Introduction. Sri Lanka had always been in the back of my
mind as somewhere I’d like to visit at an appropriate time but as the years
rolled by the opportunity never came. Taxonomic changes have made it a more
attractive destination, there were twenty endemics when I first looked into it in the
late 1970s but are now 34. I’d had my eye on Naturetrek Endemic Bird trips
which, despite being in country for less than nine full days, seemed to see between
32 and 34 endemics and a few other specialities shared with Southern India. In
the autumn Naturetrek were advertising a room share on their January trip which
made it more affordable. With other ideas not materialising I put my previous
experience with a Naturetrek trip out of my mind (birding between meals) and booked. Dave Cooper and
Brenda Kay visited Sri Lanka as part of a longer trip before Christmas and did
extremely well seeing all and photographing most of the endemics (see This should have been encouraging but a couple of species were
very secretive and I had learnt ours would be a group of 11.
26 January 2019.
I arrived at Heathrow in good time for the Sri Lanka Airlines flight to Colombo
only to discover it would be at least an hour late arriving. The delay
stretched to two hours and we finally departed at 23:00.
27 January 2019.
It was a decent flight, helped by me having two seats, and we arrived at 14:00, 90 minutes late. Immigration was easy but I had the usual worry waiting for
my rucksack to appear but it did and wasn’t the last off. I soon found our
leaders (Indi and Dinal) and the rest of the group which when assembled was now
12 strong. We departed in a 20 seater bus for the 3.5 hour drive to Kithulgala,
travelling though busy towns and cultivated lowlands for most of the way. A few
of the birds seen from the bus were identifiable and included Sri Lanka Grey
Hornbill, my first new bird and an endemic to boot. We had a 15 minute stop to
break the journey seeing a family group of comical Yellow-billed Babblers,
White-browed Bulbul and Loten’s Sunbird, all of which were new. We arrived at
the Plantation Hotel just as the light was going. I was sharing with Shane from
New Mexico who had just finished a tour of South Vietnam. Everyone else of the
trip were Brits. Dinner was lots of spicy dishes which I avoided settling for
plain rice, just about manageable dal and chicken. Not overly special. I went
to bed at 20:30 (02:00 UK time).
Sri Lanka Grey Hornbill, my first endemic |
White-throated Kingfisher |
Yellow-billed Babbler |
tail-less juveniles |
28 January 2019.
I didn’t sleep well being heavily jet lagged although was woken by my alarm at
05:30. We left the hotel at 06:15 for a short drive (500m) up the road to a
track down to a metal plate suspension footbridge across the Kelani River and into some secondary
forest patches at the base of some hills. We birded the area for three hours
seeing a good range of species including 14 new birds. Two Spot-backed Thrushes
were best with Chestnut-backed Owlet and male Sri Lanka Junglefowl close
behind. Other new birds were Sri Lanka Hanging Parrot, Layard’s Parakeet, Sri
Lanka Green Pigeon, Red-backed Flameback, Orange Minivet, Orange-billed and
Dark-fronted Babblers, Black-capped, Yellow-browed and Square-tailed Bulbuls and
Purple-rumped Sunbird. Only untickable views of Green-billed Coucal (I never
saw its bill) marred the morning but we would try again tomorrow. We returned
for a late breakfast (omelette and toast) then drove a couple of kms back down
the road and, in two groups, caught a small passenger ferry across the river.
We walked a trail up through cultivation to the reserve entrance seeing Yellow-fronted
Barbet, Brown-capped Pygmy Woodpecker and Southern Hill Myna and White-throated
Flowerpeckers while Indi signed us in. We continued up into the rainforest but
it was dry and somewhat birdless compared to the more open areas although a
Brown-breasted Flycatcher was very nice. We were left at a shelter overlooking
a clearing which we scanned for half an hour or so while Indi and Dinal went
looking for a roosting Serendib Scops Owl. We sat around seeing nothing and they could not
find the owl. Some mention was made of a photographer going too close and
flushing it despite his guide telling him not to although it may not have been
that morning. Disappointing but Indi was confident of finding one at Sinharaja
where we would finish the trip. As I was
lagging behind on the way back down to the reserve entrance a Crimson-backed
Flameback few across in front of me, landing briefly a couple of times before
disappearing. It was to be the only one I saw and an endemic most on the trip
missed. We returned for lunch at 14:00 but I opted to sit on the riverbank
instead which was enjoyable but not overly productive although I did improve on
my earlier poor views of Sri Lanka Swallow and Indian Swiftlet. After lunch we
drove up a narrow road away from the river and onto a hillside above the
valley. We walked an open section of the road beside a tea plantation seeing
Crimson-fronted Barbet, Black-headed Cuckooshrike, Tawny-bellied Babbler and
another Brown-capped Pygmy Woodpecker. An Indian Pitta flew out of the tea and
across the road and out of sight into a thick bush in front of me. A bird I’d not seen since
1982. As we tried to see it in the bush it flew back into the tea but I was
unsighted. We returned to the hotel at dusk (18:00). A very good first day with
24 new birds but many were likely to be common and be seen again.
Chestnut-backed Owlet at Kithulgala |
Orange-billed Babblers at Kithulgala |
Red-backed Flameback, the most recently recognised endemic |
Green Imperial Pigeon |
Spot-winged Thrush at Kithulgala |
perhaps my most wanted endemic (until I saw it) |
forest near Kithulgala |
Layard's Parakeet at Kithulgala |
The Kelani River, made famous by the film the Bridge of the River Kwai |
ferry across the river, our large group needed two trips |
Oriental Magpie Robin in the Plantation Hotel garden |
Blue-tailed Bee-eaters at the Plantation Hotel. The amount of brown/chestnut cast on the head came as a bit of a surprise |

29 January 2019.
We left the Plantation Hotel at 06:15 and after our three minute bus ride
returned across the suspension footbridge to the Green-billed Coucal area. Two
Brown-capped Babblers showed well on the way, a potentially tricky endemic we
did not encounter again. The Green-billed Coucal showed briefly soon after we
arrived on site. I was fortunate to be in the right position when Indi saw it and had a decent
view of its bill but most missed it altogether. We continued birding a bit
further on seeing our first Sri Lanka Drongo before returning. The coucal was
still in the area and gave a few brief glimpses before a good close flight view
over our heads satisfied everyone. We returned to the hotel for breakfast after
which I sat by the river again seeing seeing a Crested Treeswift before we left at 10:00 It was a three hour drive to Nuwara Ellya with a couple of brief
stops on the way seeing Oriental Honey Buzzard, Crested Serpent Eagle and a
probable Crested Hawk Eagle. We checked into the Heaven Seven Hotel and while
the others had lunch and prepared for the afternoon’s excursion I wandered
around outside. There wasn’t any decent accessible habitat nearby although I
saw my first Sri Lanka White-eye, White-bellied Sea Eagle, Alpine Swift, Hill Swallow
and Pied Bushchat in the immediate vicinity. We drove to Victoria Park and
spent an hour and a half looking around there. Highlights were male Kashmir
Flycatcher, two male Pied Thrushes and Forest Wagtail. The Pied Thrushes were in
the smelliest part of the park – in complete contrast to seeing them in their breeding habitat
in the Himalayas. We left the
park and drove a short distance to a lay-by and fruit stall on the rim of the
plateau. We made our way down to a short open section of a fast flowing stream
which Indi told us was a good site for the super-shy Sri Lanka Whistling
Thrush. We were to wait quietly in the hope the thrush would appear as the
light faded. I might have been confident had there been three or four of us but
it would require a miracle for a group of 14 to all see such a shy bird. More
so when some started talking which encouraged others to do so too and soon it sounded as
if I was in a noisy school playground. Indi had a few words and the volume was
reduced but there was still a lot of muttering and shuffling around, perhaps
inevitably. We saw our first Yellow-eared Bulbuls, expectedly Sri Lanka’s best,
and a brief male Indian Blue Robin but the whistling thrush had not appeared by
18:15 and we left with just about enough light to find our way back up to the
road. We would doubtless be returning.
rather large Water Monitor at the Plantation Hotel, Kithulgala |
it or another on the opposite bank of the Kelani River |
Indian Pond Heron |
Little Cormorant at the Plantation Hotel |
Crested Serpent Eagle on the journey |
highland tea plantations |
waterfall on the way to Nuwara Ellya |
Sri Lanka White-eye outside Heaven Seven in Nuwara Ellya |
Pied Thrush hidden amongst the plastic waste in the least salubrious part of Victoria Park |
30 January 2019. A
very long successful day despite missing a Leopard. We left at 05:15 in two
minibuses, the one I was in appeared to be in pole position to lead off but
Indi climbed into the other and left first. We in the second vehicle missed a few junglefowl and a Wild
Boar along the road. We drove for an hour stopping just after the last railway
crossing in an area which dawn revealed to have some thick but scattered groups
of trees. More importantly they held at least nine Sri Lanka Wood Pigeons, an endemic we were only likely to see here and usually at dawn. We watched for 15 minutes before continuing on to
Horton Plains National Park where we joined a long queue at the entrance. We
saw our first Dull-blue Flycatcher and only Black-throated Munias around the
ticket office while waiting. Once we had our permits we drove into the park
stopping by a small roadside pond in an area of decent forest. It was another
Sri Lanka Whistling Thrush sight and Indi heard one calling but only Shane saw
anything resembling one. Two Sri Lanka Bush Warblers were some compensation for
the rest of us. We continued to the reserve centre and joined many other
tourists walking out across the plain. It was more like moorland and was being
encroached by rhododendrons with more substantial scattered patches of woodland. We walked a km
or so along the main trail to a woodland patch where we saw Pale-billed Flowerpecker,
Indian Blue Robin, Velvet-fronted Nuthatch and Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrike.
The plains were fairly devoid of birds with Paddyfield Pipit and Pied Bushchats
most evident. We also saw Black-winged Kite, Hill and Barn Swallows and when
back at the centre a Legge’s Hawk Eagle in the top of a very distant line of
trees I had been scanning through binoculars. Unsure if it was a large eagle or
an oddly shaped branch I borrowed Dave’s new 90mm Swarovski scope to reveal its identity. We left the park
in convoy but us in the second vehicle didn’t realise when the first vehicle stopped half-way out of the
park that it was for a Leopard. By the time we cottoned on it had disappeared which was rather disappointing although views didn’t sound great. Three Sri Lanka Wood Pigeons were in the same trees as earlier and the light was much better showing them in all their subtlety. We returned to Heaven Seven at
13:30 and I walked to Victoria Park while the others had lunch. It was only 12
minutes walk and I had almost two hours there before the others arrived. I couldn’t
refind the Kashmir Flycatcher which I’d hoped to photograph but the two Pied
Thrushes were in the same area and showed well in somewhat better light. I looked around
for Indian Pitta with no success, that the preferred area had been cleared of leaf
litter by gardeners probably didn’t help. I joined the group when they arrived
and we walked around again, annoyingly Indi briefly seeing a pitta in one of
the areas I had looked in earlier. A smart pair of Sri Lanka Scimitar Babblers
was our only new bird before we returned to look for the whistling thrush
again. This time a few of the group opted to stay in/return to the hotel and it
was somewhat quieter. The male Indian Blue Robin put in several brief
appearances and a Sri Lanka Bush Warbler had us going at one stage. An Otter
appeared below us but despite the smaller group being much quieter nothing had shown
by 18:15. This time Indi decided to give it another 5 minutes as it wasn’t
completely dark. A minute or two later the Sri Lanka Whistling Thrush appeared, except I missed the first
three views being poorly positioned/ unsighted or not sharp enough. Luckily it
stayed in the ravine and I obtained several silhouette views, good enough to
see it was a small Whistling Thrush but not a male as others had noted. It then
flew over our heads and landed on a moss covered branch with the remaining light behind
us. I was soon in pole position and noted its dark blue colouration before it
dropped out of sight. Quite a relief to finally have had a decent view. It was reckoned by Indi to be the hardest of the
endemics to see, at least for a large group, and against the odds we remained
on track to see them all (although a couple of the others were notoriously
tricky too). We were back at Heaven Seven at 18:45.
Dull-blue Flycatcher, much nicer than its name suggests |
a distant view of Adam's Peak, one of the highest in Sri Lanka at almost 2250m high |
Horton Plains |
Red-wattled Lapwing on Horton Plains |
female Pied Bushchat |
Horton Plains |
Horton Plains centre |
Pale-billed Flowerpecker |
Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrike |
Black-cheeked Lizard |
more extensive woodland on Horton Plains, sadly we didn't have time to visit it |
Brown Mongoose |
Sri Lanka Wood Pigeon |
a smart bird when seen in good light |
Oriental Magpie Robin in Victoria Park
Grey Wagtail |
Forest Wagtail in Victoria Park |
better views of Pied Thrush in Victoria Park |
still amongst the old plastic bags though |
Brown Shrike in Victoria Park |

31 January 2019.
I birded outside the hotel for half an hour before 07:30 breakfast seeing
Blyth’s Reed Warbler and Ashy Prinia. Our success the previous evening with the
Whistling Thrush meant a pre-dawn start wasn’t needed, although I would have
happily tried again. We left Nuwara Ellya and drove for an hour to the Surrey
Bird Gardens, a smallish forest patch on our route. Here we walked along the
side of the wood before Indi led us in and left us while he went to look for a
roosting Brown Wood Owl. A short time later he returned having located it and
led us in two at a time for views. It was a little obscured but a close
viewpoint would have risked it flushing. I went in again when everyone had seen
it and managed a few photos. A couple of the group saw Crimson-backed Flameback
while I saw another Sri Lanka Scimitar Babbler. We continued on to Ella for
lunch. I birded outside but saw very little, a couple of Grey Langars best. Our
next stop was just outside Uda Walawe in a patch of scrub by the road. It held
lots of birds includedthe hoped for Sri Lanka Wood Shrike (the only 'dry' countery endemic), Marshall’s Iora (not actually in my book) and another
Indian Pitta flight view. Some of the group saw a Grey-bellied Cuckoo but I was
late on the scene and only saw it fly out of the back of the tree it was in. Our
final destination was the Centurion Hotel beside Chandrika Lake in
Embilipitiya. A pair of Indian Scops Owls was roosting in the car park and gave
excellent views although the light was poor for photography. We checked in and
I spent the last hour of light birding. I soon exhausted the potential of the
hotel grounds (Stork-billed Kingfisher, distant Spot-billed Pelicans), not
helped by not being able to find a way out to the lake shore immediately th eother side of the large
fenced perimeter. I left through the entrance and walked for 10 minutes to what
looked like a dried up river course running into the lake. There were lots of
birds here including Yellow-wattled Lapwing, Indian Stone Curlew and best of
all three Malabar Pied Hornbills flew over towards the hotel grounds to roost.
A great end to what was basically a travel day.
Ashy Prinia outside Heaven Seven, Nuwara Ellya |
Hindu Temple outside Nuwara Ellya |
Toque Macaque |
one of a sizable group beside the road, many climbing along telephone wires towards a village in search of food |
Brown-headed Barbet at Surrey Bird Gardens |
roosting Brown Wood Owl at Surrey Bird Gardens |
view from our lunch stop (at the restaurant on the right) |
peaks opposite, small groups of walkers were visible along the ridge |
Common Garden Lizard by the restaurant |
Spotted Dove on the same wood pile |
Common Koel near Uda Walawe, the same tree later held a Grey-bellied Cuckoo but I'd wandered off by then |
Indian Scops Owls roosting in the car park of the Centurion Hotel |
Spot-billed Pelicans, Great Cormorant and Whiskered Tern on Chandrika Lake |
Stork-billed Kingfisher in the Centurion Hotel grounds |
female Indian Robin |
Yellow-wattled Lapwings beside Chandrika Lake |
one of the most elegant waders |
Indian Stone Curlew |
in rapidly fading light |