This is the first of several blogs giving my perspective of a birding trip to Bolivia. It had been organised by Jon Hornbuckle long before his accident and came about after a meeting between Rod Martins and Barry Walker at the Birdfair in 2015. I had known Barry from the British twitching scene in the late 1970s and birded the Central Highway with him during an eventful trip to Peru in 1984 (see For reasions given in an earlier post neither Jon or Rod were able to make it. Those that did were Marc Brew, Duncan Brooks, Brian Foster and Malcolm Oxlade, all of who I'd been on 'Jon trips' with before, Paul Noakes (my last trip with Paul had been in 1991, see and Mike Catsis. Barry came along for the first and last parts of the trip and arranged, through his Manu Expeditions, the logistics and Richard Amable as a guide. After a long flight including a 17 hour lay-over in Bogota, Brian, Duncan and I arrived in La Paz ... All images taken by me unless otherwise stated, most with a Canon SX60 and a few with an i-phone 6.
9 November 2017.
Brian, Duncan and I arrived in La Paz’s El Alto airport at 03:50 and
immediately noticed the altitude when climbing the stairs to immigration. We
were quickly admitted and collected our bags. The Cambio was open and I changed
$500, much more than I was expecting to need but the rate differential was very
small so I wouldn’t lose much changing any surplus back. We then had the choice
of finding a quiet bench to sleep on or investigating the ‘on-site’ SleepBox
Hotel. It wasn’t as cold as I was expecting and the benches looked sort of
inviting but I was a bit concerned of sleeping very solidly and not noticing
someone walking off with my bag. Brian and Duncan were keen on the SleepBox so
I went along and slept reasonably well for four hours in my expensive hot
cramped cell. I wandered outside for some fresh air seeing Rufous-collared
Sparrows and Chiguanco Thrush. Marc, Mike and Paul arrived with Barry and our Peruvian guide Richard and we checked in for the Riberalta flight. It was a BAe Avro RJ85
operated by Ecojet. There is something reassuring about flying in a plane with
four engines. It was the first time I had seen Barry since birding with him in Peru in 1984, we also knew each other from twitching and visits to Scillies from the mid-1970s. It would be nice to think we'd not changed a bit but age comes to us all although Barry was as outgoing and confident as I remembered him. We took off and were almost immediately over La Paz, most of the
city spectacularly in a deep valley below El Alto. We stopped at Cochabamba and
Trinidad before landing an hour or so late at Riberalta. We were met at the
airport by our local guide Vincent with two 4WDs but it soon became apparent
that out bags hadn’t been put on the plane. Apparently a heavy generator had
taken priority although it would have been nice to know beforehand to have
rescued a few essential items. We were driven to the rather nice Hotel Colonial
to dump what little stuff we had and headed out to Hamburgo, an area of
secondary forest on the edge of town. This was the closest site Vincent knew
for our main target Masked Antpitta and we only had a couple of hours of light
left. It took a while for a bird to respond to playback but it eventually did
giving several brief views before performing for everyone as the light started
to fade - just as well as I’d missed the first 2-3 views. As well as the
antpitta I saw a smart male Great Antshrike and Rufous-tailed Jacamar. We
returned to Hotel Colonial and Vincent took us to some second-hand clothing
shops where I bought a cap for $1, resisting an equally cheap shirt in the hope/expectation of
being reunited with my luggage the following day. Having seen the antpitta meant
we didn’t need to be back at Hamburgo at dawn allowing us to travel further
afield the following day.
this was about as far as we ventured from Bogota Airport |
outside La Paz's El Alto Airport |
over La Paz |
approaching Riberalta |
10 November 2017. We were up in the dark, jetlag working in our
favour, had a basic breakfast and were on our way out of town at dawn. We
headed NE on the road to the Brazilian border and soon appeared to be going
through reasonable habitat. We continued for some distance before turning off onto
a dirt road to the east into more open cerrado. We made a couple of roadside
stops seeing amongst others White-eared Puffbird, White Woodpecker and
White-rumped Tanagers. Barry’s knowledge of bird calls was very impressive with
him putting names to even the shortest or most distant calls, several I
couldn’t hear at all but my ears are now quite poor. The downside of Barry’s
expertise was that if I can’t see a new bird I’d rather not know it was calling
at me! We continued on the road to San Lorenzo, stopping a km or so past a
‘checkpoint’ consisting of a rope across the road. Here Paul found in quick
succession Rufous-sided Pygmy-Tyrant and Horned Sungem. We saw two of latter
but sadly neither were adult males although they were stunning nonetheless. We
continued for several kms to an area of gallery forest by a small stream. It
was rather quiet although a superb Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant was a bird I’d
wanted to see for many years. By now it was late morning and activity had dropped
right off. After a bit of discussion and advice from Vincent we decided to head
for a small village near the Brazilian border where we could find some lunch
and then bird a forest trail we had passed on the way out that morning that
Paul had read about. On the way back to the main road a Chaco Eagle was seen
sat in the top of a dead tree, an unexpected bonus. We found the village where
a couple of women has set up a temporary transport café in a covered picnic
area. Our excellent chicken and rice lunch being interrupted when we realised the
parakeets flying around behind us were Tuis. We headed back towards Riberalta stopping at
km 632.5, Paul’s site). It looked good habitat but rather quiet, a male
Natterer’s Slaty Antshrike our most notable sighting. Perhaps it would have
been better to have been there first thing? With the light starting to fade we
left but half-way back to Riberalta were stopped at a police checkpoint. It
seemed the driver of our second vehicle only had a motorbike licence. A
fine/backhander was paid to avoid further problems. While this was happening at
least 40 Lesser Nighthawks left their roost and flew over. Back at the Hotel
Colonial our bags were waiting for us, all but Richard’s. He would have to
visit the airline office in the morning to collect it.
Plain-crested Elaenia |
White-eared Puffbird, much more my type of bird |
Rufous-sided Pygmy-Tyrants |
migrant Fork-tailed Flycatcher |
Horned Sungem, something I was very keen to see again only having seen a female in Brazil before |
still no adult male but its tail was very impressive when fanned |
Savanna Hawk |
butterfly selection |
Chaco Eagle |
its large feet were particularly impressive |
it eventually flew when one of us ventured too close |
Burrowing Owl, more usually seen on the ground |
Pied Puffbird |
Paradise Jacamar |
Natterer's Slaty Antshrike |
I particularly liked the name of this bird but it wasn't a bad looker either |
short forest track |
spectacular sunset |
11 November 2017.
Another early breakfast although we left after first light arriving at the
Hamburgo trail at 06:00. We tried for the Masked Antpitta again with most
seeing/glimpsing it - my views were unidentifiable. We continued along the trail
where we spent all morning. It was quite birdy despite being very hot, there
were also many mosquitos and other insects. A wary Long-billed Woodcreeper gave
me a reasonable flight view with the decidedly less impressive Johannes’s
Tody-Tyrant my only other new bird. Other decent birds seen included
Grey-cowled Wood Rail, Hoatzin, Ferruginous Pygmy Owl, Purus Jacamar,
Black-throated Antbird, two more Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrants and Bare-necked
Fruitcrow. Barry had come along the trail at a slower pace than us and we met
him on our return. He’d sat on a long for a while and had excellent views of
two antpittas and also seen a Riparian Antbird nest building. It was a bird we
hadn’t seen and this sounded like a stake-out, or would have been if he could
have remembered where it was. Shame. Back at the road most of the group opted
to return to the hotel and Richard had to visit the airline office but Paul and
I and the second vehicle stayed out for another hour. I was keen to see the
antpitta again and Paul to photograph it. We followed Barry’s directions and heard
what we thought was the antpitta responding to playback but after some creeping
around discovered the calls we’d heard were a pair of Amazonian Antshrikes.
Nice to see, especially the female, and a new bird for Paul. We gave up on that
bird and returned to the original area where Paul recorded what to me was a
similar call but he detected a slight difference and after a couple of minutes
an antpitta flew in to check us out. It took me a while to get onto it but
fortunately it didn’t move and I even managed some grainy images. A superb bird
and we returned for lunch very satisfied. After lunch and an hour or so of
packing, in hindsight a trip to the main square with Paul to look for Spotted
Tody-Flycatcher would have been more productive even though I’d seen them
before. We were taken to the airport, where a superb male Long-winged Harrier
and 3 Buff-breasted Sandpipers were a surprise. After checking in we kept a
close eye on our bags to make sure they were loaded. We arrived at Trinidad on
time and with our luggage. Three 4WDs were there to meet us with our local
guide and Blue-throated Macaw expert Jose. We had an hour or so of light and
tried a short diversion to look for Plain Softtail. We had no success but did
see Blue & Yellow Macaw and Grey-crested Chacalote. We soon gave up and
headed for our lakeside hotel on the edge of town. The main road was closed for
a visiting politician so we took to back roads but some heavy rains made one
section almost impassable. We arrived at Hotel Tapacare and met the remaining
member of our group Malcolm there just as it was getting dark. I skipped the
evening meal which judging by everyone else’s comments was a good move.
migrant Yellow-billed Cuckoo, a bird Barry had seen very few of in his 35 years in South America |
A Rufous Hornero led us down the track |
Short-tailed Pygmy Tyrant, one of my most desired species, it did not disappoint |
this and the very closely related Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant (which at the time I first saw one were considered the same species) are the world's smallest passerines |
Hoatzin, one of the world's most prehistoric looking birds |
Black-collared Hawk |
juvenile Wattled Jacana |
Rufescent Tiger Heron |
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