This is the first of several blog posts giving my take on a very enjoyable trip to Northern Peru. It is illustrated with some variable quality photos of mine, some heavily cropped, taken with a Canon SX60 Bridge Camera, supplemented by some better ones taken by Chris Gooddie using a Canon SLR & lens combination that I could hardly lift. The 5"x3" blog format (7"x5" at a push) hides the shortcomings of my images whereas most of Chris's would make good screen savers.
Introduction. I had visited Peru with Nick Preston and Michael Grunwell
in 1984 (see We had a mainly enjoyable time, but an awful lot of hassle, and saw some amazing birds but for several reasons (Shining Path, falling out-of-love
with Neotropical birding) I’d not seriously considered a return visit for many
years. Going to Ecuador in 2015 with the late Jon Hornbuckle, Marc Brew and Rod
Martins (see put South America back in the forefront of my mind and I’ve been
fortunate to do several trips to the region since then. When, in summer 2017,
Mike Catsis asked if I’d be interested in Northern Peru it took no time at all
to say yes, very much. Particularly as Mike had a long term Peruvian birding friend, Juvenal CCahuana Mirano (Juve), who had agreed to drive us around in his 4WD. We needed a third to make the trip affordable and Nick
Preston didn’t take much persuading even though he'd been before, as had Mike. Chris Gooddie was also interested and soon
committed too. Mike confirmed dates and a provisional itinerary with Juve and we booked flights to Lima in December. We downloaded birdsongs and trip reports and Chris did some great work on site lists for everywhere we intended visiting. Before we knew it the trip was upon us and we were off ...
27 June. Megan dropped Nick and me at Shoreham Station where the
train to Gatwick was on time. We checked in, my rucksack to oversize baggage as
usual, not that it was very heavy. We met Mike on the way to security and before long Chris joined us in the departure lounge. The BA flight was
on time, leaving just before 14:00. It looked to be an old Boeing 777. Decent
food but not a great selection of films but I enjoyed Molly’s Game. It was a 12
hour flight and we landed in Lima about 20:00 local time, a few minutes early.
We soon went through immigration (no visa required), collected our bags and exited the airport
where a man was waiting outside with Mike’s name on a board. He signalled a
taxi driver who took us to our hotel, the Tupac Hostel 15-20 minutes away. It
was basic but all we needed for an overnight stay.
28 June. I didn’t sleep well - the hostel was noisy and I was wide
awake at 02:00 with jetlag. I dozed to 04:40 then got up. We had arranged a
taxi back to the airport at 05:15 and checked in for our Avianca A300 flight to
Trujillo. It was a few minutes late departing but soon climbed above the clouds
for the 50 minute flight. Nick and my bags were late being unloaded and we
exited the airport to find Mike and Chris talking to Juve who had driven up
from Cusco to meet us. Juve had very limited English, matching Nick & my Spanish, although Mike was pretty fluent in Spanish and Chris knew enough to get by. Language was never a problem but it would have been nice to converse more readily with Juve . We left the airport at 09:00 and drove the 2.5-3 hours
to Sinsicap. The Trujillo area was very arid with lots of unpleasant smells and
some major roadworks on the Pan American Highway that involved closing one
carriageway for 20 minutes at a time. We soon started climbing inland and made
a brief stop at a garage for those needing refreshments. Here we turned onto a dirt track that
lead up to Sinsicap, birding dry scrubby hillsides and gulleys where we saw
Purple-collared Woodstar, Black-necked Woodpecker, Unicoloured Tapaculo, Puira
Chat Tyrant, Russet-bellied Spinetail and Bay-crowned Brush Finch. We headed down
at about 15:00 birding along the road in a few places with our last stop
producing 3 Great Inca Finches. It was 2.5 hours drive back to Trujillo where
Juve with Nick and Chris’s help visited a supermarket to stock up on field
breakfast items. We continued north up the Pan American Highway to the seaside
town of Huanchaco where we drove around several times looking for somewhere to
stay. We settled on the rather expensive Sombrero Hotel, cheaper options being
full, and I stayed in writing up my notes while the others went out for a meal.
leaving a very dull Lima |
hills above Sinsicap |
Purple-collared Woodstar on nest |
Peruvian Sheartail at Sinsicap |
another male Peruvian Sheartail |
female Black-necked Woodpecker, the nearby male had a red moustachial |
White-crested Elaenia |
looking back down the dry valley |
Puira Chat-Tyrant |
Unicoloured Tapaculo at Sinsicap (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
Russet-bellied Spinetail, another target species seen well at Sinsicap |
Great Inca Finch by the road below Sinsicap |
29 June. We left soon after 05:00 after a very poor night. Our
visit had coincided with a fiesta with loud music and fireworks all night. It
sounded as if it was happening right outside our window but the main venue
seemed to be a sports ground almost a km away. It took 3 hours to drive north
to Rafan and Juve heard a Peruvian Plantcutter calling before he’d stopped the
car. He set up breakfast while we birded the dune scrub. In two hours we at
least 12 Peruvian Plantcutters, Rufous and Baird’s Flycatchers, Cinereous Finch,
Tumbesian and Grey & White Tyrannulets and a Tschudi’s (Desert) Nightjar
which Nick initially flushed. A brilliant start with the plantcutter a species
I’d been a little concerned about seeing, and an excellent field breakfast to
boot. We continued on to Bosque Pomac arriving in the heat of the day at about
12:00. It appeared completely dead but eventually birds showed themselves, the better
species being Tumbes Swallow, Scarlet-backed Woodpecker, Streak-headed
Woodcreeper and Necklaced Spinetail. After a field lunch we tried a couple of
nearby tracks without seeing much although two pairs of Burrowing Owls were
great. We left mid-afternoon and drove to Olmos where we checked into the Hotel
Portculis. We drove out past the edge of town and finished the day birding
along a dry riverbed seeing Collared Plover and Short-tailed Field Tyrant, the
latter a welcome reacquaintance after 34 years. Back at the hotel it took an
hour for our meals to arrive, Nick and I having to wait the longest for
omelet and chips.
Long-tailed Mockingbird at Rafan |
Peruvian Plantcutters |
Rufous Flycatcher at Rafan |
Baird's Flycatcher at Rafan |
Tumbesian Tyrannulet at Rafan (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
Costal Miner at Bosque Pomac |
Grey & White Tyrannulet, with a name like that I wasn't expecting anything special |
Southern Beardless Tyrannulet |
Streak-headed Woodcreeper at Bosque Pomac, a smart bird |
male Collared Antshrike |
Amazilia Hummingbird |
Burrowing Owls at Bosque Pomac |
Collared Plover near Olmos |
Killdeer |
Short-tailed Field-Tyrant near Olmos |

30 June. We left Olmos at 05:00 and drove to Quebrada El Limon,
arriving as it was getting light at 06:30. Disappointingly we saw no night
birds on the drive, not even a Pauraque, but no insects either wouldn’t have
helped. Juve started preparing a field breakfast while we birded in the
immediate vicinity but there was little activity other than Red-masked
Parakeets (small flocks flying around although it took a while before any perched in view)
and Plumbeous-backed Thrush. After an excellent breakfast we slowly walked up
the dry valley slowly finding most of the key species - White-winged Guan (a
flock of 17, Chis then saw another further up the valley), Ecuadorian Trogon, Elegant Crescentchest, Tumbes Tyrant,
Speckle-breasted Wren and Black-capped Sparrow. At about 13:00 we turned around
and headed back. Our return was much quicker and we were back at the vehicle by
15:00. Juve prepared lunch and we birded along the road back towards Olmos,
making a prolonged stop along a dry river bed near the edge of town seeing 15
Peruvian Thick-knees and Peruvian Pygmy Owl but failing to see a Spot-throated
Humming bird Juve got onto a couple of times as it quickly flew past. We were
back in Olmos at 18:30 for a second night at Hotel Portculis.
Field breakfast at Quebrada El Limon, Mike, me and Nick (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
Rufous Hornero by our breakfast site |
walking up the valley |
White-winged Guan |
much more impressive in flight (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
Red-masked Parakeet |
eventually we had good views |
Tumbes Tyrant, not obvious enough for the autofocus to notice |
more obscured when it did |
White-tailed Jay |
Ecuadorian Trogon |
Ecuadorian Trogon (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
Guyaquil Woodpecker |
Vermillion Flycatcher at Quebrada El Limon |
Black-capped Sparrow |
Tumbes Sparrow at Quebrada El Limon |
dried river bed near Olmos |
Peruvian Thick-knees near Olmos, 11 of the 15 seen |
this one looked a bit startled |
Saffron Finch near Olmos |
01 July. We left Olmos at 05:00 for the 90 minute drive to Abra
Porculla, turning off the main road to take a reasonable track up around a
scrubby hillside and past a few shallow gullies with taller vegetation. As was
becoming the norm we birded along the track while Juve went on ahead to set up
breakfast. We then birded along the track for 6 hours, remaining just below
1900m. At times the clouds came down reducing visibility but it remained cool
and the birds active. We saw Line-cheeked Spinetail, Chapman’s Antshrike,
Chestnut-crowned Antpitta, Black-cowled Saltator and Rufous-necked and Henna-hooded
Foliage-Gleaners. The latter was a revelation and stole the show even if it didn’t stay
still for the camera. We returned to the main road, crossed the pass (2137m) and had a late lunch in a roadside restaurant. There were no immediate birding
options but Croatia beating Poland provided a distraction. At Chamaya, 17km short
of Jaen, we spent an hour on a hot scrubby hillside where we saw Little Inca
Finch. In Jaen we stayed in the pleasant Hoteleria El Bosque.
Abra Porculla soon after dawn |
male Chapman's Antshrike at Abra Porculla |
Rufous-chested Tanagers at Abra Porculla (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
female Silver-backed Tanager |
Chestnut-crowned Antpitta at Abra Porculla |
White-bellied Woodstar |
male Tooth-billed Tanager |
female Tooth-billed Tanager |
Black-cowled Saltator (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
a fast disappearing Henna-hooded Foliage-Gleaner at Abra Porculla |
a more complete image of the surprisingly impressive Henna-hooded Foliage-Gleaner (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
Lesser Nighthawk at Chamaya |
Little Inca Finch at Chamaya |
Maranon race Tropical Gnatcatcher at Chamaya (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
leaving Chamaya |
02 July. A long day. We left Jaen at 04:00 to drive to Tamborapa
stopping for an hour’s very frustrating owling on the way. As we were driving I
saw what looked like a Striped Owl sat on a low post by the road but when we
turned round there was no sign of it. We heard another a little further on but
it was set back from the road and moved quicker than we were able to follow. We
also heard a couple of West Peruvian Screech Owls but failed to see either, one
being very close at one stage. Although owls are often more responsive before
dawn it is easier to get a feel for an area at dusk which on this occasion we
would have benefited from. We continued on to Tamborapa and Juve pulled in
beside the road to prepare breakfast as it was getting light. There was tall
scrub along both sides of the road but turned out that Juve had parked in an
excellent position when a Maranon Crescentchest started calling from right
beside the vehicle. It was one of my most wanted birds and gave good views but didn’t stay still long enough for photos which was disappointing. We also saw
Necklaced Spinetail and Buff-bellied Tanager. We walked along a narrow trail
seeing Maranon Spinetail but little else until it became rather overgrown. We
returned to the car and left at 09:00, were back in Jaen at 10:15, packed and
left at 11:00. During the 45 minutes Juve’s car had been on the hotel forecourt
someone had stolen the camping gas cylinder he kept strapped to the roof-rack.
On this occasion he’d unfortunately not padlocked it. We set off for Pedro Ruiz
and at a toll-booth half way there Juve was told of some roadworks which would
close the road to all traffic from 13:00-18:00. The section was probably 90km and was
now 12:00. Juve drove like an experienced rally driver and long straights and
little traffic on the first section of the road helped us average 100kph. This
soon fell in a couple of towns and as the road dropped into a river valley. It
was now very much touch and go if we’d make it, not helped by not knowing
exactly where the road was to be closed. 13:00 anxiously came and went and at 13:05 we turned a corner to see two cones in the middle of the road
and a man walking out with a third to close the road. He waved us through and
we’d made it, just! We continued to Pedro Ruiz for lunch and then on up a
valley to the touristy village of Gocta. We tried a few hotels before finding
one with free rooms then birded the road back down the valley. It was our only
chance of Maranon Thrush and Pigeon but at least Juve's driving had given us a chance. We walked a
couple of kms down the road, a Maranon Pigeon flew past and another appeared briefly in
a tree but neither views were helpful to most. It was starting to look as if
beating the roadworks was going to be in vain as far as Maranon Thrush went but Juve knew a lighlt wooded bend a little
further on where he’d seen them previously. Mike played a tape and a pair appeared.
Superb. We continued birding to dusk then drove down the valley to the main
river and along the gorge beside it. We tried for owls but only succeeded in
waking some noisy dogs in the only area wide enough for more than a couple of
trees. We returned to Gocta where the others had a meal and I wrote up my
diary. A final owling session produced amazing views of West Peruvian Screech
Owl at 21:20. A great end to the day.
early morning at Tamborapa |
Maranon Northern Slaty Antshrike at Tamborapa (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
Roadside Hawk |
Clearwing butterfly Hyalyris antea frater at Tamborapa |
unidentified butterfly at Tamborapa |
Blue Morpho |
Passion Butterfly (Agraulis vanillae) |
also known as Gulf Fritillary |
view from Gocta |
Shumba Collared Antshrike at Tamborapa (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
Mike birding the road at Gocta |
Nick at Gocta |
Andean Emerald at Gocta |
Maranon Thrush at Gocta |
Maranon Thrush at Gocta (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
Maranon Thrush at Gocta (photo: Chris Gooddie) |
West Peruvian Screech Owl at Gocta |
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