This blog is the fourth of five recounting a very
successful trip to Northern Ecuador with Nick Preston, Mike Catsis and Gabo
Bucheli who brilliantly guided us around for almost three weeks. It is
illustrated with photos taken with a Canon Powershot SX60 bridge camera, many
in the forest were at maximum ISO and slow shutter speed. We had had some great
days in the Northwest and around San Isidro and arrived at Sumaco the previous
19 February. I slept well and we left our accommodation at 05:45 for
the short drive into the village of Pacto Sumaco for a good fried egg
breakfast. It was then a 10 minute drive down to the start of the F.A.C.E. Trail
where we spent most of the morning. We started with some antwren frustration as
a small flock was encountered a short way down the trail. Mike and Gabo heard
Slaty Antwren and saw a male with spotting on the wings but the bird Nick and I
saw best was a male with completely unspotted wings indicating the very
scarce Plain-winged. We both had the same side-on view but weren’t going to
argue about it. We took the F.A.C.E. loop and Mike flushed two Band-bellied
Owls from an area of bamboo one of which we tracked down and saw looking down
at us. We stopped for a while at a viewpoint with a convenient bench
overlooking a large tree. It was covered in fruit but few birds were visiting
so presumably wasn’t ripe. The tree was a bit distant and we’d not brought a
telescope, expecting to be in the forest the whole time. Nick saw a puzzling
woodstar perched high up in the tree and Gabo and I took some photos of it.
We continued and before rejoining the main trail Gabo heard what he was sure
was Chestnut-crowned Gnateater, Nick and my main target for Sumaco (Mike had
previously seen one). We were soon tantalised by a male moving around in the
undergrowth but never perching in view for long enough for me to photograph.
After a few minutes it disappeared to be replaced by the female which caused me
some confusion expecting the male but not a bright orange head and breast! She
too didn’t linger but they were every bit as good as I had expected and not out
of place amongst the other top birds of the trip. Gabo also let slip that it
was a new bird for him, despite over a dozen visits to Sumaco. I’m glad he
hadn’t told us before as I was worried enough about seeing them as it was.
Brilliant. We returned to Wild Sumaco lodge for a brief feeder session late
morning, paid for two days use of the trails and showed Jonas our woodstar
photos. Careful inspection of them led him to the conclusion that it was a
Gorgetted Woodstar. We drove for 5 minutes back up the road and walked to the
Research Station feeders for lunch (we’d brought enough lunch/snack food in
Baeza to last us). The feeders were active but without seeing anything
different. After an hour we walked back down to the lodge ahead of a 15:00
departure for antpitta feeding. One of the Wild Sumaco guides with a pot of
worms led us down the Coopman’s Trail to the feeding area pointing out a
Grey-tailed Piha of the way – particularly fortunate as it turned out to be our
only one. We settled in for the antpittas, overlooking an ‘arena’ in a gully
below us. A Grey-cheeked Thrush (very rare at Sumaco and presumably the bird found there by Dave Cooper in November) nervously appeared, not surprising as a few
whistles and some well-directed worms had one of two Plain-backed Antpittas
chasing it off. Two much smaller Ochre-breasted Antpittas had to be quick to
avoid confrontations too. With most of the worms eaten the ‘bully’ antpittas
moved off giving the others a chance. We hung on hoping a Northern
White-crowned Tapaculo might appear which one eventually did but it was a very
frustrating experience for me as I saw little more than a movement. At 17:00,
after 90 minutes there during which time a Blue-fronted Lancebill was seen, we
continued walking along the Antpitta Trail which soon started to climb. A
Crested Quetzal was a much wanted bogey bird for Mike but otherwise it was
fairly quiet. The trail took us back to the road at the point where we’d left
the car. We drove back to Pacto Sumaco and our accommodation to find there was
no running water and the water butts were almost empty. We’d heard a siren
earlier and learnt it was to mobilise the village to transport enough water for
us to wash and flushing the toilets. The mobilisation seemed to consist of two
individuals with a motorbike and a couple of large containers. They seemed to
have it well in hand and we left them to it. We sorted ourselves out and returned
to the village at 19:00 for a good basic meal. After eating we drove down the
road and tried several spots for Foothill Screech Owl. We elicited responses at
two but at neither did the birds come in although at the second site (near the
start of the F.A.C.E. tail) one owl seemed very close at one stage. Very
frustrating. We returned to our accommodation at 22:15, ironically seeing a
Tropical Screech Owl in the village perched on telephone wires.
Band-bellied Owl at Wild Sumaco |
F.A.C.E. Loop viewpoint, large fruiting tree centre-right |
distant Gorgetted Woodstar in the fruiting tree |
as was this Euler's Flycatcher |
Ornate Flycatcher |
male White-crowned Manakin |
Jonas showing Nick, Mike and me a Napo Sabrewing that had temporarily stunned itself flying into a window (photo: Gabriel Bucheli) |
female Golden-tailed Sapphire, one of the commoner (and nicer) hummers at Sumaco |
Rufous-vented Whitetip showing its white tip |
male Wire-crested Thorntails on a feeder at Wild Sumaco |
the males were brilliant but I actually preferred the females |
they had a lot of character |
the seahorse of the hummingbird world |
Grey-cheeked Thrush waiting to be fed worms |
Ochre-breasted Antpitta keen to get some of the action too |
Plain-backed Antpitta |
ready to show all comers who is boss |
Volcan Sumaco's dance of the seven veils, as seen from our accommodation |

20 February. We had breakfast at 05:30 and drove to the start of the
Waterfall Trail, arriving in light rain soon after dawn. We set off down the
trail, the first part being easy going but it soon became a steep descent which
was very noisy when near the waterfalls. By now the rain had stopped and the
trail contoured for a km or so before a steep ascent up the Piha Trail. We eventually
ended up back where we’d started. We’d been on the trail most of the morning
with the less steep sections of the trail the more enjoyable. One had to watch
where putting one’s feet on the steep downhill sections while the steep uphills
were a real slog. Another female Chestnut-crowned Gnateater, Lined Antshrike
and Musician Wren the highlights. At the top of the trail we flushed a
Chestnut-tipped Toucanet that Gabo felt had come out of a nearby nest hole
although we couldn’t find one. My view of what would have been a new bird was
very poor. Antwrens continued to frustrate with confusion as to whether I was
getting fleeting glimpses of Foothill or Ornate until I realised both species
were involved. We birded the road for a while, with a pair of Black and White
Tody-Flycatchers the highlight for me, before returning to the Wild Sumaco
lodge via the Research Station feeders for more of the usual activity while
having lunch. Gabo called me back to the car park as I was leaving it to point
out a pair of Golden-collared Toucanets, a target for me that the others had
seen before. They gave good views but soon moved on. In the afternoon I decided
to revisit the antpitta feeding in the hope of seeing the Northern White-crowned
Tapaculo better while the others tried the road again. It was just me and a
different guide. He had a different technique, going down and putting most of
the worms in two piles but the result was the same with the Grey-cheeked Thrush
and two Ochre-breasted Antpittas bullied by the bigger Plain-backed Antpittas.
Antpittas are usually a big favourite of mine but I was going off this one.
After half an hour the guide left me, his worms expended. I was determined to
sit it out although without a great deal of hope but after 25 minutes the tapaculo appeared rather timidly. It gave excellent views walking quickly
across the feeding area towards what was left of a worm pile, its white crown
spot visible the whole time it was on view. It pulled one of the remaining
worms off out of view and I set my camera up on the other but wasn’t quick
enough when it suddenly reappeared and dragged it away. I walked back to the
lodge, birding in the car park and at the feeders while I waited for the
others. I had just started walking the loop trail when it started raining
heavily and I returned to the lodge veranda until the others returned. They had
not seen a great deal. We returned to our accommodation and had another good
meal. We tried again for Foothill Screech Owl at the start of the F.A.C.E. Tail
and again heard one, although more distantly than the previous evening. It
didn’t come any closer and we soon gave up on it.
Collared Trogon at Sumaco |
Napo Sabrewing |
Wire-crested Thornbill |
it looked very young and fluffy |
female Wire-crested Thorntail |
a too hurried shot of a pair of Golden-collared Toucanets in the Wild Sumaco car park |
Andean Cock-of-the-Rock by the lodge at Wild Sumaco |
back at the feeding station: Grey-cheeked Thrush |
Ochre-breasted Antpitta |
Plain-backed Antpitta |

21 February. We had breakfast at 06:00 and drove to the start of the
F.A.C.E. Trail arriving soon after first light. We had reached the loop and
were heading down it when Mike heard a call he recognised at Striolated
Puffbird. It was high above us somewhere but even those with two good ears
(i.e. everyone apart from me) were unsure which direction it was coming from.
We retraced our steps and were immediately distracted when Gabo heard a close
Yellow-throated Spadebill. We had decent views of a pair but they were
constantly moving and, for me, usually perched in a partly obscured position.
Still brilliant and a major target for all of us. The puffbird continued
calling and we spent two hours looking for it without really being sure where
it was. It would respond to playback but only with another bout of calling and we
were not convinced it moved at all. Frustrating but it wasn’t a species I
thought we had much chance of seeing, and so it proved. We returned to Wild
Sumaco lodge, checked the feeders and birded around the car park and the Lodge
Loop Trail. In the afternoon we walked the Benavide’s Trail which was very
steep in places. On a downhill section I turned a corner, Gabo in front of me
distracted by his ipod or similar, to see a Wattled Guan on the trail below us.
I said ‘stop’ but it had seen us and ran a few paces before flying low around
the next corner. Unfortunately Mike and Nick didn’t see it either. The trail
came out by the Research Station and I briefly checked their feeders, as much
to have a five minute rest, before following the others down the Antpitta
Trail. Nick and I diverted to the antpitta feeding area for a five minute rest
(I was feeling my age a bit with all the ups and downs at Sumaco). It was well
past feeding time and hardly any worms were evident but I lobbed a few small
bits of stick down just to see if anything was about and might come to
investigate. Amazingly a Short-tailed Antthrush did, something that had never
appeared at the two feeding sessions I had done, apparently it never did when
the Plain-backed bullies were around. We returned to the lodge up the Coopman’s
Trail and paid for our third day on the trails. We returned to the F.A.C.E.
trail at dusk for a final try for Foothill Screech Owl. One started calling as
it was getting dark but it was some distance away and stopped calling before we
could get close. Gabo briefly lost his torch as we climbed back up to the trail
but we retraced our steps and soon refound it. We tried the area a few kms down
the road where we heard an owl on our first attempt. This time we had a
response and the bird came close but try as we did we couldn’t locate it. In
frustration we ended up creeping into the bush it appeared to be calling from
but it promptly stopped –presumably having flown out of the back. That was it,
unfortunately. We felt that we’d tried out best but had come up short. We
returned to Pacto Sumaco for another good meal and back at our accommodation I
braved the ‘shower’ with a bucket of cold water.
Nick and my room. Mosquito nets were provided but we didn't need them. It is my mess on the floor |
the sort of tree that could easily hide a stationary puffbird |
Yellow-throated Spadebill |
it being partly obscured for me messed up the focusing too |
Gabo did much better (photo: Gabriel Bucheli) |
Yellow-throated Spadebill (photo: Gabriel Bucheli) |
another mystery bird in the fruiting tree on the F.A.C.E Loop but this time Jonas wasn't at Wild Sumaco to identify it for us |
it seemed as close to Yellow-breasted Antwren as anything on the Wild Sumaco list although at the time we thought it most likely to be a rather sluggish tyrannulet |
the end of a giant |
Mike, Nick and Gabo on one of the trails, not sure we'd all get by the 'shirt police'. |
Black-mantled Tamarins from the veranda at Wild Sumaco |
Eacles ormondei attracted by the lights at Wild Sumaco, the most impressive moth we saw on the trip |
large hairy caterpillar |
White-fronted Tyrannulet |
female Crested Quetzal |
Short-tailed Antthrush at the feeding station |

22 February. A lie-in, with packing put off until later, we drove down
for breakfast at 06:30. Pacto Sumaco had
been a decent place to stay. It was comfortable, quiet and had nice views which
sometimes included Vulcan Sumaco. The food was good too, if somewhat basic, but
candles rather than electricity (although recharging was possible where we ate)
and the running water not lasting a day were not ideal. We drove to the lodge
car-park and veranda where Mike was a little ahead of us and heard and saw White-chinned
Swift flying over. A grip which fortunately didn’t last too long as about 15
minutes later about 200 White-collared Swifts appeared and started wheeling
around overhead. Before long we saw at least two smaller swifts, often chasing
each other as they shot around amongst them. White-chinned but as more by
process of elimination than seeing the named plumage feature. We birded the
road seeing little of note and returned to the workers feeders/Powerline Trail
area in the hope of seeing the Chestnut-tipped Toucanet better. We flushed it
again, sooner than expected, and again failed to see where it went. We found a
large hole in a nearby tree trunk and, assuming that was where it was nesting,
set up Gabo’s scope on it from as far away as possible. After a short wait
during which time it did not return we left Gabo’s scope and sent 45 minutes
around the feeders. A superb Wing-banded Wren responded, only the second we had
heard, and gave good views but was too quick for the camera. A Dusky Spinetail
flew across the path into thick cover and took me ages to get a reasonable view
of (thankfully my companions, for whom it wasn’t new, were very patient). We
tried a lower section of road but it too was quiet so at 11:30 decided to head
back to Pacto Sumaco. Nick and I went to check Gabo’s scope first but nothing
was doing. I though this odd and slowly walked towards the tree, flushing the
toucanet in the process but not improving on my very poor view. We had focused
on the wrong hole! It was in a different tree and faced the opposite direction.
We set Gabo’s scope up on the new hole but had to go a long way around to reach
the car without walking past the hole again. We returned to Pacto Sumaco,
packed, dropped off the keys and left. It had been a successful visit despite a
couple of frustrations. I had one more new bird to see and we had Gabo’s scope
to collect. We approached it from the south and I carefully walked up and
looked through the scope. Nothing, I couldn’t believe it, but Gabo thought he
heard tapping from inside the tree. We moved in a bit and suddenly the
Chestnut-tipped Toucanet stuck its head out of the entrance and took one look
at us before launching itself out of the hole. Again we couldn’t be sure where
it went but we thought we’d disturbed it enough as it was and left it in peace.
Brilliant. We drove down to the main road and headed east stopping for a meal
at Hollin again although I wandered around instead, my insides still rather
delicate. We continued to Archidona and arrived at the Orchid Paradise Hotel at
16:45. It was very posh and rather more expensive than we were anticipating but
still cheaper than Pacto Sumaco. Gabo even thought he might take his wife and
young children there sometime. Gabo, Nick and I set off around the Nature Trail
hoping to find Dave Coopers Striated Antbirds but had no success, a male
Spot-winged Antbird some compensation. Nick and I had a very nice room with
fan, until the power failed for 20 minutes and we realised how much hotter it
was here than at Sumaco. We had a nice meal and a lukewarm shower was very
welcome too.
our accommodation at Pacto Sumaco in our last morning |
another brilliant female Wire-crested Thorntail |
Coppery-chested Jacamar along the road |
accommodation and toilet blocks at Pacto Sumaco |
Gabo saying our goodbyes to the family who prepared our meals |
Chestnut-tipped Toucanet's nest hole, it took some tracking down |
Golden-faced Tyrannulet at Hollin |
it was good at standing on one leg |
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