ALASKA 2024 part 3: Seward/Kenai Fjord (17-19 June)
Monday 17 June. Nick and I went to Spenard Lake from 05:30-6:15 and the cycle track opposite America's Best ... from 06:45-07:30 seeing male Gadwall, 2 American Wigeon, 5 Mallard, male Green-winged Teal, 5 Greater and 2 Lesser Scaup, 2 Goldeneye, 4 Red-necked Grebe, 4 Short-billed Gulls, Alder Flycatcher, 2 Black-billed Magpies, 3 Violet-green Swallows, 2 Black-capped Chickadees, 3 American Robins, 3 Starlings, Lincoln's Sparrow and Orange-crowned Warbler. We packed and left at 08:00 to drive
to Kincaid Park on the edge of Anchorage for an angry male Spruce Grouse. It did not disappoint, pecking at our footwear. Equally good was a male American Three-toed Woodpecker and we also saw Boreal Chickadee, 3 Pine Siskins and the first of the day's three Sooty Fox Sparrows and a Moose. We continued to Seward stopping at Potter’s
Marsh (Trumpeter Swan pair with 4 cygnets and Sandhill Crane), Beluga Point (American Black Bear from the bus for me), Tern Lake (Trumpeter Swan pair with 3 cygnets and Mountain Goats) and Seward
Coast/Lovell Point (6 Harlequins, 4 Marbled Murrelet, an American Herring and 100+ Glaucous-winged Gulls with several questionable first-summers and 3 Sea Otters and a Steller's Sea Lion). Early evening Nick and I walked around our accommodation (Marina Motel) where American Robin was best. Other birds seen were 3 Canada Geese, a female/immature White-winged Scoter, Wilson's Snipe, 2 Greater Yellowlegs, 2 Common and 4 Pigeon Guillemots, 20 Kittiwakes, 8 Arctic Terns, Great Northern Diver, Pelagic and Double-crested Cormorants, 2 Golden and 5 Bald Eagles, 4 Northwest Crows, 8 Ravens, Red-breasted Nuthatch, 3 Pine Siskins, Dark-eyed Junco and a Wilson's Warbler.
Short-billed Gull in Spenard |
Lesser Scaup on Spenard Lake
Black-billed Magpie by Spenard Lake
Orange-crowned Warbler in Spenard |
Alder Flycatcher in Spenard |
Violet-green Swallow in Spenard |
Spruce Grouse in Kincaid Park |
Nick wearing anti-grouse footwear |

Moose in Kincaid Park |
American Three-toed Woodpecker in Kincaid Park |
Seward Highway |
Golden-crowned Sparrow by the Seward Highway |
Wilson's Warbler by the Seward Highway |
Tern Lake |
Great Northern Diver on Tern Lake |
Arctic Terns on Tern Lake |
Tern Lake Trumpeter Swan family |
Sea Otter off Lowell Point |
Glaucous-winged Gulls at Lowell Point
with 2CY American Herring Gull (note black primaries and less robust, pinkish based bill) while some other first-summers present showed darker secondary coverts than expected |
Northwest Crow at Lowell Point (currently considered to be a race of American Crow) |
American Robin in Seward |
Tuesday 18 June. After last
evenings disappointment we didn’t go out before breakfast. A big mistake as Paul
and Richard discovered from eBird that Two Lakes Park a km of so away might be worthwhile. They saw 3 Varied
Thrushes there. We checked in for our Kenai Fjord boat trip at 07:30 and with 25-30 others
we departed on ‘Viewfinder’ soon after 08:15. It was excellent all day cruise to Kenai Fjord Glacier with almost constant sightings of seabirds and marine mammals on the way there and back. We returned at
18:00, me having seen 500 Common, 25 Brunnich's and 6 Pigeon Guillemots, 6 Marbled, 20 Kittlitz's and 13 Ancient Murrelets, 40 Parakeet and 27 Rhinoceros Auklets, 50+ Horned and 250+ Tufted Puffins, 1000 Kittiwakes, 12 Sabine's and 40 Glaucous-winged Gulls (and a couple I wasn't sure about), 4 Short-tailed Shearwaters, a Red-faced and 30 Pelagic Cormorants, 9 Bald Eagles and a Peregrine. Also 6 Sea Otters, 10 Steller's Sea Lions, 50 Harbour Seals, 5 Dall's Porpoises, 2 each of Fin and Humpback Whales and Orca and a Mountain Goat with kid. With a spectacular backdrop the cruise was definitely one of the trip highlights. We drove to Ava’s feeders on the edge of Seward. Ava having recently passed
away but a neighbour was keeping them topped up. On the way back we were dropped off at Paul and Richard’s
Varied Thrush site and after some frustrations with an invisible calling bird had views of one fairly high in a fairly dense pine. At Ava's feeders and around Seward we saw 2 Rufous Hummingbirds (the male only paid a couple of fleeting visits), male and female Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers, 3 Steller's Jays, 6 Black-billed Magpies, 4 Northwest Crows, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Hermit Thrush, 3 American Robins, Pine Grosbeak, 15 Pine Siskins, Sooty Fox Sparrow and Myrtle Warbler. We were back at Marina Motel at 20:15.
Leaving Seward on the Viewfinder |
Sea Otter in Resurrection Bay |
Caines Head |
Horned Puffin |
Parakeet Auklets in Harding Gateway/Gulf of Alaska |
Tufted Puffin in the Gulf of Alaska |
Short-tailed Shearwaters
Kittiwake and Tufted Puffin |
Sabine's Gulls |
Common and Brunnich's Guillemots on Natoa Island |
Northwestern Glacier, the Kenai Fjord cruise destination |
Harbour Seals in Northwestern Fjord |
large white-headed gulls presented particular identification problems and at the time probably weren't given the time they deserved (always something more interesting to look at/for). Looking at the four in full view above the second from left and far right look fairly straight-forward adult Glaucous-winged, the others I'm less sure about |
the gull on the left looks closest to a third-summer American Herring Gull |
mantle looking much paler here and the bill a little stout although the yellowish eye fits American Herring best |
the first-summer has very dark median coverts, too dark for Glaucous-winged? It reminded me of similar aged Slaty-backed Gulls seen in Japan. |
e.g. first-summer Slaty-backed Gull, Hokkaido 26 June 2016
heading back out of Northwestern Fjord |
Kittlitz's Murrelet in Northwestern Fjord
Bald Eagle on ice in Northwestern Fjord |
Rhinocerous Auklets |
Fin Whale |
going |
going |
going |
gone |
Mountain Goats |
Ancient Murrelets |
Steller's Sealions |
Pelagic Cormorants |
Red-faced Cormorant |
the snow-capped backdrop made scenery truly spectacular |
Pigeon Guillemot in Resurrection Bay |
Viewfinder back in Seward |
female Rufous Hummingbird on one of Ava's feeders |
Hairy Woodpecker at Ava's |
Downy Woodpecker at Ava's Feeders |
using its tail as a support |
this Pine Grosbeak briefly visited |
Pine Siskin in Ava's yard
Steller's Jay in Ava's yard |
Varied Thrush in Two Lakes Park |
Sooty Fox Sparrow in Seward |
Wednesday 19 June. Nick and I met Pete, Alan and Malcolm outside our rooms at 05:30 and walked to Two Lakes Park in about 20 minutes. There we slowly followed the circular trail seeing Brown Creeper and 3 Varied and a Hermit Thrush. We were back at Marina Motel at 07:20 and left at about 07:45. On our way back to Anchorage we made several roadside stops including Bear Lake (brief male Rufous Hummingbird, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and 3 Boreal Chickadees but no Varied Thrushes that had been common here two weeks earlier), Bear Lake Weir (Bald Eagle, American Dipper), Primrose (2 Pine Grosbeaks and Townsend's Warbler), Turnagain Arm (Varied Thrush in flight), Moose Pass, Tern Lake (Trumpeter Swan and Great Northern Diver families with 3 cygnets and a 'diverling' respectively), Belgua Point (2 American Black Bears) and two sites in/around
Hillside Park (female Spruce Grouse with chicks and Chestnut-backed Chickadee but not the hoped for Black-backed Woodpecker). We arrived back at
America's Best in Spenard around 18:00. Most of us walked around to the far side of Lake Hood hoping
to find a Rusty Blackbird that had been reported from there on eBird. We failed but a pair of breeding plumaged Slavonian Grebes and what we took to be a female Barrow's Goldeneye were decent compensation. Other birds seen during the day were an American Wigeon, 20 Lesser Scaup, 4 Common Goldeneye, Goosander, 2 Wilson's Snipe, Greater Yellowlegs, 20 Short-billed Gulls, 12 Arctic Terns, Golden Eagle, Steller's Jay, 4 Black-billed Magpies, 2 Northwest Crows, 4 Tree, 10 Violet-green and a Cliff Swallow, Black-backed Chickadee, 2 Red-breasted Nuthatches, Swainson's Thrush, 11 American Robins, Sooty Fox, 2 Savannah and a Lincoln's Sparrow and 2 Orange-crowned and 2 Myrtle Warblers.
Varied Thrush in Two Lakes Park |
American Red Squirrel in Two Lakes Park |
one of the two lakes |
American Dipper at Bear Lake Weir |
Bald Eagle at Bear Lake Weir |
Turnagain Arm |
Townsend's Warbler near Primrose |
Pine Grosbeak near Primrose |
Moose Pass |
American Black Bears at Beluga Point |
female Spruce Grouse in Hillside Park |
Spruce Grouse chicks in Hillside Park |
Myrtle Warbler in Hillside Park |
Dark-eyed Junco in Hillside Park |
Lesser Scaup on Spenard Lake |
Slavonian Grebes on Spenard Lake |
Savannah Sparrow at Spenard Lake |
presumed Barrow's Goldeneye on Spenard Lake |
seaplane coming in to land on adjoining Hood Lake |
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