17 January. My Iberia flight arrived in Quito on time, just as it was starting to get dark. I had a short wait for my bag and somewhat apprehensively left the airport. I was not sure what, if any, reception I might get following an email exchange shortly before I left home, when the cost I had been quoted to stay with Angel Paz for two nights went up from $120 to $360 and back down to $150 if I camped and took my own food. A young lady with a sign was waiting for me with Angel Paz's brother Rodrigo and another relative from Quito who spoke good English. After brief introductions and confirmation that it would cost $150 to camp at Paz de las Aves Rodrigo took me to his vehicle and we left, the other relative returning to Quito. I made very basic conversation, their English being no better than my Spanish. Some small talk but the important news for me was that Yellow-breasted and Moustached Antpittas had been seen that morning but not Giant. Rodrigo said that although the famous bird Maria (named after Angel Paz's wife) had presumably died two of her 'children' were still being seen so I was in with a chance. I asked about camping and if there was anywhere sheltered but apparently there wasn't although I was offered the two-nights board and lodging for another $50. I confirmed that the $200 now wanted would cover all my time there. As it was raining and I had not been able to pack a tent that seemed like a sensible option. It was a 2.5 hour journey to Paz de las Aves and we saw an armadillo on the approach road. Angel and Maria met me and showed me to a nice room in their newly extended house - it was still raining and I wouldn't have fancied a night in a bivy bag! We agreed to leave at 06:00 the next morning and I quickly unpacked a few things, set my alarm for 05:45 and soon fell asleep.
18 January. At 06:00 Angel and Rodrigo drove me down the road to a Cock-of-the-Rock lek where three males were performing. They were superb, especially when the light started to improve. Angel had brought a telescope and showed me Rufous-bellied Nighthawk that blended in amazingly well with the trunk it was roosting on. Back at the road a Scaled Antpitta was calling from high in a big tree and after ten minutes of trying different angles I finally spotted it - a bird I had not seen since Venezuela over 30 years before. Next stop was a feeding station for Dark-backed Wood Quail which were rather partial to bananas. After a few minutes calling them first one then two came in to feed. Hummingbird feeders here were a bit of a distraction with Wedge-billed, Violet-tailed Sylph, Booted Racket-tail and Empress Brilliant visiting. We walked a short distance to the river, Angel picking up a pot of worms on the way - things were getting serious. There was thick vegetation on the far side of the river and some worms were placed on the bank in the expectation of enticing out a Yellow-breasted Antpitta. An anxious ten minutes of Angel calling ensued it before it finally appeared - brilliant and one of my most wanted birds on the trip. It disappeared all too soon and we continued back up the road and up a narrow trail for ten minutes to the area where Rodrigo was looking for the Giant Antpittas but unfortunately there was no sign of them. An Ochre-breasted Antpitta and two Rufous-breasted Antthrushes were being fed and provided some consolation. We returned to the vehicle and drove back up to Angel's house and walked for five minutes down another trail to look for a Moustached Antpitta which he was also feeding. Another Ochre-breasted Antpitta was waiting in situ while the Moustached came in after a short period of Angel calling it. We returned for a late breakfast after which the Paz's went into town and I spent the rest of the day watching the hummingbird feeders and on the trail by their house (good for Orange-breasted Fruiteater but I had no success). I managed to dodge a few periods of heavy rain, noting the hummingirds were as active as ever during them. The trail was good for Toucan Barbets and Sickle-winged Guans and I saw two more Scaled Fruiteaters, a nice selection of tangers and a Blackburnian Warbler. I finished the day with three new hummers, two antpittas and a wood-quail. I hoped that my excellent start would be continued, unlike last year in Colombia which rapidly went downhill after a similarly good start. I had a nice evening meal and prepared for the following day. I was looking forward to seeing my companions and starting the trip proper.
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Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, they even sound like Birds of Paradise |
forest at Paz de las Aves |
Scaled Fruiteater, I had only seen one before |
Scaled Antpitta |
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Dark-backed Wood-Quail, a rotund body with head and legs attached |
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sharing a banana |
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Wedge-billed Hummingbird |
Angel Paz with pot of worms |
Yellow-breasted Antpitta, every bit as good as I had imagined it would be |
Rufous-breasted Antthrush, I had only seen one briefly before, in central Peru in 1984. |
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Ochre-breasted Antpitta |
view from Angel Paz's |
Moustached Antpitta |
Angel Paz's house, I had a room on the top floor |
Purple-bibbed White-tip approaching a feeder |
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Velvet-purple Coronet |
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with white in the tail and an orange underwing this was one of the most impressive hummers I have seen |
and pink trousers too |
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Violet-tailed Sylph, not at all bad either! |
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Booted Racket-tail |
amazing boots |
Empress Brilliant, perhaps not quite as impressive a hummingbird as the name might suggest? |
Blue-winged Mountain Tanager |
Strong-billed Woodcreeper
an even more attractive Toucan Barbet |
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The Andean Cock-of-the-Rocks performed their daily routine |
male White-winged Tanager pretending to be a Two-barred Crosbsill |
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Golden-headed Quetzal |
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not sure that I would describe the head colour as 'golden' |
a stunning bird all the same |
Yellow-breasted Antpitta enjoying its daily hand-out again |
Wedge-billed Hummingbird, again |
Giant Antpitta with extreme camera shake - either me being unable to contain my excitement or the light worse than anticipated |
an instance of the autofocus fixating on the background rather than the blindingly obvious subject in mid frame |
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so much for antpittas being subtle shades of brown. This one was as colourful as a Blue-naped Pitta, and a similar size |
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fully loaded, perhaps with a juvenile nearby to feed? |
Dark-backed Wood-quail, just one came in this time |
back at Angel Paz's house I could finally look at the upstairs carvings without being gripped off. |
I preferred the real thing! |
Ochre-breasted Antpitta, again |
Golden-naped Tanager |
farewell Paz de las Aves |
Rodrigo, Angel and respective wives. They made my stay a very memorable one. |
feeders at Kinde Luce |
hummers lining up - Purple-bibbed Whitetip, Booted Racket-tail, Andean Emerald and out of focus Violet-tailed Sylph |
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Fawn-breasted Brilliant |
Purple-throated Woodstar |
Velvet-purple Coronet |
Violet-tailed Sylph, without full tail |
Mito del Mundo, city at the centre of the world. Note feral pigeons, low cloud and drops of water on the camera lens. at least the local shop sold biscuits |
Sword-billed Hummingbird at Pululahua |
20 January. A long and disappointing day. Owling before dawn proved frustrating with only White-throated Screech Owl calling and my missing its briefly silhouetted appearance. After a good breakfast and further Sword-billed Hummingbird views, in better light this time, we looked for Rusty-breasted Antpitta (an isolated population) without success and finally left Pululahua, still mostly in clouds. Gabo phoned Un Poco de Choco to check that the Banded Ground Cuckoo hadn't reappeared, sadly it hadn't, and drove us west to Banos, which was noticeably warmer. We called in at a restaurant with some feeders where a male Green Thorntail was the highlight and continued towards the Pacific coast stopping at a now defunct site for Brown Wood-Rail that had recently become the scene of construction work. We drove up the coast seeing lots of Magnificent Frigatebirds (I counted over 120) and turned in land to Selve Alegre. Here we were met and transferred into a boat for the 90 minute journey up river to the lodge at Playa del Oro where we arrived just before dusk as the heavens opened. The lodge was community run and very basic (no electricity although three electricians were working on it) but comfortable and served good food. It was also not as hot as I had feared (perhaps because it was so cloudy and wet) with fewer mosquitoes.
morning view from Pululahua Hostel with the loud coming down |
Sword-billed Hummingbird |
even feeders present problems when your bill is that long |
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it is hard to imagine anything that is not made harder by having such an outsized bill, even sitting |
Streak-throated Bush-Tyrant |
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Cinnamon Flycatcher at Pululahua |
the central volcanic plug at Pululahua |
the caldera is very agricultural although residents (and visitors) would seem safe as it has been dormant for 2500 years |
bamboo on the approach road. The road had been closed for a week last year when a Spectacled Bear was seen regularly along it. Sadly one did not cross our path |
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Green Thorntail at Los Banos |
ex-Wood-Rail site |
Laughing Gull near the coast |
Rod and Gabo overseeing the loading of our boat |
Jon prepared for a downpour while the boatman was taking no chances either. It looked as if bananas would be on the menu ... |
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