Saturday 29th May
1982: Dongal Pati Cholang hut to overhanging rock E of
Laurebina Pass (8 miles)
We were woken by a small group of Indian pilgrims at
03:45. They quickly built a fire
(putting our earlier efforts to shame), had a brew and continued on their
way. What they made of us I’ve no
idea.! We were then up at 05:00, or
thereabouts, to a dull, cloudy dawn. We
breakfasted on biscuits, eggs and cheese, packed our bags and were off by
06:00, with the cloud clearing giving the prospect of a good day ahead. The trail soon re-entered the forest which
was mainly stunted rhododendrons (in bloom) and juniper and started climbing
steeply up the ridge which was excellent for Golden Bush Robins. As we climbed higher the forest thinned out
considerably, with Plain-backed
Mountain Thrushes
breeding around the tree line. Climbing
out of the remaining stunted and scattered trees we had good views of Impeyan
Pheasants and Rufous-breasted Accentors.
Leaving the trees far below the trail continued climbing the ridge, with
very few birds in evidence on the barren slopes around us, but fine mountain
views to the west. After about half an
hour of steady climbing we disturbed a pair of Snow Partridges on the path
above us. A very welcome new bird for me
after earlier disappointments and we saw a further 3 pairs before reaching Gosinkund Lake (14,100 ft) just before 10:00. Close to the lake 3 Red-breasted Rosefinch
performed well, our target bird for the area, and with the prospect of no low
cloud to hamper us we abandoned our earlier plan to spend the night in a hut at
the lake and decided to press on over the Laurebina Pass. We left the lakes at 10:00 and with most of
the way under snow, knee deep in places, it took 90 minutes of hard climbing to
reach the top of the pass (15,200 ft). On the far
side of the pass the snow was much reduced and the trail down the other side
was more obvious. We stopped for a well
earned lunch break, but while eating biscuits and cheese the clouds started to
roll in. We continued, descending
boulder strewn slopes and skirting snow fields and as the trail levelled out we
stopped to watch a loose feeding flock of dazzling Grandalas. Half an hour later the Grandalas moved off
and we followed the trail down beside a fast flowing stream. We entered juniper
scrub once more and the trail stopped descending but started to undulate along
the high side of a valley at about 13,000 ft.
After about half an hour Nick, who was ahead at this stage, turned
around to comment on us ‘being in shortwing habitat anytime now’, when out of
the corner of my eye I saw a Gould’s Shortwing hoping about on a boulder 25m
below us. It took Nick and Dave a while
to realise I’d got one but luckily it remained on view long enough for them to
see it and me to photograph it (albeit at some distance) before moving out of
view. About half an hour later (at
16:00), and a further half a mile on, we came to a big overhanging rock with
fairly flat ground underneath it, providing just about enough room for us to
sleep provided it did not rain too heavily.
We left our bags there and wandered on, splitting up to explore dried up
stream beds and more accessible juniper forest and bamboo clumps, while keeping
an eye out for a more suitable dwelling for the night. However, the cloud was coming in with
visibility dropping to less than 10m at times and I turned back and returned to
our rock soon after 17:00 soon to be joined by the others. We celebrated Gould’s Shortwing with some
biscuits and cheese and I sorted out my gear and wrote up my notes. We crashed out under the rock about 19:00,
none of us having seen anywhere better to sleep. A brilliant day, probably the best of the
trip and three new birds was my best showing for over a month. We saw no other people at all today since the
pilgrims in the night (I’d assumed they were going up but perhaps they were on
their way down as there was no sign of anyone at Gosinkund).
recorded: Common Buzzard 1, *Snow
Partridge 4 pairs, Common Hill Partridge h, Impeyan Pheasant 3 males and 3
females, Cuckoo h, Little Cuckoo h, Himalayan Swiftlet 20, Asiatic House Martin
2, Rosy Pipit 20, Wren 1, Rufous-breasted Accentor 15, Alpine Accentor 50, *Gould’s
Shortwing 1, Golden Bush Robin 11, Blue-fronted Redstart 6, Grandala 8
males and 12 females, River Chat 6, Little Forktail 2, Blue Whistling Thrush 1,
Plain-backed Mountain Thrush 7, Aberrant Bush Warbler 1, Rufous-capped Bush
Warbler 4, Greenish Warbler 4, Orange-barred Leaf Warbler 3, Black-faced
Laughingthrush 6, Chestnut-tailed Minla 2, Fire-tailed Myzornis 1, White-browed
Fulvetta 3, Black-crested Tit 4, Fire-tailed Sunbird 12, Alpine Chough 1,
Chough 1, Large-billed Crow 4, Dark-breasted Rosefinch 3, Pink-browed Rosefinch
1, White-browed Rosefinch 11, *Red-breasted Rosefinch 1 male and 2 females,
White-winged Grosbeak 10.
flowers on the climb to Gosainkund provided an excuse for a brief rest |
Streaked Laughingthrush, perhaps the dullest of a normally superb group of species |
Fire-tailed Sunbird, show off its tail - I'm over here! |
Golden Bush Robin on the climb to Gosainkund |
Snow Partridge near Gosainkund |
most welcome after I'd missed them on the Everest Trek and at Kyangjin |
Nick, me and Dave at Gosainkund. They waited for me this time! |
Gosainkund Lake and a snowy Laurebina Pass. The trail goes around the left hand side of the lake and starts to climb, out of picture, continuing up the ridge to the pass in the centre of the picture |
looking back down on Gosainkund Lake from half way up Laurebina Pass, empty pilgrims huts to the right of the lake |
A superb male Grandala, one of 8 (and 12 females) we saw coming down the snow-free side of the Laurebina Pass |
Pica or Mouse Hare |
the almost mythical Gould's Shortwing. It did not disappoint even if the photo is poor |