This blog is the third of five recounting a very successful
trip to Northern Ecuador with Nick Preston, Mike Catsis and Gabo Bucheli who
brilliantly guided us around for almost three weeks. It is illustrated with
photos taken with a Canon Powershot SX60 bridge camera, many in the forest
taken at maximum ISO and slow shutter speed. We had had some great days at
Mashpi, Rio Silanche, Paz de Aves, Bellavista and Papallacta and arrived in
Baeza the previous evening.
15 February. We left Baeza at 06:10 and drove to Cabanas San Isidro
arriving in light ran at 06:45. Foremost on our minds was Peruvian Antpitta
which Dave Cooper had photographed in November a short way down the
Cock-of-the-Rock trail. We had also met a birder at Mashpi Amagusa who had
photographed a pair carrying nesting material a little further down the same
trail a week or so earlier. Spurred on by this recent sighting we set off down
the trail in little more than half light and almost immediately a Mountain
Tapir crossed the trail ahead of us. Unfortunately Mike and I were unsighted,
by umbrellas. A bad dip, or it would have been if the tapir hadn’t done a quick
U turn and approached us for a quick sniff before heading off. Magical. We
continued to the antpitta area and arrived at 07:00. We stayed in the area
until 15:00 but no success at all. Very few birds (Chestnut-capped Brush Finch
best) and lots of biting insects made it a particularly unpleasant eight hours.
The others returned to the lodge at one stage and saw a few things there but
were soon back. At 15:00 we decided to call it a day and headed back to the
lodge for a short session at the feeders where I caught up with
Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Bronzy Inca and Long-tailed Sylph that the others
had seen earlier. We returned to the car and started driving the road past the
lodge but almost immediately encountered a friend of Gabo’s with a group who
had just returned from Guacamayos Ridge. They had heard White-capped Tanager
and Black-billed Mountain Toucan which were both targets for me and after a
brief discussion we decided to give it a go. Not unexpectedly we had no luck
with those species but Greater Scythebill, Ash-coloured Tapaculo, Green and
Black Fruiteater and Plushcap made the visit worthwhile. We returned to San
Isidro and birded the road just past the lodge for half an hour hearing a
fairly close Wattled Guan and seeing Rufous-headed Pygmy Tyrant and, as the
light faded, a superb Rufous-banded Owl. We returned to the lodge car park and
found a San Isidro Owl near the lights of the entrance road. The first eight
hours of the day might have been pretty grim but the last four were excellent.
We returned to Baeza seeing a possum run across the road in front of us.
the area of the San Isidro Cock-of-the-Rock trail where Peruvian Antpittas had been seen, just not by us |
large and very hairy caterpillar on the forest floor |
Broad-winged Hawk at San Isidro |
Long-tailed Sylph by the San Isidro feeders |
Collared Inca |
Chestnut-breasted Coronet |
stunning when it catches the light, even on a dull day |
view from San Isidro's observation roof |
Guacamayos Ridge |
Greater Scythebill on the Guacamayos Ridge trail |
San Isidro Owl, perhaps slightly closer in appearance to the western Black and White Owl than it is to the eastern Black-banded although the jury is still out as to what it actually is |
a superb bird either way |

16 February. We left Baeza at 05:45 and went straight to the Peruvian Antpitta
site. Two responded to playback as soon as we arrived but did not come in and
soon moved away in different directions. The forest was still too dark to make
it worth pursuing them although we birded the trail for almost an hour hoping
one might appear. It didn’t. We then had to return to the lodge if we wanted to
see White-bellied Antpitta being fed. We obviously did, Mike especially as it
was a new bird. We assembled at the lodge, a little frustrated that the man
with the worms was late – more time we could have been on the trail. We walked
the short distance to the feeding area and the antpitta could be heard calling
some distance away. An anxious wait ensued as the bird failed to come in or
even move to whistled calls. It was made more anxious knowing it had not
performed the previous morning but Gabo took over calling duties and after a
few minutes we heard a different much close call and then it appeared, hopping
into full view. Brilliant. We returned to the Peruvian Antpitta area and spent
a couple of hours creeping around without sight or sound of them. We left and
birded around the lodge and car park seeing little before driving the short
distance to the Cimarron Trail. We spent 2-3 hours on the trail climbing up
through good forest to an open meadow. I finally caught up with Black-billed
Mountain Toucan, a pair seen towards the bottom and then near the top of the trail
- I would have assumed they were different if one hadn’t had a large growth on
the side of its neck. We also saw Slaty-crowned Antpitta and a brief Blackish
Tapaculo while a pair of Black-breasted Fruiteaters proved very frustrating. I
didn’t get onto the male at all and didn’t see the female well enough to
eliminate Green and Black which was also present. We returned to the lodge for
a balcony session before another try for Peruvian Antpitta. We were in the area
from 15:00-18:00 but nothing. Four hours today not seeing Peruvian Antpitta to
add to yesterday’s eight but at least our time not looking for it had been
productive. We returned to Baeza where Gabo met his friend and top local bird
guide Marcelo Quipo Quipo. Marcelo knew two antpitta territories on Guacamayos
Ridge and had agreed to take us the next day. After our lack of success at San
Isidro this seemed far and away our best chance. We arranged to pick up Marcelo
at 05:30 the following morning.
Inca Jay at San Isidro |
feeding time for White-bellied Antpitta |
Masked Trogon |
Nick looking pretty grim at the end of another failed Peruvian Antpitta session |
Black-billed Mountain Toucan on the Cimarron Trail, a much desired (and often missed) species for me although the growth on its neck detracted from it somewhat |
Slaty-crowned Antpitta further up the Cimarron Trail |
what turned out to be the same pair of mountain toucans were near the top of the trail |
they provided a much more atmospheric sighting, particularly when presenting its good side |
Yellow-vented Woodpecker at the top of the trail |
Pale-edged Flycatcher near the feeders |
another Peruvian Antpitta session starts ... and finished with the same result |
17 February. We picked up Marcelo and parked the car at Guacamayos
Ridge at 06:00. We slowly walked 3.5 kms
down the trail seeing Black-breasted Fruiteater (I missed the male again, more
than once), Long-tailed Tapaculo, Olivaceous Piha and Bicoloured Antvireo
before reaching the first antpitta site. Nothing there but shortly after and much
to our relief Marcelo pointed out a roosting Andean Potoo on its favoured
branch. How Marcelo ever found it in the first place I’ve no idea as there were
only a couple of places on the trail where it was visible and then one had to
look through a particular ‘window’ to see it. We approached the second antpitta
site with a degree of apprehension – we’d seen some brilliant birds already –
it was worth it for the potoo alone but it was our top target. Another blank
although Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, Andean Motmot and Golden-headed Quetzal in
quick succession added to the day’s excellence. We headed back up to Marcelo’s
first site and were trying to see a Chestnut-breasted Wren that only gave
fleeting views when an antpitta responded to playback. I had an eye-level
silhouette view on a horizontal branch until it hopped in front of trunk. Wow.
Fortunately it gave several other views and I even managed some half-decent (or
at least identifiable) photos. What a day! We tried again for the wren (just
flight views for me) and again I missed male Black-chested Fruiteater on the
walk back. We returned to the car at 14:00 and drove further along the road to
a couple of more open areas on the far side of the ridge hoping for Pale-footed
Swallow. Nothing, but any thoughts we had used up all our luck were proved
false when we tried the Vinilles Road on the way back to Baeza. Here near the
end of the 4-5 km track in an area of open pasture Marcelo spotted a Semi-collared
Hawk in the top of one of the many isolated mossy covered trees. It gave good
scope views but all too soon flew off. That really was it. We returned to Baez
and dropped Marcelo off, he had been brilliant, and returned to Kopal to settle
up but no-one was around. We visited another lodge (with White-tailed Hillstar
on its feeder) to book rooms for our final night in Ecuador but they were full.
Baeza is very popular with American kayakers. We returned to San Isidro and
watched from the observation roof, hearing distant Wattled Guans but none were
seen. Back in Baeza we settled up at the Kopal and Gabo booked accommodation for our return in the restaurant across the road. We had several really good days on the trip but this one was probably the best of them all.
Andean Cock-of-the-Rock along the Guacamayos Ridge trail |
always good to see, not a songster though |
a retiring Andean Motmot |
Andean Potoo |
it was slightly more obvious from further down the trail |
male Golden-headed Quetzal |
a female wasn't far away |
Wooly Monkeys made it clear that our presence wasn't welcomed |
Peruvian Antpitta along the Guacamayos Ridge trail |
we put in a lot of effort for this species and it had been worth every minute |
although we would not have seen it without Marcelo's expert guiding |
high fives all around! |
18 February. The Rufescent Screech Owl was calling predawn but had
stopped by the time I had realised it and headed outside it. Annoyingly I did
not have a recording and so couldn’t try playback and spotlighting the nearby
trees was unsuccessful, not that I was sure in which direction it had been
calling from anyway. We left Baeza after 06:30 and drove to the Bermejo Road
and followed it beside the river up a valley for a few kms. We stopped a few
times on the way up and walked sections of the road without seeing a great
deal. There were plenty of Inca Jays and it seemed an ideal place for seeing
White-capped Tanager, just not today. Mike needed to visit a chemist so he and
Gabo returned to Baeza while Nick and I slowly walked back down the road. We
saw Andean Motmot, Golden-headed Quetzal and I had a brief flight view of a
dark guan I thought might have been Wattled but otherwise it was rather quiet. We
were nearing the main road when Gabo and Mike returned, great timing! We continued
past the San Isidro turning and stopped just outside Cosanga to check the river
from the bridge. This time we saw a Torrent Duck. We continued to the open
areas previously visited below Guacamayos Ridge and saw a smart male Chestnut-breasted
Chlorophonia and heard Black-billed Mountain Toucan before a brief but heavy
shower had us running for the car. We briefly stopped lower down to check unsuccessfully
for a Blackish Nightjar which used to roost on an embankment but had better
fortune with a Cliff Flycatcher. We continued dropping down to the Coca junction
where we turned left before stopping at Cabanas Hollin. Here we had a session
at their feeders seeing Many-spotted Hummingbird and Black-throated Brilliant
(both new for me) and more very smart White-tailed Hillstars. There was a nice waterfall
in the grounds and they served excellent very cheap food, although my insides
were still unsettled and I just had soup. It would have been an idyllic spot
were it not for the road noise from lorries breaking as they approached a
hairpin bend outside. We heard Wing-banded Wren across the road but it wasn’t
responsive and soon stopped calling. We continued to Wild Sumaco stopping first
at the Worker’s House feeders. Here we saw Napo Sabrewing, Gould’s Jewelfront
and Wire-crested Thorntail as well as Yellow-breasted Antwren. We continued to
the lodge which was very impressive, but well outside our price range, and had more
feeders. We met its effervescent co-owner Jonas Nilsson who gave us helpful
tips as to where best to look for our targets although several were accompanied
by a ‘we’d be lucky’ sort of shake of the head. We dragged ourselves away but would
return and pay a daily fee for using its trails and facilities. We drove 2-3km
further to the small village of Pacto Sumaco to find our ‘budget’ accommodation.
After a false start or two we were directed out of the village to an isolated
building in a small clearing on a hill. It was very basic (no electricity,
outside toilets) but the rooms were OK and as evening fell the clouds dispersed revealing a view across to Volcan
Sumaco. We returned to the village for a decent
Andean Motmot along the Bermejo Road |
roadside orchid below Guacamayos Ridge |
Cliff Flycatcher as we dropped down to the lowlands |
waterfall at Hollin |
Many-spotted Hummingbird at Hollin |
Golden-tailed Sapphire, one of the commonest hummingbirds at this altitude |
Black-throated Brilliant at Hollin |
White-tailed Hillstar |
the white isn't always obvious |
Peruvian Booted Rackettail on a feeder at Sumaco - note buffy-orange boots |
Brown Violetear at Sumaco, another of the areas commoner hummers |
Gould's Jewelfront |
its jewel catching the light |
not that its orange gorget is impressive enough |
Napo Sabrewing at Sumaco |
male Chromis Firewing (Catonephele chromis) |
first views of the sumit of Sumaco stratovolcano from our accommodation at Pacto Sumaco |
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