Friday 30 October. David Buckingham and I went up to Bewbush and spent over four hours looking for and intermittently seeing and hearing the Dusky Warbler . It was rarely still, at times creeping around on or near the ground in the base of willows and others feeding around ivy in the tops of trees. Views were brief but better than previously and eventually I was fortunate to manage an lmost identifiable photo. Also present was a Chiffchaff, about 8 Long-tailed Tits and 2 Goldcrests. A great find for Tony Cook on his way to the shops and it was nice to see him and other old friends, some I'd not seen for a long time. We came back via Henfield walking down the old railway line and cutting back along the western footpath. Dave soon found the Grey Phalarope feeding along the near edge of the flood and by choosing a suitable position it came very close although by then it was raining quite steadily. Another day returning home wet but it was definitely very worthwhile being out today.
Dusky Warbler at Bewbush
it was only in view for a moment
Grey Phalarope on Henfield Levels
at times it ended up with muddy patches on its breast and flanks from when it was feeding on the muddy margins, they soon washed off |
it appeared to have a deformed left foot and walked with a pronounced limp

Thursday 29 October. Megan and I took Cookie to Brooklands where between showers we saw the adult and 4 juvenile Mute Swans, 2 Teal, a Pochard, a Little Grebe and 5 Goldfinches. Later a wetter visit to the Adur with Cookie produced 30 Common, 2 Mediterranean, 25 Great Black-backed and 400+ Herring Gulls and a Kingfisher. |
North Thames Herring Gull Y4NT on the Adur, ring read (just) on the third day of trying
Kingfisher on the Adur, sat on the same discarded tyre as the previous evening
one of two Mediterranean Gulls on the Adur, the other was a first-winter |
Wednesday 28 October. Megan and I took Cookie to Pulborough where we walked the fungi trail, taking it in turns to stay outside with Cookie where it went into the no dogs enclosure at Hale's Viewpoint. We saw all the fungi for which there were helpful labels although the only one we could identify didn't have one. A Jay was the only bird seen. Later a frustrating and wet visit to the Adur at low tide an unreadable North Thames ring was on a Herring Gull and a Kingfisher was perched on an old tyre.
Fly Agaric just off the fungi trail at Pulborough
Tuesday 27 October. A very wet day. A low-tide visit to the Adur produced 13 Ringed Plover, a Dunlin, 8 Redshank and 25 Great Black-backed and 250+ Herring Gulls. An only partially readable North Thames ring (Y??T) was seen on a Herring Gull. Not worth getting wet for.
Monday 26 October. I took Cookie around Buckingham Park seeing a Mistle Thrush and 12 Goldfinches. Later Frank and I went up to Bewbush where we saw the Dusky Warbler found the previous day by Tony Cook. I heard it once on over three hours and saw it briefly three times. My attempts at photography were hopeless although I did see it, out of focus, in the viewfinder once.
Mistle Thrush at Buckingham Park, it did not like the Blackbirds in its territory
Sunday 25 October. Megan and I took Cookie to Brooklands where a Grey Wagtail was the highlight. Chiffchaff and Green Woodpecker were heard.