This is the final
blog recounting a private trip the late and greatly missed Jon Hornbuckle
arranged to Papua New Guinea in summer 2006. Jon, Nick Preston and I were staying
on after the trip, Jon to lead a Naturetrek group and Nick and I to visit
Manus. This account is based on my rather inadequate notes and sometimes vague
memories enhanced by Nick. The photos are mostly Nick’s too.
15 August 2006. Jon, Nick and I were back at the airport to
meet the Naturtrek group before returning to the Granville Motel to allow them
to drop bags and have a quick pit stop. We then drove to Varirata seeing a male
and two female Raggiana Birds of Paradise at the lek. It was a bit late
and not much was happening. We returned to the main clearing where Yellow-billed
and Brown-headed Paradise Kingfishers performed but it was otherwise
rather quiet. It was a large group and best split so Nick and I were called into
action, our hopes of birding on our own had always been a long shot. Nick and I
were keen to see how the Chestnut-backed Jewel-Babbler nest was doing so Jon
sent half the group with us and took the rest on a different trail. We felt
under pressure to find some good birds and the jewel-babblers more than fitted
the bill, or would have if we’d seen them but the nest was deserted. The young
had been a modest size, was 20 days long enough for them to have fledged? We
certainly hoped so. We continued birding along the trail, heard a
Chestnut-backed Jewel-Babbler but it frustratingly failed to cross the trail
for us. It was really very quiet and we struggled to find much else with two Rusty
Mouse Warblers and two brief Wallace’s Fairy Wrens (for some of us)
the best we managed. The only consolation for those we were guiding was that
Jon’s group fared no better.
16 August 2006. Jon’s group were up early and returned to
Varirata. We said our goodbyes, had a leisurely breakfast and made our way to
the airport. Our flight to Manus stopped for an hour at Kavieng on New Ireland
and hanging around outside the terminal building saw two Hunstein’s Manakins.
We landed at Manus an hour later and looked around for the Harbourside Hotel
van which we were expecting to meet us. Following Ian Burrow’s advice I’d
phoned the Harbourside Hotel in Lorengau when we’d been in Port Moresby to give
them our arrival time, make a reservation and ask if their driver Richard would
contact Aron Joseph in Rossun Village on our behalf. The van arrived but it
didn’tt seem as if we were expected, perhaps the driver wasn’t Richard? At the
hotel it seemed our booking hadn’t been passed on which rather set us back. We
dumped our bags in a rather posh room (a cheaper one would be available for the
following nights) and explained to reception what we wanted. Richard came round
and agreed to take us up to Rossun to find Aron. This he did and after asking
in the village and at his house we finally tracked him down further up the
road. He didn’t seem too pleased that we’d just turned up unannounced but when
we explained that it wasn’t intentional and our request had not been passed on
by the hotel he seemed to settle down a bit. He agreed to guide us the
following morning and made arrangements with Richard. We then birded along the
road back towards Lorengau seeing Island Imperial Pigeon, an excellent Meek’s
Pygmy Parrot, two far form excellent Manus Friarbirds, three Manus
Cuckoo-Shrikes and a Black-headed White-eye. Tomorrow would
hopefully be the day ...
17 August 2006. Richard
drove us to Rossun where we met Aron and his friend Timothy Kepo. Apparently we
might have to go onto Timothy’s property to look for Superb Pitta and of course that meant more access fees. We set off
along narrow trails and Aron soon started whistling an imitation of the pitta’s
call. We continued in what sometimes appeared to be somewhat haphazard fashion
crossing creeks and streams. After almost two hours with no response at all my
hopes were sinking towards an all-time low and I was becoming increasingly
wound up by Aron’s whistling. I wasn’t sure I could stand three days of it
although if that was what it took we’d do it. With such defeatist thoughts
running through my mind a bird responded from a little way ahead. We very
tensely headed in its direction but the skies opened and we were hit be an
intense downpour on the way. What rubbish timing. We sheltered under umbrellas
for what seemed an age, but was probably less than thirty minutes, until the
storm passed over and the rain drops from the trees lessened. Thankfully the
pitta started calling again and it was game on. A tense but thankfully fairly
short ‘tape’ duel ensued before we had good views of two birds, presumably a
pair, perched and flying 2-4m in the lower canopy. Brilliant and rarely have I
been so relieved. We heard back to Rossun. We also saw Variable Kingfisher, Superb
Fruit Dove, Admiralty Pied Monarchs,
Bismark Golden Whistler and what we assumed were two Mayr’s amongst the smaller White-rumped
Swiftlets. We returned to Lorengau and wandered around a rather uninspiring
town before returning to Rossun where we’d been invited for an evening meal by
Aron’s wife Susan. We then looked around the village for Manus Boobook but
didn’t even hear one despite being told they often visited trees in the village
early in the evening.
looking for Superb Pitta at Rossun |
after we'd seen it |
one of many streams we crossed |
Aron's son starting to show off |
we wouldn't have known where to start looking had we been on our own |
18 August 2006. We were
back at Rossun before dawn and heard Manus Boobook but it didn’t show. We had
breakfast at Susan’s before wandering back to Lorengau seeing Manus Friarbird
on the way. There we arranged a boat trip that afternoon to Rarah, a small
wooded island in the bay and within the reef a little more than a km off-shore.
It was an easy option to see a couple of small island specialities. Anything
more required visiting Tong, over 50km away across open ocean and definitely
more adventurous (and expensive) than our faint hearts we were prepared for. It
took about 20 minutes to reach Rarah Island and not much longer to walk around
it. We soon saw Mackinley’s Cuckoo Dove,
Beach Kingfisher, Island Monarch, Rainbow Lorikeet and over 20 Island
Imperial Pigeons on the island before we were hit by another ferocious
storm. We found a ‘hut’ with a canvas roof to shelter in but the wind picked up
so much we feared it might blow away. Watching water pouring off it we were concerned
that our boat might not be able to return for us but as quickly as the storm
had arrived it moved on and things quietened down. We saw Brown Noddy and Black-naped
Tern between Rarah and Lorengau to finish off a rather more relaxing day.
me in Rossun village with Aron's children |
Aron, Susan and family with Nick, who's camera was on UK time |
more relations |
view north from Rossun |
vines on Rarah Island |
they made the island very dark |
19 August 2006. We had
another whole day on Manus and decided we’d like to go back and look for the Superb Pittas again. We returned to
Rossun and walked directly to the area we had seen the pittas previously. It
was very nice to be completely relaxed about it, and not taking a roundabout
route we arrived at much the same area in about half an hour. The pittas
responded and we saw one well and the other only in flight. Brilliant. Otherwise
it was rather quiet and we slowly made our way back to Lorengau. The better
birds seen were an excellent Crested
Baza, Stephan’s Dove, Island Imperial Pigeon, two Meek’s Pygmy Parrots, Manus Cuckoo-shrike and Bismark Golden Whistler while we heard
another Variable Kingfisher. Back in
town we saw Crested and Black-naped Terns offshore and from the
hotel I bought some small carved wooden animals - a pig for Megan, dolphins for
Nessa, sharks for Josh and a ray for me. We bumped into Aron in town and for
some reason, presumably still euphoric with the pitta, I gave him a tip for
helping us despite our having one owling session left and so more opportunities
to do so. Bad move as it happened as when we picked him up that evening he was
very drunk. I immediately wished I’d given the tip to Susan. In Rossun Aron was
an embarrassment to his family and his sister was soon rustled up to help us look
for the boobook. Despite her best efforts, and they were considerable, we only
heard one. Disappointing as we’d made quite a bit of effort for it but most boobooks
look the same anyway and the pitta, which we had seen it well twice, was the
reason we came to Manus.
Superb Pitta at Rossun (photos taken by Jon Hornbuckle on one of his visits) |
an impressive species |
20 August 2006. A lazy
morning with Crested and Black-naped Terns offshore and eight
very distant Island Imperial Pigeons flying over the sea. In town we saw over
100 Uniform and two White-rumped Swiftlets, Moustached Tree-Swift and Rainbow Bee-eater. Richard took us back
to the airport where we saw two Pacific
Reef Herons, an Oriental Pratincole,
a likely Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
(views not good enough to rule out Pectoral) and 27 Pacific Golden Plovers. We had an hour on the ground at Kavieng but
were not allowed to wait outside the terminal building and just saw a Willie
Wagtail. We were back in Port Moresby early afternoon and in the Granville
Motel’s grounds and nearby we saw a Papuan
Marsh Harrier, Sacred Kingfisher,
eleven Rainbow Bee-eaters, White-breasted Wood Swallow, Rufous-banded Honeyeater and Figbird.
Megan's pig |
my Ray |
21 August 2006. We arranged
a taxi to take us back to the Pacific Adventists University outside Port
Moresby for our last morning’s birding in PNG. We saw nearly 50 species during
our visit including two Swinhoe’s Snipe
(my 39th and final new bird of the trip), a Grey Teal, the two roosting Papuan
Frogmouths, Green Pygmy Goose, Rufous Night Heron, Buff-banded Rail and at least four Fawn-breasted Bowerbirds and a bower. A
very enjoyable end to a very enjoyable trip. We returned to Port Moresby and late
afternoon departed to Singapore.
Fawn-breasted Bowerbird's bower, supporting the Green Party |
Papuan Frogmouth at PAU |
Swinhoe's Snipe at PAU |
22 August 2006. We changed
planes in Singapore and returned to Heathrow stopping for an hour’s daylight refuelling
in Bahrain. There we saw Laughing
and what appeared to be Collared Doves,
Indian House Crow and House Sparrow, ideal for easing us back
into local British birding …
thanks to the late Jon Hornbuckle for arranging the trip and inviting us along. Ashley
Banwell found some great birds and drove us up to Keki and back on a dreadful
track while Pete Gammage, Carlton Collier and Mike and Stephanie Brown were great company. Greatest thanks to long time travelling companion Nick
Preston who didn’t take much persuading to come on the trip and stay on to visit
December 2018/January 2019]
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