looking at staggering numbers of grebes, cormorants, pelicans, duck and gulls. We were particularly interested in checking the gulls in the hope of finding an adult Yellow-footed that had been seen in the area up to the start of the year. Guy had warned us that it would be a very difficult bird to find as fewer than usual had come up from Mexico the previous autumn including virtually no young birds which would be more likely to hang on into the winter. Only two had been recorded on the Christmas bird count (in early December), both by Guy - no surprise there! We checked every gull flock we could find and were pretty confident the Yellow-footed Gull was not about. It being a dark mantled gull amongst much paler birds would have made it stand out even at some distance. Guy picked out two Neotropic Cormorants amongst hundreds of Double-crested, not something I was even considering.
American Avocets |
their bills seemed impossibly thin |
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Marbled Godwit |
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Least Sandpiper |
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Spotted Sandpiper |
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White-faced Ibis |
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Ridgway's Rail |
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as Guy said 'we don't get Clapper Rails around here any more' |
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Greater Roadrunner with crest raised |
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we saw five around the Salton Sea during our day with Guy |
Neotropic Cormorant |
a second-winter Glaucous-winged Gull |
Geese at Sonny Bono Unit 1 |
most were Snow Geese, including encouraging numbers of juveniles |
we picked out several smaller, shorter-billed Ross's Geese amongst them |
Sandhill Cranes |
Red Hill and Rocky Hill from Obsidian Butte |
Obsidian Butte |
American White Pelicans over Obsidian Butte |
American Herring Gulls |
Thayer's Gull at Obsidian Butte |
I was actually first to see it but fortunately Guy agreed with my ID |
a nice end to a very enjoyable day |
with another spectacular sunset to top it off |
21 January. At 06:30 we followed Guy south to Sheldon Reservoir. A small earth-banked rectangle surrounded by a chain link fence. Guy pulled up by a narrow gap in the fence and told us we had local fishermen to thank for being able to access it. It had been gated and secured by a padlock and chain which they had repeatedly cut only for the authorities to replace. They then removed the gate too at which point the authorities gave up. On the reservoir we saw Redhead, Canvasback, Ring-necked Duck and a female Bufflehead. We headed back north to the burnt field, the Burrowing Owls were still in their tyre but the Mountain Plovers had not returned. At Sonny Bono the light was excellent for checking the gulls and we tried the Rocky Hill pools, Observation Hill and Red Hill (where Guy had found the Ross's Gull) but no dark mantled birds were present. We had tried our hardest and in Guy had the best person possible to help us. At least we had an excuse to return another autumn.
both Burrowing Owls in their tyre |
Guy scanning for Mountain Plovers, they had temporarily gone missing |
Guy scanning at Red Hill. Perfect light but no dark mantled gulls |
Snow Geese over Sonny Bono |
two of five Stilt Sandpipers at Sonny Bono |
We said farewell to Guy and continued north around the east side of Salton Sea. Guy had suggested checking the gulls at Salt Creek and North Shore but warned us there had been a couple of Lesser Black-backs around. We were pleased to have been forewarned as we saw single adults at both. Three Bonaparte's Gulls at Salt Creek were much more welcome and the only ones I saw.
Salt Creek |
gulls at salt creek, including a Lesser Black-back |
Bonaparte's Gulls at Salt Creek |
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Cactus Wren at North Shore, Matt first heard its distinctive call, my mind was elsewhere ... |
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Heerman's Gull in Mugu Rock car park. I was about to walk down onto the beach where some were resting in the hope of getting close enough for photos when this one flew in and landed nearby |
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what was presumably its mate soon joined it |
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Western Gull at Mugu Rock |
La Jolla Canyon |
Canyon Wren in La Jolla Canyon |
Golden-crowned Sparrow |
Cinnamon Teal at Perkin's Road |
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