This blog is the first of five recounting a very
successful trip to Northern Ecuador with Nick Preston, Mike Catsis and Gabo
Bucheli [] who brilliantly guided us around for almost three weeks in February
2018. It is illustrated with photos taken with a Canon Powershot SX60 bridge
camera, many in the forest taken at maximum ISO and slow shutter speed.
Introduction. Nick and I were keen to get away early in 2018 and in
autumn 2017 considered a few possibilities which we reduced to Ecuador or
Japan. The continued performance of the Rufous-crowned Pittasona at Mashpi Shungo
had been on our minds for some time and gave the former the edge and with Dave
Cooper being there in November we eagerly awaited his return. He did
brilliantly well, not just with the pittasoma but elsewhere and this firmed up
our choice. With his very helpful information we decided to more or less follow
his circuit - after the disappointing trip to Bolivia in November doing half as
well as DC would be a real shot in the arm! I contacted Gabo who had very ably
guided Marc Brew, Jon Hornbuckle, Rod Martins and myself in January 2015 (see relevant posts oj this blog). Gabo had
a prior commitment for the early part of the period we wanted to go but
fortunately for us it failed to firm up, freeing him for all of our trip. Being
guided had many benefits but made the trip more expensive so we looked for one
or two others to join us. We had almost given up on this when Mike expressed an
interest in the trip and we were able to firm things up. I combined our different
target lists (Nick’s was predictably just Rufous-crowned Pittasoma although I knew
that would only remain the case until he’d seen it) and presented Gabo with it
and a proposed itinerary stressing the need to keep the first part of the trip
flexible. This he did admirably.
Rufous-crowned Pittasoma, our number one target for the trip |
07 February. Megan dropped me at Shoreham-by-Sea Station and I caught
the train to Victoria and it arrived on time. Signal failure near Ealing
Broadway added half an hour and an extra change to the tube journey to Heathrow
but I had plenty of time. Nick was already there and we checked in knowing Mike
was arriving a bit later. He duly did, also having been delayed by the tube.
Our Avianca flight left on time and we had a good meal and decent selection of
08 February. I only slept fitfully on the flight which landed in Bogota
in the dark -it was early morning in South America. We had just over four hours
wait for our connection to Quito which was also on time, two Eared Doves the
only birds seen from the terminal. It was little over an hour’s flying time to
Quito and we arrived 15 minutes early, collected our bags and went to find
Gabo. A mix-up with our arrival time caused some delay but he duly arrived and
it was great to see him again. We loaded his car and headed off. We briefly
checked at some pools by the airport for duck but they held little and then
drove to Calacali to look for White-tailed Shrike-Tyrant unsuccessfully in the
dry scrub there. Black-tailed Trainbearer, Sparkling Violetear and Golden-bellied
Grosbeak providing some compensation. A very recent landslide had closed the
main road to Mindo, which was the way we were heading, but Gabo phoned a friend
and was told of a way to avoid it. We had a 15 minute stop at Alamdi to admire
the hummingbirds on the feeders – nine species including Purple-throated
Woodstar, White-booted Rackettail, White-necked Jacobin and Fawn-breasted
Brilliant. We continued around the landslide encountering a 25 minute holdup in
Nanegalito before clearing it. We drove to Mashpi, the last part on dirt roads
in the rain, arriving at Chontaloma soon after dark. Arturo was keeping a
lookout for us and came down to unlock the gate. We then drove halfway to his
house before the short steep climb up steps to it. He and his wife Paula had a
very comfortable home and provided really excellent meals.
Golden-bellied Grosbeak at Calacali |
09 February. Breakfast was at 06:00 and we left at 06:40 for the short
drive to Mashpi Shungo. We were meeting Danilo at 07:00 and he appeared soon
after with a jar of crickets. His news wasn’t encouraging as he’d not seen or
heard the pittasoma the previous day. There were ants in the area which made
the pittasoma harder to find as it tended to follow them. It was an anxious
climb up to the ridge where we arrived at 07:35. Danilo pointed out its favoured
location and how nice it must have appeared there. Nothing appeared or
responded to playback and Danilo told us to wait while he checked further along
the ridge. He returned after a very tense 20 minutes or so saying he had heard a
Bicoloured Antbird far down the valley suggesting an antswarm which the
pittasoma would likely be attending. We followed him along the ridge and down the
other side and were again told to wait. We heard nothing and again 20 or so
minutes later Danilo returned saying he had heard the pittasoma some distance
away. We followed again, crossing a stream in the bottom of the valley on a
mossy log. We found some ants and a Bicoloured Antbird but nothing else. Danilo
wandered off again but by now I was beginning to lose hope. He returned after
an obligatory 20 minutes to say he’d heard the pittasoma fairly close which was
encouraging but added to the tension. We followed to the top of the ridge, a
short distance along it and then back down some way to the ants. Danilo played
some calls but no reply although something quite large flew in. I crouched down
and saw the pittasoma just above the ground less than 10m away. Amazing. It
remained with us for 20 minutes during which time it took several grasshoppers,
called quietly and I took loads of pics. We reluctantly left when it dropped
out of sight but it would be hard to imagine better or more evocative views of
a really stunning bird. Brilliant. Our early success opened up more
opportunities in the NW although we were not finished with Mashpi Shungo. Gabo
played Lanceolated Monklet on the walk back down to the farm and halfway there
one responded. We backtracked a short way and spotted it quite high in a tree
above us. Not the best view but a long wanted species for me. The only
disappointment was not finding a Black and White Owl Danilo had sometimes seen
roosting in bamboos, sadly it was a recurring theme with this species! We were
back at the car at 12:30 and decided to drive up to Mashpi Amagusa stopping for
Russet Antshrike, a distant male Black-tipped Cotinga (well spotted Mike) and
Yellow-collared Chlorophonia on the way. There at the feeders and during a 1-2
km walk down the road we saw Velvet-purple Coronet, Empress Brilliant, Purple-bibbed
Whitetip, Broad-billed Motmot, Pacific Tuftedcheek, Orange-breasted Fruiteater (a
much wanted new bird for me) and Moss-backed and Black-chinned Mountain Tanagers.
We birded the area to 17:00 then headed back to Chontaloma just as it started
to rain. Until then it had been perfect birding conditions, cloudy but dry. It
was a long drive back to Chontaloma where we had another excellent meal. The rain
continued all night putting paid to owling aspirations. All in all an
absolutely brilliant start to our trip, main target seen really well and plenty
of good back-up species. We'd also met an American birder/photographer at the feeders who had seen a pair of Peruvian Antpittas carrying nesting material at San Isidro a few days earlier. They were a little further along the trail than Dave Cooper had found them in November. This was very encouraging but was all we could do not to drive there immediately. As it was we'd be there in six days ...
Chestnut-mandibled Toucan at Mashpi Shungo |
too slow, as usual |
our first view of Rufous-crowned Pittasoma |
it did not disappoint |
Lanceolated Monklet, a unique and much desired puffbird |
displaying Purple-throated Fruitcrow |
Rufous Motmot |
Blue-necked Tanager in a roadside flock |
the rather more subtle Grey and Gold Tanager |
nearing Mashpi Amagusa |
Broad-billed Motmot |
Moss-backed Tanager at Mashpi Amagusa |
Social Flycatcher |
Velvet-purple Coronet |
very impressive when it catches the light |
Flame-faced Tanagers |
female Orange-breasted Fruiteater, I was too slow to photograph the stunning male |
another greatly desired new bird |
10 February. We had breakfast at 06:00 and slowly drove back to Mashpi
Amagusa with several stops for flocks and to walk sections of the road. The
clouds were much lower with poor visibility and light rain at times. We saw
similar birds with notable additions being Barred Puffbird on the road, White-throated
Quail Dove, Crimson-rumped Toucanet and Indigo Flowerpiercer at the feeders
and a superb Indigo-crowned Quail Dove on a small muddy trail where Banded
Ground-Cuckoo had recently been seen a couple of times by the landowner. We
returned to Chontaloma for another great meal then walked a km of so along the
well preserved trail to Mashpi Shungo with Arturo looking for Black and White
Owl. Sadly not a sniff and by now we were all feeling pretty wrecked and happy
to walk back.
leaving Chontaloma: Gabo, Arturo, Paula, Mike, Nick and 'guard' duck |
birding the entrance road at Rio Silanche |
Rio Silanche canopy tower |
birders and brollies drying out on the canopy tower at Rio Silanche. Me, Nick and Mike (photo Gabo Bucheli) |
Scarlet-rumped Cacique nest |
and proud owner |
Guayaquil Woodpecker at Silanche |
he had a nest too |
Mike and Gabo at Rio Silanche |
Pacific Parrotlets outside Rio Silanche |
to be continued ...
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