fallen tree in Buckingham Park |
juvenile Black-headed Gull on the Adur |
my first fledged juvenile gull of the year |
striking in flight even when not in focus |
Sandwich Tern on the Adur, only my second here this year |
the Herring Gulls from our garden |
part of the large Starling flock on Beeding Hill |
a high percentage appeared to be juveniles |
Corn Bunting near Truleigh Hill |
female Yellowhammer near Truleigh Hill |
Grey Heron with flat-fish |
not easy to deal with |
washing it may help |
Friday 26 June. Megan and I took Cookie to Mill Hill where we saw 2 Swifts, a Red Kite, Buzzard, an early/late migrant Reed Warbler, 3 Whitethroats and a Mistle Thrush. Five Swifts were over the garden in the evening and the one adult Herring Gull and two chicks on the roof behind us.
Reed Warbler on Mill Hill |
presumably a migrant |
Coastguard Rescue flew over Mill Hill twice |
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Chaffinch at Mill Hill |
Red Kite over Mill Hill vinyard |
not often seen from above |
Herring Gull chicks |