Sunday, 10 September 2023

Mostly Mill Hill and a local Aquatic Warbler (01-10 September)

Friday 01 September. Mill Hill 09:00-11:15 with Cookie: Red-backed Shrike 1 juvenile still present, Willow Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 6 heard, Reed Warbler 1, Blackcap 4, Whitethroat 5, Goldfinch 7.

Red-backed Shrike on Mill Hill


Saturday 02 September. Brooklands with Megan and Cookie: Swift 1, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1, Hobby 1, Sand Martin 1, Swallow 50. Adur Saltings, pushed off over an hour before the super high tide: Lapwing 13, Whimbrel 1, Common Snipe 1, Common Sandpiper 5, Redshank 39, Greenshank 1, Sandwich Tern 3, Grey Heron 4, Little Egret 12Mill Hill 19:10-19:50. Chiffchaff 4, Blackcap 1, Spotted Flycatcher 3+, Redstart 1.

Sunday 03 SeptemberMill Hill 07:00-09:00: Sparrowhawk 1, Red-backed Shrike 1 juvenile, Swallow 25Chiffchaff 4, Reed Warbler 1, Blackcap 2, Whitethroat 6Spotted Flycatcher 3+, Redstart 1, Linnet 6, Goldfinch 25. Worthing Beach and Pier with Megan and CookieTurnstone 3, Swallow 20E.

Dunnock keeping a careful eye on the Red-backed Shrike on Mill Hill

Monday 04 SeptemberMill Hill 06:55-11:40: Sparrowhawk 1, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1, Hobby 1, Sand Martin 1E, Swallow 250E, House Martin 50E, Chiffchaff 4, Reed Warbler 2, Blackcap 5, Whitethroat 11, Firecrest 1, Spotted Flycatcher 5, Pied Flycatcher 1, Redstart 2, Linnet 22, Goldfinch 70.  Middle Road Allotment: Sparrowhawk 1.

Spotted Flycatcher on Mill Hill

Tuesday 05 September. Mill Hill 06:55-08:55: Stock Dove 3, Kestrel 2, Sand Martin 3E, 
Swallow 30EHouse Martin 35E, Chiffchaff 2, Blackcap 6, Whitethroat 10Spotted Flycatcher 1, Redstart 3, Greenfinch 2, Linnet 6, Goldfinch 32, Siskin 3NE. Lancing Ring 09:45-1120 with Cookie: Stock Dove 2, Kestrel 2, Sand Martin 1E, Swallow 30EHouse Martin 1E, Chiffchaff heard, Spotted Flycatcher 2Bullfinch 2 juveniles.

Redstart on Mill Hill
looking east from Lancing Ring

Wednesday 06 SeptemberMill Hill 07:00-11:00: Stock Dove 1, Sparrowhawk 1, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1, Kestrel 1, Swallow 10EHouse Martin 30E, Chiffchaff 4, Blackcap 25, Whitethroat 10Spotted Flycatcher 5, Redstart 3, Wheatear 2, Goldfinch 40.
Redstart on Mill Hill

Thursday 07 SeptemberMill Hill 06:50-09:20: Sparrowhawk 2, House Martin 40NE, Chiffchaff 3, Blackcap 9, Whitethroat 17Pied Flycatcher 1, Redstart 3, Linnet 9, Goldfinch 10. Adur circuit with Megan and Cookie 09:30-11:15: Mute Swan 4 juveniles on their own, Ringed Plover 49, Dunlin 9, Whimbrel 1, Redshank 12, Spotted Redshank 1, Turnstone 4, Grey Heron 3, Little Egret 2.
male Redstart on Mill Hill

Spotted Redshank crossing the River Adur
my first locally for over 40 years!
Redshank above Spotted Redshank on the Adur

Friday 08 September. Beggar's Bush-Cissbury with David Buckingham and Cookie 08:20-12:20: Green Woodpecker 2, Marsh Tit 1, House Martin 40, Willow Warbler 4, Blackcap 5, Garden Warbler 1, Whitethroat 7, Spotted Flycatcher 8, Redstart 4, Whinchat 3, Stonechat 5, Wheatear 6, Yellow Wagtail 3, Bullfinch heard, Yellowhammer 1.

Saturday 09 SeptemberMill Hill 06:50-09:20: Buzzard 1, Kestrel 1, Jay 1, Swallow 3, Chiffchaff 5, Blackcap 35+, Whitethroat 6Spotted Flycatcher 2, Redstart 2, Linnet 7, Goldfinch 4.

Redstart on Mill Hill

Cookie feeling the heat

Sunday 10 September. Brooklands with Megan and Cookie: Cetti's Warbler heard, Grey Wagtail. Beeding Brooks: Aquatic Warbler 1 (a superb find by Jamie Wilkinson), Sedge Warbler 1. Adur, a brief twitch on my way home: Ringed Plover 50+, Knot 1, Curlew Sandpiper 1, Dunlin 12+.

Aquatic Warbler by the Adur riverbank at Beeding Brooks
auto-focus picking up the nearer vegetation
my manual focusing wasn't much better
not helped by the bird being against the sun

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