Wednesday 31 August. I arrived at Birling at 06:10 and was soon joined by John and Doreen Cooper. We birded to Shooter's Bottom where a film crew were present, allegedly with Jeremy Clarkson, seeing RKH, RK, GG and others there or on the way. I continued on to the rides above Whitbread Hollow and back to Birling with a detouring towards Bullock Hill. I also looked at Crowlink village which was very quiet. Birds seen were Wryneck (Shooter's Bottom), 12 Sand Martins, 600 Swallows, 25 House Martins, 33 Yellow Wagtails, 4 Redstarts, 6 Whinchats, 8 Wheatears, a Grasshopper, 2 Reed and 2 Sedge Warblers, 3 Lesser and 34 Common Whitethroats, 22 Willow Warblers 2 Pied (Birling and Hotel garden) and 5 Spotted Flycatchers and 2 Corn Buntings. A very enjoyable 9 hours before visiting my dad who was in good spirits.
Seaford Head, Belle Tout Wood and filming helicopter |
Willow Warbler at Beachy |
Reed Warbler in Shooter's Bottom |
Pied Flycatcher in the Hotel Garden hedge |
Wryneck in Shooter's Bottom |
seen on my return visit |
Tuesday 30 August. Six Swallows flew over Southwick Beach as I was cycling to work.
Monday 29 August. A morning walk at Wolstenbury with Megan and Vanessa. Superb views but few birds with two noisy Ravens best. Late afternoon I visited Pulborough seeing 120 Teal, Little Stint, Greenshank and 3 Green Sandpipers but not the Wood Sandpiper seen in the morning.
view from Wolstenbury west along the downs to and beyond Chanctonbury Ring |
waders from West Mead hide at Pulborough, later afternoon not a good time to visit. Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, Greenshank and most of a Little Stint |
Sunday 28 August. A morning on the eastern side of Pagham Harbour were 5 Little Stints, 9 Spotted Redshank, 12 Greenshank and a Yellow Wagtail were on the Breech Pool. Three Curlew Sandpipers were in White's Creek on the falling tide and a walk to the sea to see the 'new' harbour entrance was interesting. A Wheatear on the beach was the only migrant seen all morning.
Curlew Sandpiper in Whyte's Creek |
shanks on the Breech Pool |
Black Swan on Pagham Lagoon |
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