Wednesday 01 May. Thick mist around the Adur so I tried Shoreham Fort where visibility was a bit better. 06:30-07:30: Eider 1 (on the sea), Sandwich Tern 5, Raven 2. Mill Hill with Megan: Buzzard, Skylark, 3 Swallows, Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcaps, 2 Lesser and 3 Common Whitethroats, Linnet and 7 Goldfinches.
Thursday 02 May. 2 Stock Doves in our garden.
Friday 03 May. Widewater 06:25-08:25, moderate westerly, clear: Brent Goose 1 W, Common Scoter 4 E, Ringed Plover 1 W, Whimbrel 2 E, Sanderling 12 E, Dunlin 1 W, Sandwich Tern 3 offshore, Gannet 8 offshore. Adur: Whimbrel 1.
good sailing weather, sea passage not so much |
Saturday 04 May. Seaford seawatch, 06:00-11:00, with David Buckingham and for the most part Simon Linington. Very light SEish wind, disappointing: Shelduck 4 E, Common Scoter 78 E, Red-breasted Merganser 1 W, Great Crested Grebe 1 on sea, Grey Plover 12 E, Bar-tailed Godwit 6 E, Knot 1 E, Sanderling 1 E, Kittiwake, Sandwich Tern 5 E, Arctic Tern 2 E, Arctic Skua 1 E (intermediate morph?), unidentified auk 2 E, unidentified diver 3 E, Red-throated Diver 2 on sea, Manx Shearwater 2 E (06:20), Fulmar, Gannet 72 E, Swallow 1 and Rock Pipit 2. Middle Road/Park Avenue: female Lord Derby's and male Ring-necked Parakeets in their usual tree.
Rock Pipit at Seaford |
Grey Seal still on the beach |
Sunday 05 May. Widewater, 05:50-08:20, very light SEish wind, very disappointing: Woodpigeon 35 E, Great Crested Grebe 2 on sea, Oystercatcher 2, Whimbrel 14 E, Sandwich Tern 4 E, Gannet 21 E, Swallow 1 E and Pied Wagtail 1 W. Middle Road/Park Avenue: female Lord Derby's and male Ring-necked Parakeets in their usual tree.
Monday 06 May. Shoreham Boardwalk/Fort with Megan: Swift 3 over boardwalk, Whimbrel 2 on saltings, Little Egret 1 in harbour, Wheatear 3 on the beach. Crown Road/Middle Road/Park Avenue: Stock Dove 5 in the garden, female Lord Derby's and male Ring-necked Parakeets in their usual tree.
Tuesday 07 May. Widewater 06:20-08:40, very light NE: Brent Goose 3 E, Goosander 1 female E, Great Crested Grebe 5 on the sea, Whimbrel 13 E : 2 W, Kittiwake 1 E, Black-headed Gull 12 E, Herring Gull 650 on the sea, Sandwich Tern 14 E, Red-throated Diver 1 E, Little Egret 1 on the beach, Swallow 2 E, Wheatear 3 on the beach. West Mill/Woods Mill: Lapwing 3, Cattle Egret 2, Little Egret 10 + 6 on nests, Cetti's Warbler 2 heard, Chiffchaff 2, Reed Warbler 1 + 2 heard, Blackcap 2 heard, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Whitethroat 2, Nightingale 2 in full song, Linnet 2, Goldfinch 4, Reed Bunting 2. Middle Road/Park Avenue: female Lord Derby's Parakeet on its own, soon flew out of the usual tree.
Cattle Egret at West Mill |
Nice to see Alf and Iris Simpson amongst the memorials in the hide at Woods Mill, they were very encouraging when I started going on SOS outings with my dad
Wednesday 08 May. Devil's Dyke with Megan: Kestrel 1, Skylark 3, Chiffchaff heard, Whitethroat 3, Stonechat 1 male, Meadow Pipit 6, Linnet 4. Park Avenue early evening: Female Lord Derby's and male Ring-necked Parakeets feeding together.
Fulking |
where six paths meet |
female Lord Derby's and male Ring-necked Parakeets feeding on buds in Shoreham |
Wednesday 09 May 2024. Widewater 06:20-07:20, very light NE: Great Crested Grebe 2 on sea, Sandwich Tern 6 E. Woods Mill/West Mill/Downslink: Shelduck 2, Mandarin 1 drake, Gadwall 1 drake, Tufted Duck 8, Cuckoo 1 + 1 heard, Lapwing 13 + 1 chick, Glossy Ibis 1, Cattle Egret 1, Grey Heron 8, Little Egret 12+, Great Spotted Woodpecker 2, Hobby 1, Skylark 3, Cetti's Warbler 2 heard, Chiffchaff 2, Reed Warbler 7, Lesser Whitethroat 1 + 1 heard, Whitethroat 4, Nightingale 1 in flight + 1 heard, Reed Bunting 5.
Friday 10 May 2024: Steepdown TQ10T Corn Bunting survey 06:35-11:15. Grey Partridge 2, Red-legged Partridge 3, Swift 1, Stock Dove 2, Kestrel 1, Skylark 25, House Martin 1, Whitethroat 19, Stonechat 2 males & a female, Meadow Pipit 3, Greenfinch 2, Linnet 13, Goldfinch 15 and Corn Bunting 23.
Saturday 11 May. Widewater 06:20-09:20, moderate NNE: Brent Goose 1 E, Shelduck 1 E, Common Scoter 11 on the sea, Great Crested Grebe 1 E : 1 on the sea, Avocet 4 E (08:15), Whimbrel 47 E, Bar-tailed Godwit 2 E, Kittiwake 3 E, Black-headed Gull 14 E : 3 W, Mediterranean Gull 1 E (2CY), Sandwich Tern 3 E, Little Tern 1 E, Common Tern 3 E, Gannet 7 offshore, Swallow 1 E, Linnet 4 E.
Avocets passing Widewater |
Whitethroat by the airfield |
Kestrel over the airfield |
Sunday 12 May. Park Avenue 06:05: Female Lord Derby's and male Ring-necked Parakeet. Widewater 06:15-09:15, moderate NNE: Common Scoter 24 E & 9 on the sea, Great Crested Grebe 2 on the sea, Oystercatcher 4 W, Ringed Plover 2 on the beach, Whimbrel 4 E, Black-headed Gull 15 E, Mediterranean Gull 2 E (2CY & 3CY), Sandwich Tern 18 E, Arctic Tern 4 E, Gannet 1 E, Swallow 2 E, Pied Wagtail 1 in. Mill Hill with Megan: Buzzard, Kestrel, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat 4. Birling/Flagstaff Brow/Crowlink with Megan, Anna and Ian: Kestrel, Skylark, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat 2.
Anna, Megan and me on Flagstaff Brow |
Birling from Went Hill |
Monday 13 May. Widewater 06:20-08:20, moderate SW: Brent Goose 21 E, Common Scoter 8 on the sea, Oystercatcher 4 W, Whimbrel 4 E, Sandwich Tern 4 E, Common/Arctic Tern 1 E, Fulmar 1 E, Gannet 2 offshore. Shoreham Fort with Megan, Anna & Ian: Turnstone 3, Raven 1. Nyman's with Megan, Anna & Ian: Red Kite, Chaffinch. Crown Road: Stock Dove 2.
Tuesday 14 May. Widewater 07:40-09:20, light/moderate SSE:Common Scoter 35 E (11 having been on the sea) : 13 W , Oystercatcher 3 W, Turnstone 12 E, Sandwich Tern 3 E, unidentified diver 1 E, Gannet 6 E. Park Avenue early evening: Female Lord Derby's and male Ring-necked Parakeets.
Wednesday 15 May. Widewater 06:15-09:15, light SE: Shelduck 7 E, Common Scoter 8 E, Great Crested Grebe 1 on sea, whimbrel heard, Sandwich Tern 15 E, Gannet 9 E : 5 W. Room Bottom with Megan: Buzzard 2, Skylark 3, Meadow Pipit 3, Linnet 4, Goldfinch 4.
Thursday 16 May. Lancing Hill South Downs Farmland Birds Initiative survey 07:20-09:35, increasingly cloudy: Red-legged Partridge 2, Stock Dove, Tawny Owl, Peregrine, Skylark 7, Swallow 5, Whitethroat 7, Song Thrush 6, Blackbird 11, Stonechat 1 female, Chaffinch 2, Linnet 11, Goldfinch 6, Corn Bunting 5. Steepdown with Megan in increasing rain: Skylark 8, Whitethroat 3, Linnet 2, Corn Bunting 6.
Tawny Owl at Lancing Ring |
I was tipped off by mobbing Blackbirds |
very unexpected and enlivened what is usually a fairly routine survey |
Chaffinch at Lancing Ring |
Corn Bunting at Lancing Ring
Friday 17 May. TQ0310 (just west of the Burgh) South Downs Farmland Birds Initiative survey 06:30-09:10, early mist soon cleared: Grey Partridge 1, Red-legged Partridge 3, Cuckoo heard, Lapwing 3, Lesser Black-backed Gull 2, Red Kite 4, Skylark 9, Swallow 1, Whitethroat 11, Nightingale heard on edge of square, Chaffinch 3, Greenfinch 3, Linnet only 1, Goldfinch 11. Being near Amberley I drove to Whiteways Lodge and walked up to Bignor Hill (longer/further than expected) where the Dotterel was showing from the South Downs Way. |
Red-legged Partridge in early mist |
Lapwing seeing off Red Kite in TQ0310 |
very young Goldfinch at TQ0310 |
Dotterel on Bignor Hill |
Saturday 18 May. Woods Mill, West Mill and the Downslink and another failed attempt to see Turtle Dove. Egyptian Goose 2, Cuckoo 1, Lapwing 15 + 2 chicks, Skylark 5, Cetti's Warbler 1 + several heard, Reed Warbler 9, Lesser Whitethroat heard, Nightingale heard, Chaffinch 3, Yellowhammer 2, Reed Bunting 3.
Sunday 19 May. Cissbury with Megan: Red Kite, Mistle Thrush, Greenfinch 3. Lavington Woodcock survey: Woodcock none for the third year, Nightjar 6, Cuckoo heard, Goshawk 1, Jay 1, Dartford Warbler 1, Stonechat 1.
Nightjar at Lavington |
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