This is the third of four postings covering a recent trip to Southern Mexico with Jon Hornbuckle, Brian Foster and Rod Martins. Eric Antonio Martinez of Mexico-Birding Tours ( expertly guided us around in his Jeep Compass. We had been at El Triunfo for several relaxing days and were now on a whistle-stop tour travelling to the Los Tuxtlas area of southern Veracruz then back south to Oaxaca.
27 February.
Mainly a travel day during with Rod ill for most of it. It seemed likely to
have been something he had eaten although he’d not had anything different from
the rest of us. We left our hotel in Tuxtla Gutierrez soon after 06:00 and soon made
a coffee stop. I stayed outside hoping a Green Parakeet might fly
over as it was getting light. One did, flying low along the street, but it was a
poor view. We drove to El Ocote, unfortunately not the Nava’s Wren track but to
another turning where we checked roadside scrub for Rufous-breasted Spinetails.
None responded but we did entice a smart Spot-breasted Wren into view. It was
then a long drive to Catemaco. We had a brief stop at Malpaso Lake before
leaving Chiapas and a quick look at Laughing Gulls and mainly Royal Terns on
Lagunas Catemaco shortly before arriving at 15:00. It was another touristy area and
a hotel we tried on the lakefront was expectedly more expensive than we were comfortable
with. Another inland was surprisingly a similar price but we found a third, a
new hotel unimaginatively called Hotel Catemaco that was much more reasonable.
We left Rod in the hotel still not fully recovered and birded around the
lakeside and in some wooded foothills nearby. It was generally poor although a
superb Hooded Warbler was much better than I remembered them being, albeit 36
years ago.
Collared Aracari near El Ocote |
Spot-breasted Wren |
Brown Jay |
Malpaso Lake |
White-collared Seedeater, one of several at a petrol stop |
Lagunas Catemaco |
American Coot |
Pied-billed Grebe |
a young bird |
Lesser Scaup |
Green Heron |
Laughing Gulls |
with Royal and Common Terns, the latter unexpected away from the coast and misidentified as Forster's |
and a Neotropic Cormorant too |
American Redstart |
even females are very eye-catching |
male Hooded Warbler. A stunning bird, very active too. It was feeding around the same fallen tree as the American Redstart but always appeared on the opposite side of the trunk to where I was waiting for it. Brian had better luck when trying for the redstart and it popped up instead (photo Brian Foster) |
28 February. We
left the hotel at 05:30 and drove up to Sierra de Los Tuxtlas seeing 7
Pauraques on the road before dawn and 2 Hermit Thrushes and 2 Ovenbirds soon
after. Soon we were in decent habitat and took a narrow trail further into the
forest that Eric knew. After some rather more than speculative playing of
Tuxtla Quail Dove recordings one responded distantly. Eric continued playing
but with no further response I was beginning to worry it wasn’t interested.
Eric kept playing and suddenly picked out the Quail Dove as it unobtrusively
circled us. It showed briefly four times in total. I missed the first two
sightings and concentrated on watching the trail which it fortunately crossed
and re-crossed. The forest was otherwise quiet and we decided to try the road.
This was better lower down where it was more open and a Rufous-breasted
Spinetail was enticed into view. We also saw Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Violet
Sabrewing, Yellow-breasted Chat and Northern Cardinal. We returned to the
hotel, checked out and drove to Tuxtapec. We stopped at a roadside marsh on the
way seeing a good selection of common waterbirds including Gull-billed Tern. We
arrived in Tuxtapec at 17:00 and checked into Marie de Lourdes.
Rufous-capped Warbler |
Rufous-breasted Spinetail |
Jon obtained a much better image than mine (photo Jon Hornbuckle) |
Northern Cardinal |
Brown Jay |
Roadside wetland. There was no pull-off to stop on and most birds were distant but we added several species to the trip list |
Neotropic Cormorants, Great White and Snowy Egrets, American White Ibis and hiding in full view Wood Stork. It was only when sorting this image that I noticed the latter, a very late addition to my trip list! |
also Black-necked Stilt and presumably Long-billed Dowitchers |
Shoveler, blue-winged teal and juvenile White ibis |
one of the closest birds was this Greater Yellowlegs, Spotted Sandpiper too |
Amazon Kingfisher |
29 February. We
left at 05:30 and drove to a good patch of forest at Beptanya. We were trying
for Sumichrast’s Wren but were soon distracted by two calling Mayan
Antthrushes. It showed briefly twice but both times I was unsighted or too slow
onto it. The wren then started calling, presenting me with a dilemma. It wasn’t
showing so I concentrated on the antthrush and was soon joined by the others. With
Eric’s help we had good views of two and continued further down the trail trying
for the wren. This took a while but eventually we found a more responsive bird
and obtained decent if somewhat distant views around the base of some boulders.
We also saw an excellent White-bellied Wren and a Worm-eating Warbler – only my
second, the first at Point Peele in 1980! We returned to Tuxtapec and only just
avoided being gridlocked by protesting lorry drivers who were in the process of
blocking the road in. We collected our bags and quickly left managing to exit
town before it completely shut down. We drove to Valle National arriving at
Hotel Villa Real at 14:00 for a late but decent lunch. We drove further along the road (highway 175)
looking for Curve-winged Sabrewing without success. We finished along a track
near town where we saw Northern Bentbill and a vocal Stub-tailed Spadebill flew
across in front of us. We stayed after dark trying for Middle American (Variegated)
Screech Owl. One responded briefly and sounded close but we failed to spot it.
A Mottled Owl calling from further along the track might have been the reason the
screech owl shut up but we were happy to try for it instead (it was new for
me). It soon came in giving excellent views.
Jon, Eric and Rod looking for Sumichrast's Wren |
Orchids |
Ochenta y Ocho, Anna's 88 (Diaethria anna) |
view from highway 175 |
Broad-winged Hawk |
Montezuma Oeopendola |
Jon at a sabrewing stake-out, it failed to show |
Mottled Owl |
1 March. We
left at 05:35 and returned to the nearest forest where we had heard the Screech
Owl. It responded, the Mottled Owl was quiet, and Eric spotted its throat
moving as it called – amazing. We had brilliant views and immediately returned
to Valle National to collect our bags. We continued on highway 175 spending
most of the morning looking for Curve-winged Sabrewing. We all had flight views
with two or three birds involved but none settled in view making it a very
frustrating experience. Another frustration for me for much of the morning was
Slate-coloured Solitaire of which several were singing for the forest beside
the road. I saw the shape of one flying out of a tree before Eric eventually found one in a more isolated tree. It gave good but brief views before dropping
out. Shy birds. Highlight of the area though was definitely Bumblebee
Hummingbird of which we saw several. It flew just like a large bee and sounded like one too. Amazing. We
continued to a high pass at Mirador del Cerro Pelan for a brief stop. A track to a large woodshed near the pass was very productive with Russet Nightingale Thrush, White-eared
Hummingbird and White-throated Towhee. On the other side of the pass it was much less
verdant and we finished along a dry valley at Puente de Ferro (Iron Bridge). Here
we saw Violet-crowned and Dusky Hummingbirds and Black-vented Oriole and heard
Blue Mockingbird. We left at 17:45 for the 90 minute drive to Oacaxa. Eric left
us at Hostel Paulina where we had a room for 4 and drove home. We were only a few blocks from
the centre of town but were content to eat in a restaurant opposite. A very good
White-winged Tanager |
males were superb |
view from Highway 175 |
tiny but stunning when its throat caught the light |
Bumblebee Hummingbird |
further along Highway 175 |
Eric, Rod and Brian at another sabrewing stakeout |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
Unicoloured Jay, and the unicolour is blue .. |
Magnificent Swallowtail |
hummingbird watch - Rod modelling the Gentleman's Stool (under £5 from any decent charity shop but don't try it out on a busy road). |
Highway 175 at Cerro Pelon |
the road we had come up is just visible middle left |
the pass at Cerro Pelon. The track from the main road to the white-roofed shed was quite productive |
superb views from Mirador Cerro Pelon |
dry scrub near Puente de Ferro |
dry valley at Puente de Ferro |
Grey Silky-Flycatcher |
White-throated Towhee |
Black-vented Oriole |

2 March. Eric
picked us up from the hostal at 05:45 and we arrived at La Cumbre at dawn. It
was here that Eric had seen a flock of 40 Aztec Thrushes the previous month.
Encouraging news, as was it being the biggest flock he had ever seen. Less
encouraging was that he returned a few days later, also at dawn, and failed to
see any. They were highly nomadic in search of fruiting Madrone trees an event
which itself was very irregular. Learning this rather dented my hopes but we
still had a sense of anticipation driving the contouring dirt road at first
light with mainly coniferous forest on either side. A corner or two before
where Eric’s flock had been we saw a couple of thrushes at the side of the
road. Eric immediately stopped, not that we were going very fast. They were
Aztecs, about 5 in total. Brilliant, although getting out of the vehicle to
approach was probably not a good idea as they soon flew away up the hillside. The
road gently declined at this point and we continued walking towards the corner hoping
to see more. Brian and I became distracted by a fast moving flock of mainly Hermit
Warblers in the tops of conifers below us, very smart, but when we rounded the
corner we could see the others watching more thrushes beside the road where a
small stream crossed in a gulley. They were coming to the stream briefly, to
wash or drink and soon flying off up into the woods. Up to 15 had been present
although I probably saw 10, some hanging around long enough for photographs
although the light was poor and the distance against us. We continued birding down
the road leaving Jon to return to the gulley. He walked up it some way hoping
for more thrush views but they appeared to have moved on. We soon saw the first
of several Red Warblers, very smart but rather active. Eric collected Jon and
we drove on a bit further and walked another section of road. It was an area
where Eric had seen Dwarf Jays and he eventually heard some. A quick moving
flock of about 15 jays came through giving mainly fleeting glimpses - I saw 2
well and those were brief views. We also saw Rose-throated Becard, Steller’s Jay,
Grey-barred Wren, Mexican Chickadee, Russet Nightingale Thrush, Collared
Towhee, Rufous-capped Brush-Finch and more Red Warblers. We returned to a café
on the main road for lunch but nothing on the menu was very appetising and
rather than join the others heading a bit further down the road for trout I
decided to walk back into the forest for an hour. I saw Brown-throated Wren and
MacGillivray’s, Crescent-chested and Golden-browed Warblers. I was almost back
at the road when the others appeared. The trout had been good but I was happier
birding. We had some discussion about what to do next and as a compromise
decided to revisit the Aztec Thrush gulley before returning to Oaxaca. There
was no sign of any thrushes, sadly, but while we waited in the area Eric heard
a distant Mountain Pygmy Owl and started whistling it in. Rod had wandered off
around the bend of a trail, and thinking it was likely a new bird for him (it
was for me) I followed. There was no sign of him around the bend so I blew the
whistle he had given me for such eventualities. He blew a reply and I returned but
was somewhat perturbed to find the others looking up into the tree directly
above them. The owl had flown into it but had not been located. Fortunately a
change of angle allowed it to be and we had rather neck-breaking views mainly
of its belly. Views were a little better from further back or along the road
and a couple of times it looked down at us. We left La Cumbre at 16:00, a very
enjoyable and successful day, and drove back down to Oaxaca. We stopped three
times in areas of scrub on our return finding West Mexican Chachalaca, Spotted
Towhee and Chipping and the restricted range Oaxaca Sparrow. Sadly our only
Lesser Roadrunner sighting was of a roadside corpse. It was to be my only
encounter. Eric dropped us back at Hostal Paulina at 18:15 and we dumped our
stuff and rushed to the main square just making it before dark.
early morning on the track |
Aztec Thrush |
a small flock was present but most were shy and soon slipped away |
this one lingered a little longer |
a small stream attracted others |
a few remained in nearby trees, for a while |
a stunning bird and one I had been particularly hoping to see |
no sooner had we seen Aztec Thrush when Eric saw a Red Warbler, another species very high on my wanted list. We saw several but none performed for the camera as I had hoped |
another Red Warbler |
it was constantly on the move, flicking its wings |
or hiding its head behind twigs |
forest track at La Cumbre |
not all birds at La Cumbre were stunning although even this Turkey Vulture looked OK-ish. |
Collared Towhee |
Eric, Jon and Brian listening for jays |
Eric heard a flock, a Steller's stayed still long enough for a photo, just, but most Dwarfs were too quick to even see through binoculars |
La Cumbre forest from near the entrance |
out of focus MacGillivray's Warbler at La Cumbre, worth skipping lunch for |
La Cumbre |
Mountain Pygmy Owl |
we never found a good angle to view it from |
its bill is just visible in this image |
roadside casualty - never nice to see but even worse when a new bird. A Lesser Roadrunner that sadly didn't run fast enough |
Oaxaca Sparrow |
looking down on the Oaxaca Valley |
Eric drove us in to town and dropped us off at the hostal |
we hurried along to the main squares as the light started to go |
Iglesia de La Compania |
the Zocalo (main square) and Oaxaca Cathedral |
Oaxaca Cathedral and local corn on the cob vendor - my evening meal was sorted! |
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